Eyes, ears and nose are our sense organs. We should take care of these organs.
Eyes Aching
When some foreign elements fall in your eye, like the tiny bits of dust, even if they are removed the eye ache. Another cause of it is lot of roaming about in the sun without use of the goggles.

Powder equal quantities of licorice and cumin. Take ½ teaspoon every day along with 1 teaspoon honey for a month.
Boil a little of water a bowlful after adding just 10 gms. of turmeric to it. When cool, dip a clean soft cloth in this water, wrench the cloth mildly to let a few drops go into your affected eye. When water is pleasantly cool, wash your eyes with this water and rub it dry by a soft towel. The pain will vanish soon.
Put a drop of tulsi juice mixed with even quantity of honey for a sort of eye troubles, especially pain and burning. This solution can also be preserved in a bottle. If there be the problem of trachoma, grind ten leaves of tulsi together with a clove. Put it into your eyes after every four hours. If there, be swelling in the eyes, add a little of tulsi-juice with alum and apply in your eyes for instant relief.
Eyes strain due to TV watching
Boil ½ teaspoon fennel seeds (saunf) in a cup of water till it is reduced to half and cool it. Use as eye drops.
Caution: Beware of contamination.
Tired Eyes
Lavender oil offers gentle relief for tired and strained eyes. Add a drop of lavender oil to 500 ml. (2½ cups) of water and shake the solution well. Dip two cotton wool pads in the liquid, squeeze out the excess water and place them over each eye. If you wear contact lenses, they must be removed before doing this.
Burning Eyes
Mash 1 ripe banana along with a little curd and water, take twice a day.
Grind an onion with 1 teaspoon each black pepper and poppy seeds soak in ½ cup milk. Apply this paste on the head. Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes. Wash with warm water.

Mix equal quantities of fenugreek seed powder along with Shikakai powder for washing hair. Wash frequently.
Mix the juice of bottle gourd and sesame oil in the ratio of 4:1 and heat till the moisture is evaporated completely. Once cool, use it for massaging the head.
Sore Eyes
Take a large lemon (bijora or galgal), make a whole into it and put a piece of turmeric in this cavity. In just two weeks time the lemon would be derived up and the turmeric piece would have sucked its juice. Now dry the turmeric in shade and grind it finely so that it may be strained through a fine cloth. Turn up the eyelids having this sore and rub lightly this powder. In just two days, all the eye sores will be cured and your eyes will become normal.
The beginning of the cataract formation in the eye results in the sight failing. The affected one feels as if he is seeing through a glass. The cataract continues to get matured and the sight continues to fall. When it is fully mature it is removed by surgical operation.
Take 10 gms. of the juice of onions, good quality of honey 10 gms, and Bhimseni camphor 2 gms. Make a homogeneous mixture of the three and preserve them in a bottle. Every night before you go to sleep, apply it in your eyes by a eye liner. Its regular use prevents the cataract formation.
Cataract in Early Stage : Mix 1 teaspoon rose water with 1 teaspoon fresh lime juice. Add 10 drops of this to the eyes.
Extract the juice of tulsi and add a little of honey to it. Apply this over the eyes every morning and evening. If the cataract be of raw type, it shall be cut away and if it be of ripe type, it shall be ripened soon to enable the doctor to remove it by operation.
Falling Eye sight
Take equal quantity of turmeric and the soft neem sprouts. Grind both of them in a handy stone crusher with the milk of the peepal added to it. Grind the lot for five days pouring in fresh peepal milk everyday. From the 7th day onwards you can start using this paste like collyrium to line your eyes with. In just four weeks time your eye sight will not only stop fall, it will begin to improve as much as to make your reading glasses redundant.

