Biology is the study of living organisms. Aristotle is known as the father of biology. The term biology was coined by Lamarck and Traviranus in 1802.
Branches of Biology
There are three branches of biology namely botany, zoology and microbiology. Botany is the study of plants. Theophrastus is known as the father of botany. Zoology deals with the study of animals. Aristotle was the father of zoology. Microbiology deals with micro-organisms. Antony Vaan Leeuwenhoek is known to be the father of micro-biology.
Main Branches of Zoology
1. Taxonomy : It is the science of identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms.
Identification is to find the correct place of an organism in a system of classification with the help of keys.
Nomenclature is the science of providing distinct name to an organism.
Classification : It is the arrangement of organisms into groups basing on their affinities.
2. Morphology : It is the study of external form, size, shape, colour, structure and relative position of various organs. It includes :
(i) External morphology
(ii) Internal morphology
(i) External morphology : deals with the study of external traits of an organism.
(ii) Internal morphology : deals with the study of internal structure. It includes:
(a) Anatomy : It is the study of internal structure of an organism which can be observed with naked eye.
(b) Histology : It is the study of microscopic structure of tissues after fixing, dehydrating, embedding, sectioning and staining.
(c) Cytology : It is the study of form and structure of cells
3. Cell Biology : It deals with the study of the cell as a fundamental unit of living organisms.
4. Molecular Biology : It is the study of nature of bio-molecules and their interaction.
5. Physiology : It is the study of different types of body functions.
6. Embryology : It deals with fertilization, growth, division and differentiation of zygote into an embryo.
7. Ecology : It is the study of living organisms in relation to other organisms and their environment.
8. Genetics : Study of inheritance of characters from one generation to the next. It includes heredity and variations.
9. Evolution : It is the study of origin of life.
10. Palaeontology : It is the study of fossils or the remains of past geological age. This includes palaeobotany and palaeozoology.
Palaeobotany : It is the study of fossil plants.
Palaeozoology : It is the study of fossil animals.
11. Biogeography : It is the study of distribution of organism in various parts of earth.
Phytogeography : It is the study of distribution of plants.
Zoogeography : It is study of distribution of animals.
