Campers’ Caps

At Camp Brainy, all the campers get a camp logo baseball cap that is the colour of their choice. There are red, blue, yellow, black and green caps. The caps have just arrived in 3 cartons of 50 each. Two volunteers are unpacking them now.

  1. The first carton had just black caps. All but 15 were ordered by campers.
  2. The second carton had 10 more green caps than blue caps. After the campers had picked their hats, there were 5 each of these 2 colours left over.
  3. The last box had an equal number of red and yellow caps. Five more campers wanted red caps than wanted blue caps. Only half as many campers wanted yellow as wanted red.
    How many campers ordered the cap of each colour, and how many of each colour were left over?
    50 black caps, 35 ordered, 15 left;
    30 green caps, 25 ordered, 5 left;
    20 blue caps, 15 ordered, 5 left;
    25 red caps, 20 ordered, 5 left;
    25 yellow caps, 10 ordered, 15 left.

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