Take cumin seeds and coriander seeds in equal measure and sieve through a thin clean cloth. Then take ‘Khand’ in equal measure and grind the three again to a powdered from. Have about 10 gms. of this powder everyday in the evening and morning with fresh water. Wash your eyes with cold, clean water.
Stop reading at all in dim light or reading while lying down. Don’t have very hot or very cold drinks. Eat easily digestible and nourishing food. Keep your bowels clean. Use the following powders:
Weak Eyesight
Mix seeds of cardamom along with 1 tablespoon honey. Lick it every day.
Boil 2 tablespoons fenugreek leaves along with ½ cup moong dal and 10 small onions and eat regularly.
Mix equal quantities of fenugreek seeds powder along with shikakai powder for washing hair. Wash your hair frequently.
Dark Circles Around Eyes
Take one teaspoon tomato juice, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric (haldi) powder and a little gram flour (besan). Make a paste and apply . Leave for 10 minutes and wash off.
Drink tomato juice with a few mint leaves, little lemon juice and salt.
Soak cotton wool in cucumber or potato juice and apply it around the eyes. You will see a change in 2-3 weeks.
Night Blindness
The patients of this disease can’t see anything in the dark. It can be caused by prolonged fever or continued undernourishment. Normally this trouble surfaces at the end of the rainy season. If it is not cured in six months time, it becomes rather chronic.
The basic line of remedy is to feed the patient on easily digestible but nourishing diet. Regular use of milk, butter, cream, half boiled eggs, green vegetables and fresh sweet vegetables are very effective to fight this ailment. If the constipatory tendency is there then administering the Murabba of ‘Harh’ together with 25 gms. of gulkand is very effective. Dropping the onion juice in the effected eye for about a week (just two drops twice daily) is very effective
Eye wounds
Take a thick piece of turmeric and grind it on a clean stone like you grind sandalwood. Take this paste on your eye liner and put it in your eyes. The wound will heal up soon. After applying this special paste, wash your eyes with lukewarm water after half an hour of the application. In the night, when you go to sleep, dip a cloth piece in turmeric boiled water after cooling it, and wrench the cloth to pour few drops every night over the eyes before you retire to bed. You can keep the cloth over your eyes for better relief.
Eye Web
Boil about half kg. water with a pinchful of alum and half spoonful turmeric powder added to it. Now cool this water. Drench a cloth piece in this water and put it over your eyes. When this water is bearable warm, wrench this cloth to drop few drops of this water direct into your eyes. Do so in the evening and morning. In about ten days time the webs will be dissolved.
Eye Pupil Outgrowth (Phuli)
Take a heavy piece of turmeric, 10 gms. dry leaves of neem and 10 grams of black pepper. Grind them in a kharal after mixing adequate quantity of cow’s urine. Everyday add fresh urine of cow and continue grinding it for six days. On the seventh day, add a little of rose water and a piece of camphor. Now your surma is ready. Keep it as it is for three days more and start to line your eyes with the surma every evening and morning. Soon the outgrowth will be dissolved and your eye sight will also improve.
In this trouble the upper eyelid has some protruding growth which hurt the eye, causing it to grown and full of irritation.
Take rasout 10 gms. turmeric 3 gms. alum 3 gms., rose water 10 gms. soak all of them in a glass vessel overnight. And in the morning strain the solution through a thick cloth. Then drop it in your eyes with the help of a dropper. In a week’s time the trouble will vanish.
Eyes Oozing water voluntarily
This is a common ailment in which without any apparent trouble eyes continue to shed water.
Take 2 rattis of alum and dissolve it in a tola (a little more than 10 gms.) of rose water, soak cotton wad in this solution and put it over the eyes at least twice daily preferably first in the morning and then when you retire to bed.
Boils Inside the ear

Heat 2 teaspoons mustard oil. Add ½ teaspoon carom seeds and one or two flakes of crushed garlic (lahsun). Boil till they turn red. Filter it. Use as ear drops.
Ear Pain Due to Boils
Heat 1 teaspoon each of garlic and carom seeds in 2 teaspoons mustard oil. When the garlic becomes brown, remove the oil from fire and cool it. Pour two drops in the aching ear.
If there is swelling in the ears, then add the juice of bhangra with the juice of black tulsi and put a few drops of this juice inside the affected or both the ears for quick relief.
Ear Infections
Extract 1 teaspoon juice of mango leaves. Slightly warm and use as ear drops when bearably hot.
Heat 2 teaspoons mustard oil. Add ½ teaspoon carom seeds and one or two flakes of crushed garlic. Boil till they turn red, filter it. Use as ear drops.
Take out the juice of marigold flower’s leaves, heat it a little and put it just two drops at a time twice daily.
Take out the extract of beetroot leaves, heat it a little and drop just two to three drops in the affected ear.
Make water saline by dissolving ‘sendha namak’ into it. Put a few drops daily morning and evening.