12. Exobiology : It is the study of possibility of life on other planets.
13. Endocrinology : It is the study of endocrine glands.
14. Parasitology : It is the study of parasites.
Other Branches of Zoology Taxonomic Branches
1. Bacteriology : Study of Bacteria
2. Virology : Study of Viruses
3. Microbiology : Study of Micro-organism (Viruses and Bacteria)
4. Protozoology: Study of Protozoans
5. Parazoology : Study of sponges
6. Cnidology : Study of Cnidarians
7. Helminthology : Study of Helminthes
8. Carcinology : Study of Crustaceans
9. Acarology : Study of Tick and Mites
10. Araneology : Study of Spiders
11. Entomology : Study of Insects
12. Apiology : Study of Honey bees
13. Lepidopterology : Study of Butterflies
14. Myrmecology : Study of Ants
15. Malcology : Study of Molluscs
16. Conchology : Study of Molluscan shells
17. Ichthyology : Study of Fishes
18. Torpedology : Study of Rays and Skates
19. Batracology : Study of Frogs
20. Herpetology : Study of Amphibians and Reptiles
21. Saurology : Study of Lizards
22. Ophiology : Study of Snakes
23. Ornithology : Study of Birds
24. Nidology : Study of Bird nests
25. Aerobiology : Study of Flying organisms
26. Mammology : Sudy of Mammals
27. Chiropterology : Study of Bats
28. Anthropology : Study of Human races.
Medical Branches
1. Trichology : Study of Hair
2. Dermatology : Study of Skin
3. Ophthalmology : Study of Eyes
4. Rhinology : Study of Nose
5. Laryngology : Study of Larynx
6. Otology : Study of Ear
7. Odontology : Study of Teeth and gums
8. Craniology : Study of Cranium
9. Osteology : Study of Bones
10. Arthrology : Study of Joints
11. Sarcology : Study of Muscles. It is also called myology.
12. Haematology : Study of Blood
13. Angiology : Study of Blood vessels
14. Serology : Study of Serum
15. Cardiology : Study of Heart
16. Pleurology : Study of Lungs
17. Renology : Study of Kidneys
18. Urology : Study of Excretory system
19. Nephrology : Study of Kidneys
20. Phrenology : Study of Brain
21. Mastology : Study of Breasts
22. Andrology : Study of Male reproductive organs
23. Gynaecology : Study of Female reproductive organs
24. Organology : Study of Organs
25. Splanchnology : Study of Visceral organs
Allied Branches
1. Radiobiology : Study of effects of radiations on living organisms.
2. Cryobiology : Study of life at low temperatures.
3. Ctetology : Study of acquired characters of plants and animals.
4. Demography : Study of populations.
5. Epidemiology : Study of epidemic diseases.
6. Etiology : Study of origin of diseases.
7. Ethlogy : Study of animal behaviours.
8. Eugenics : Study of improvement of human races by applying genetic laws.
9. Euphenics/Medical Engineering : Study of improvement of human races by altering protein synthesis in the cell.
10. Euthenics : Study of improvement of human races by giving better conditions.
11. Exobiology : Study of life in the other plants.
12. Gerentology : Study of aging in humans.
13. Gnatobiology : Study of germ free living organisms.
14. Ichnology : Study of foot prints.
15. Immunology : Study of immune systems in the body.
16. Limnology : Study of life in fresh water bodies.
17. Neontology : Study of recently formed organisms.
18. Neonatology : Study of newly born organisms.
19. Onchology : Study of cancer.
20. Ontogeny : Study of history of an individual.
21. Pedology : Study of Soil.
22. Phenology : Study of seasonal behaviours in organisms, flowering in plants, migrations in animals.
23. Phylogeny : Study of racial history.
24. Psychology : Study of human mind.
25. Teleology : Study of interpretations of structures in terms of utility and purpose.
26. Tectology : Study of structural organisation of body.
27. Teratology : Study of abnormal embryos (terats)
28. Traumatology : Study of wounds.
29. Sonology : Study of hearing.
30. Veterinary Science : Study of domestic animals.
31. Zymology/Enzymology: Study of enzymes.
Applied Branches
1. Bioclimatology : Study of effect of climate on living beings.
2. Biochemisty : Study of chemistry of living organisms.
3. Biodynamics : Biology dealing with energetics of organisms.
4. Biophysics : Study of physical principles of living organisms.
5. Biometry : Application of mathematics in living organisms.
6. Biostatistics : Application of statistics in living organisms.
7. Apiculture : Rearing of honey bees.
8. Aquaculture : Culturing of acquatic organisms.
9. Pisciculture : Culturing of fishes.
10. Sericulture : Rearing of silk worms.
11. Wormiculture/Vermiculture : Rearing of worms.
Father of Zoology
1. Aristotle Father of Zoology 384-322 B.C.
2. Linnacus Father of Taxonomy 1707-1778
3. Antono von hoek Father of Bacterio-Leeuwen- logy 1632-1723
4. Schleiden Father of Cell theory 1804-1881
5. Schwann Father of Cell theory 1810-1882
6. Robert Hook Cell recognition 1635-1703
7. Karl Emst von Baer Father of Embryology 1792-1876
8. William Harvey Father of Animal Physiology 1628
9. Charles Darwin Theory of Natural Selection 1809-1882
10. Gregor J. Mendal Father of Genetics 1822-1884
11. T.H. Morgan Father of Modern Genetics 1904-1915
12. Hugo de vries Father of mutations 1935
13. Watson & Crick Father of DNA structure 1953
14. H.G. Khorana Artificial Gene syn-thesis 1953. Nobel Prize in 1968
Relation of Zoology with other sciences : Zoology is mainly related with botany. Chemical changes in zoology are studied by chemistry. Biophysics helps to understand the physical principles of living organisms. Chemical structures of living organisms are studied by Biochemistry.
Genetics deals with heredity and inheritance. Aquaculture deals with the study of culture of different animals.
Biotechnology has added new chapters in zoology. Transgenic plants and animals are being produced by biotechnological methods for the welfare of mankind.