Baby-Bee was coming and everyone was excited. Sarah and James wanted Baby-Bee to come home early. Dad-Bee said, “You can decorate his room.” Both Sarah and James ran to do everything. Sarah started decorating the baby crib and James putting up car posters on the wall. However, neither helped the other; that was why when Mom-Bee brought Baby-Bee from the hospital, the room was not completely decorated. Sarah and James were upset. Grandma-Bumble-bee called them both and said gently, “I need you both to take these pillow covers, fitting sheets and blanket cover. Put them on the baby’s crib. Mom-Bee is feeding him honey right now, but will soon bring him to bed!” “Come on, James,” said Sarah. They tried but it was just so difficult! But then they both worked together, helping each other and the room was ready in no time! They realised that working together made their work less and it finished earlier, too.
Baby-Bee’s Room