Mix honey in the ginger juice with salt. Heat it a little and put two drops in the affected ear.
Boil well 1 teaspoon lahsun in 2 tablespoons ginger oil (til ka tel). Cool and filter. Use as ear drops (1 to 3 drops).
Mix a few drops of lime juice in 1 teaspoon lukewarm water. Put 4 drops of this into the ear.
Use neem leaves juice as ear drops.
Take radish leaves, put them in 25 gms. Of mustard oil and cook it slowly. Boil them as much as to reduce the watery content of the leaves to naught . When cold, strain and put it in a clean bottle. First of all, dip a cotton bud in this oil and clean your ears with it. Then drop a few drops of this oil. It is better if you do it by night when you retire to bed.
Take about 10 leaves of makoy and ten leaves of tulsi. Extract their juice together and put it in the affected ear when it is slightly lukewarm (heat it a little in the sun). Alternatively add half a tablet of camphor in tulsi juice and put this juice in the ear for instant relief.
If lukewarm basil leaves juice is dropped in the affected ear, it brings immediate relief.
Ear Oozing Fluid
20 gms. of alum, turmeric 1 gm. grind both of them to a fine powder form and keep the powder in the bottle. Before using the powder, clean the ear thoroughly with a cotton wad. Then get this powder blown in the affected ear just 5 gms. of it every time. A few days regular use will cure the trouble.
Heat a bit the juice of onion and put two drops of it in the affected ear. This is an ideal remedy for all the ear troubles.
Ear Trouble (Pus Formation)
To clear out the pus, take two pieces of turmeric and roast them in the mustard oil. Now strain the oil and fill it in a clean bottle. Pour either a few drops of this oil into the ear or clean the inside with the help of cotton buds dipped in this oil. In a fortnight the pus formation will stop and your hearing power shall be also enhanced.
If the trouble is congenital or caused by some external injury, it can’t be cured. But if it is caused by some internal disturbance in the ear, then it can certainly be cured by the following treatment:
Take a sallow leaf of the plant of swallow worf. See that it has no holes. Heat it on fire a little and then extract its juice and drop it into the affected ear. About two weeks regular treatment can cure the ailment. Even the wound in the ear can also be cured by this treatment.
Drop a few drops of lukewarm juice of onion into the ear. Onion juice is good for all the ear ailments. Even the similar use of bitter almonds can cure the ailment.
Use raw onion juice as ear drops.
Put two drops of lukewarm neem oil inside the ear.
Running Nose
Rub a nutmeg on a smooth grinding stone along with little cow milk. Apply this paste on forehead and nose.
Nose Blockage Due To cold and phlegm

Make into a very fine powder equal quantities of the following : green cardamom seeds, cinnamon, black pepper and cumin seeds. Sniff this powder frequently to induce sneezing.
Boil 2 tablespoon fennel seeds in 1 cup water till it is reduced to half. Filter it. Take 1 tablespoon every morning and evening for a few days.
Take a smokeless but burning cow dung cake and sprinkle turmeric powder over it. It will emit large quantities of smoke. Inhale this smoke deeply. It will release the stuck up solid phlegm in the nose and the patient will be cured.
Cold With Phlegm And Slight Cough
Take 8-10 tulsi leaves and wash them well. In 1 cup of water, add these tulsi leaves, 1-2 cloves of garlic (lahsun), ½ piece ginger, crushed and 4-5 pepper corns. Boil the water and keep simmering on fire till the quantity is reduced to ¼ cup. Cool it. Strain the potion and add 1 teaspoon honey. Drink this every morning.
Nose Bleeding
Take a big piece of turmeric and grind it with half kilo of dried bansa leaves. Add 25 gms. rock salt. Boil the lot in water till the quantity is reduced one fourth of the original quantity. Strain the potion and cool it. Take just 10 gms. of it at one hourly interval. In a couple of hours the extra heat of the blood shall pass out with urine and the nose bleeding will stop. Externally ask the patient to smell a cotton wet with the itra of khus for quick relief.

