1. Turmeric (Haldi) (Part I)

Haldi is astringent and sour in taste. It is a time-tested beauty aid and a nourishing herb—which not only gives natural gloss, royal glow and lustre but also imparts vigour and youthful vitality to the entire body. Haldi is thus a great tonic in general, aromatic, diuretic, expectorant, blood-purifier, skin tonic, carminative, pain reliever, germicidal, anti-flatulent, producer and enhancer of red blood corpuscles, anti-phlegmatic, anti-billeous, protector of eyes, anti-inflammatory and imparts coolness to the system.
Curative Properties
Bruises, Sprain and Wounds
Applying paste of Haldi powder on the effected part eliminates swelling and pain in bruises.
Taking 1 tsp. Haldi powder with hot milk is also useful.
Filling the wound or cut (from which blood is coming out) with Haldi powder will stop bleeding and curing of the wound/cut.
Applying poultic made of gram flour, Haldi powder mixed with mustard or til oil on the sprained portion enhances blood circulation and gives relief.
Tying a bandage of Haldi (prepared with 4 tsp flour, 2 tsp. Haldi powder, 1 tsp. pure ghee ½ tsp. sendha namak with water on the bruised portion gives relief.
Giving fomentation with cloth soaked in hot water (500 ml. water boiled with ½ tsp. sendha namak and 1 tsp. Haldi powder) on the bruised part eliminates pain and swelling.
Giving fomentation with Potli (having one ground onion mixed with 1 tsp. Haldi powder) heated with til oil on the bruised portion gives relief.
Applying Haldi powder heated in ghee or oil on the wound and tying it with a bandage helps in quick healing of the wound.
Dusting Haldi powder on wound also helps.
Skin Problems
White spots—Applying paste of Haldi rubbed on stone with water on the effected portion is useful.
Skin eruptions—Applying paste of Haldi and til oil on the body prevents skin eruptions.
Applying Haldi powder or paste on the body before bath is a preventive against skin problems and also a depilatory. (Clears the growth of hair on body).
Urticaria—Taking ¼ tsp. haldi powder with ½ tsp. mishri or honey twice a day cures urticaria.
Taking Halwa (made from 2 tsp. flour, ghee ½ tsp. haldi 2 tsp. sugar, ½ cup water) in the morning cures utricaria.
Taking roasted Haldi with gur cures itching.
Eczema—Sucking tablet of ground Haldi with honey for 10-15 days cures eczema.
Pustules—Placing cotton dipped in Haldi oil over pustules gives relief.
Freckles, spots—(a) Applying Haldi rubbed on stone with water eliminates them.
(b) Massaging the face with Ubtan (mix ground Haldi with milk of banyan or peepal and soak it overnight) 1 hour before bath eliminates freckles on the face and imparts natural glow.
Cough & Cold, Ashtma
Taking Haldi powder and little salt with hot water or sucking a small piece of haldi or licking ¼ tsp. haldi with honey gives relief in cough and eliminates congestion of bronchi.
Taking ¼ tsp. Haldi with hot milk is helpful in checking running nose.
Inhaling the smoke of burnt Haldi throws out the trapped phlegm.
Taking ¼ tsp. powder of Haldi (roasted in hot sand and then ground) with hot water relieves breathing problem.
Taking Haldi boiled in milk and sweetened with jaggery is very useful in cold and asthma.
Sucking a piece of Haldi (like lemon drops) by keeping it in mouth at night cures chronic cold.
Licking tablets (made by mixing Haldi powder, barley powder and bansa-ash in equal proportion and honey) 4-5 times in a day eliminates trapped phlegm of the body.
Massaging the throat and chest with little Haldi powder, ground black pepper mixed with ghee cures irritation in bronchial chords.
Giving a pinch of Haldi powder with milk to children gives quick relief.
Inhaling smoke of cow-dung-cake with Haldi sprinkled on it releases the trapped phlegm.
Taking ¼ tsp. of Haldi powder with 3-4 gulps of warm water acts as a preventive against attack of asthma.