Drop lemon juice in nostrils.
Use juice of fresh coriander leaves as nasal drops.
Dip a cotton bud in rosewater and dab it on to the inside of your nostrils to stop the bleeding.
Nose Bleeding due to body heat:
Lemon juice dropped into nostrils provides excellent relief.
Juice of fresh coriander leaves can be used as nasal drops.
The easiest and most effective cure of this trouble is to keep the tulsi blossom near you and smell it as and when you like. For those who are chronic patient of this trouble, this simple treatment is very effective and cures the trouble completely. Drinking tulsi juice mixed with honey will also help and provide extra strength to the body.
Take 10 gms. of fuller’s earth and keep it in a cup full of water. When the process of sedimentation has taken place, drink the water early in the morning from the cup.
Take a little of dry ‘Amla’ and soak it in about 25 gms. of water. Sieve through a fine cloth and drink the strained water early in the morning. The remaining material should be grinded to a paste form and be applied over palate and forehead.
Grind ‘Majufal’ to fine powdered form and ask the patient to smell it repeatedly.
Cold and Cough
The chronic patients of this problem have their hair going untimely white. To stop the process and cure it, take 300 gms. of tulsi leaves dried in shade, 50 gms. of Dalchini, 100 gms. Tejpat, 200 gms. Saunff, 200 gms. of small cardamom, Agiya 300 gms; Banfshaw 25 gms; red sandal 200 ml. and Brahmi herb 200 ml. grind all these ingredients and strain them through a cloth. Now take 10 gms. of this powder, boil it in 500 gms. water and when just a cup of this water remains, add sugar and milk and drink it twice a day like you have tea. All these problems will vanish in a couple of days.
A tablespoon of carom seeds crushed and tied up in a muslin cloth can be used for inhalation to relieve congestion/blocked nose.
A similar small bundle of carom seeds placed near the pillow of sleeping children relieves congestion.
A teaspoon of cumin seeds is added to 1 glass of boiling water. Strain and simmer for a few minutes. Let it cool. Drink it 1-2 times a day. If sore throat is also present, add a few small pieces of dry ginger to the boiling water.
Six pepper corns finely grind and mixed with a glass of warm water, sweetened with 5-6 batasha can be taken for a few nights.
In the case of the acute cold in the head, boil 1 tablespoon of pepper powder in a cup of milk along with a pinch of turmeric (haldi) and take once daily for at least 3 days.
A lemon a day keeps the cold away. For a bad cold, the juice of two lemons in ½ a litre (2½ cups) of boiling water sweetened with honey, taken at bed time, is a very effective remedy.
Cut ginger into 1-1½ pieces and boil with a cup of water. Give 8-10 boils. Strain, sweeten with ½ teaspoon sugar and drink hot.
Nasal Congestion
Crush a fistful of carom seeds (ajwain) and tie up in a cotton napkin and place it near the pillow.
Put 1 teaspoon cardamom seeds on burning coal and inhale the smoke.
Nasal Congestion In Children
Crush a fistful of carom seeds (ajwain) and tie up in a cotton napkin and place it near the pillow.
Foul smell from Nose
Many person have this trouble. It is due to stomach disorder. The following treatment is found to be quite effective.
Grind the bitter pumpkin to a paste form and extract its juice. Drop drops of this pumpkin juice in the patient’s nose. If you don’t get fresh bitter pumpkin then you can take already dried pumpkin and soak it in water overnight. Grind it to a paste form early in the morning and drop this paste’s juice in the sufferer’s nose every morning. Besides this treatment, try to keep your digestive system in perfect order.

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