Whooping Cough
Taking ¼ tsp. ground roasted Haldi powder with two spoons of honey 3 or 4 times a day gives relief in cough.
Taking Paan with little Haldi piece in it is also useful.
Indigestion & Stomach Problems
Taking Haldi powder and salt in equal quantity with warm water gives instant relief in acidity.
Taking 1 tsp. powdered (Grind Haldi 4 gm, sonth 4 gm, kali mirch 2 gm and illaichi 2 gm) after meals is digestive, eliminates wind and stomach ailments.
Taking curd or whey with Haldi powder after lunch cures digestive problems.
Sore Throat
Licking Haldi powder mixed with honey 2-3 times a day cures soreness.
Fomentation with paste made of 10 gm Haldi powder roasted in mustard oil and then tied around the neck gives relief in tonsils.
Blisters in Mouth
Gargling with 1 glass water in which little Haldi powder is boiled, twice a day, cures it.
Urinary Troubles
Taking paste or juice of raw Haldi and honey with goat’s milk (if available) twice a day cures all urinary problems.
Licking the paste made of ¼ tsp. Haldi powder and ¼ tsp. Vayavidang Choorna with 1 tsp. of honey for 7-8 days kills worms and throws them out.
Pregnancy and Postnatal care
Taking 5-10 gms of Haldi powder with water during menses is an anti-pregnancy dose for ladies.
Taking ¼ tsp. Haldi with hot milk in latter part of the 9th month of pregnancy helps in smooth delivery.
Taking ½ tsp. roasted Haldi powder with gur after delivery eliminates weakness and cures uterus swelling.
Pain in Breasts
Applying paste of Haldi on the affected part eliminates pain.
Taking Laddu of Haldi (mix ½ kg. roasted ground Haldi, one finely grated dried coconut, 1 kg. jaggery, 200 gms cashew nuts or ground nuts and make laddus) daily in the morning with tulsi or lemon tea makes the joints supple and gives relief in pain and swelling.
Pain in Ribs
Applying paste of Haldi powder mixed in hot water on the aching ribs gives relief.
Massaging the ribs with Haldi oil.
Massaging the ribs with paste of Haldi powder in milk of the Aak plant gives quick relief.
Taking Haldi powder with sugar twice a day for sometime checks it.
Washing the private parts with Haldi water (10 gms. Haldi boiled in 100 ml water) is also useful. Alongwith it taking one Batasha with 8-10 drops of milk of Banyan tree before sunrise for 7 days helps in early cure.
Debility in Males
Taking about 7-8 gms of raw ground Haldi and equal amount of honey with goat’s milk (preferably) cures debility in males.
Dental Problems
Rinsing the mouth with Haldi water (Boil 5 gms. Haldi powder, 2 cloves and 2 dried leaves of guava in 200 ml. water) gives instant relief.
Applying and rubbing the teeth with paste of Haldi powder, salt and mustard oil strengthens the gums.
Massaging the aching teeth with roasted ground Haldi eliminates pain and swelling.
Keeping piece of roasted Haldi near the aching tooth and letting the saliva ooze out also helps.
Filling the cavity in teeth with roasted ground Haldi powder gives relief from pain.
Ear Trouble
Putting one or two drops of Haldi (by roasting 2 pieces of Haldi in mustard oil) in the ear, cleaning it with an ear bud cures ear-problems.
Eye Troubles
Cloth dipped in the solution of Haldi powder and water is employed as an eye shade.
Dropping Haldi water (¼ tsp. haldi powder boiled in 500 ml. water till 125 ml water is left. Cool and strain it through a fine cloth) on the eyes twice a day and putting the cotton soaked in water in the eyelids relieves pain, redness, irritation and itching in the eyes.
Applying a bit heated paste of piece of Haldi rubbed on stone on eyelids also eliminates pain, swelling and eye troubles.
A decoction of Haldi powder with water as cooling lotion on the eyes is useful in conjunctivitis.

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