The root of the most of the diseases is stomach. We should avoid constipation and acidity by checking the wrong eating habits.
Stomach Pain Around Navel
Grind 2 teaspoon carum seeds and dried ginger into a fine powder. Add a little black salt. Take 1 tsp of this mixture with warm water frequently.
The best way to treat this trouble is to have lots of fresh radish. For taste you may add carrots and tomatoes but no salt. The chlorine discharged by radish is very effective to clear the extra acidic contents from the blood. If you like, you must add a little of rock salt to make it more tasty. Drinking juice of radish would also be very helpful. But drinking this juice immediately after extracting it because the gas it has gets lost when kept for long.
Chewing a piece of harad is an age old remedy.
Drink coconut water 3-4 times a day.
Have a plateful of watermelon and/or cucumber every hour.
Harad juice, 1-2 tsp daily after meals is very effective in controlling acidity. The juice can be mixed with an equal amount of amla juice for better results. To take out amla juice, grate an amla and squeeze the pulp through a clean muslin cloth.
Take a tiny piece of jaggery (gur) every hour. Just keep it in the mouth and slowly suck it till acidity subsides.
Take dried blossom of basil, rind of the neem tree, black pepper and peepal in even quantity and grind them to powder form. Take 3 gms of this powder every morning and evening with plain water. All the acidic effect of the body shall pass out with urine and sweat. But remember, never to take milk over tulsi leaves which might afflict your skin.
Dyspepsia & Indigestion
Sometimes continued irregular food intake and heavily spiced food create a positive dislike for food. Radish has not only the quality of clearing the bowels but it is a very good appetiser also. Have its pieces as much as you want, after properly adding rock salt and lemon. At this state, drinking radish juice would not be as effective as to have raw radish, skip your meal and have only salads soon you’d long for food.
Boil 5-6 sticks of powdered cinnamon in a glass of water. Add a pinch of pepper powder and little honey. A tbsp of the above concoction take 1/2 hour after meals relieves indigestion and flatulence (gas).
Mix 1/4 tsp pepper powder, 1/4 tsp of cumin powder to a glass of buttermilk. Have this 1-2 times a day.
A golden rule to avoid indigestion—get up from the dining table when you can still eat some more or are a little hungry. Chew food well.
Add 1 tsp fresh grated ginger to 1 cup water. Cover and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Stain and drink 1-2 times a day.
Soak one tsp of celery seeds in a glass of butter milk for 5-6 hours. Grind in the same buttermilk and drink it 1-2 times a day.
Mix about 6 gms. of castor oil with 20 gms. of milk to clean the bowels.
Take roasted borax 3 gms. bishop’s seeds 3 gms, black salt 3 gms, grind them to the powdered and pass through from the sieve or through a thick cloth. Administer 2 gms. of the powder everyday with lukewarm water.
Mix 1 tsp mint juice, 1 tsp lemon juice, juice of 1/4 piece ginger and a pinch of black salt and drink it.
Mix a little asafoetida with water to make a paste. Apply on and around the navel.
Drink 1-2 tsp brandy with a little warm water. Gives immediate relief from gas.
Mix carum seeds with lemon juice and dry in the sun. Bottle it and have a tsp whenever you feel that something is wrong with your stomach (very good for stomach digestion, gas, indigestion etc.)
And then there is the age old method of using a hot water bottle and lying down on your somach to get relief.
Swallow with warm water, 1 tsp carum seeds and pinch of salt.
1 tsp pure ghee mixed with a pinch of asafoetida, swallow with warm water.
Take the seeds of basil and peepal in equal quantity and grind them to fine powder form. Now add 3 gms. of this powder with a spoonful of honey and lick it twice a day to clear indigestion.
Drinking the tea of basil leaves also brings quick relief. The filthy substance will get out of the body with sweat and urine. Alternatively add 1 gm. of rock salt in 10 gms. of basil leaves paste and swallow it down with water.
Stomach Burn
Take 1 tsp fenugreek seeds powder along with milk or buttermilk twice daily for a few days.
Stomach Heaviness
Mix ¼ tsp powdered cumin seeds and black peeper in a glass of buttermilk. Drink two or three times a day for 2-3 days.
Abdominal Pain
Add ½ tsp camphor and 1 tsp sandalwood paste to 1 tsp warm mustard oil. Massage gently over the lower abdomen.
Colic in Babies
Boil a tsp of in seeds in a cup of water. Boil for 2-3 minutes and keep it to cool for 15-20 minutes. Strain it. Add 1-2 tsp to every feed of milk of the baby. It helps cure colic.
It can be caused by many reasons, the prime one being wrong eating habits of the person and wrong choice of food also. The following treatments are quite effective:
Soak the pith of Amaltas 50 gms. overnight and strain the water in the morning to drink it adding 20 gms. of sugar.
Have a glass of water with a spoonful of honey added to it every night before you go to sleep.
Take cumin seeds 20 gms. dry ginger 20 gms. white cumin seeds 20 gms; ammounium chloride 5 gms; small cardamom 5 gms. bishop’s seed 20 gms. pippli 10 gms. black pepper 10 gms. cloves 5 gms. asafoetida 5gms, old jaggery 50 gms. musk camphor 2 gms. Grind and sieve all the ingredients after mixing together and keep the powder in a glass vessel. Then grind the powder again with the juice of ginger. Then grind it again with the juice of lemon. Add more lemon juice if dries up. Grind the mixture well for 15 days and then dry it in shade. Dry it as much as to facilitate your making small balls out of the grind paste. For any stomach disorder have two of these tablets daily with water after meals to get rid of any stomach ailment.
Take a glass of warm water with 1 tsp honey and juice of ½ a lemon, as first thing in the morning.
Soak 6-8 dates in a cup of water at night. Churn in the mixer in the morning and drink in the morning.
Consume approx. 250-300 gms. fresh grapes everyday. When grapes are not in season, soak 12-15 raisins in water and have them. Raisins should be soaked for 24-48 hours and eaten early in the morning. The water in which they are soaked should also be drunk.
Simply chew a few liquorice sticks. One of its many properties is that it is a natural laxative.
Constipation in Small Children
Whole wheat flour should be used and processed foods (maida, cheese, confectionery) should be avoided.
Taking 2-3 tsp of Isabgol in milk or warm water at bed time is very beneficial.
Mix ½ tsp honey to ½-1 cup warm water and have it 2-3 times a day.
Soak 6-8 raisins in hot water (depending on age). When cool, crush well and strain. When given routinely even to little infants, it helps to regulate bowel movement (however care should be taken so as not to give too much otherwise the child might get loose motions).
Consumption of 6-8 apricots a day or 2-3 cucumbers a day or 1-2 bananas a day is also very useful.
Bulk forming vegetables like carrots, radish, spinach, cabbage or roughage creating things should be consumed. Instead of juice always opt for eating the fruit.
The best way to treat this common problem is to have lots of fresh radish with black salt or rock-salt and lemon juice sprinkled over it. Radish is an ideal purgative. If one takes half a cup of fresh radish juice as the first thing in the morning it is still better. Don’t eat anything till you have constipation. If possible have very light diet and eat radish as salad. If you have a little piece of jaggery over the radish diet, even the foul smell shall be considerably subsided.
Loose Motions
When the system fails to digest the rich food, the body rejects it as it is in the form of the loose motion. Try the following treatments:

  • Take about 5 gms. of Isabgol with cold water in which about 1 tsp sugar has been added.
  • Peel an apple and shred it. Keep the shredded pieces in a plate for approximately 20 minutes until they tun brown in colour and then eat them.
  • Slice the tender unripe bael fruit. Sundry them. Powder the slices. Take 1 tsp along with warm water twice a day.
  • Take every night 3 cloves of garlic, chopped and boiled in milk.
  • Make paste of 1 green chilli along with 2 tsp lime juice and ½ tsp camphor. Take 1/4 tsp of this paste.
  • 2 or 3 tsp coriander seeds soaked overnight in water and take next morning with 1 cup buttermilk.
  • Boil 1/4 tsp powdered cardamom seeds in diluted tea water and drink.
  • Mix juice of 15-20 tender curry leaves with 1 tsp honey and drink.
  • Apply ginger juice around the navel.
  • Combine 1 tsp each powdered ginger, powdered cumin and powdered cinnamon with honey and make it to a thick paste. Take 1 tsp thrice daily.
  • Boil 1 tsp cumin seeds in a glass of water. Add to this 1 tsp fresh juice of coriander leave and a pinch of salt. Drink twice daily after meals for 2-3 days.
  • Mash 1 ripe banana along with a pinch of salt and 1tsp tamarind pulp. Take twice a day.
  • Drinking unsweetened black tea is very effective for stopping diarrhoea.

For Children

  • Ripe and sweet apples crushed to a pulp (can be steamed) can be given as 1-4 tbsp several times a day.
  • Mashed ripe banana with a little salt, should be taken 2-3 times a day.
  • A tsp of date paste mixed with a little honey, given three times a day is very effective for regulating the bowels.
  • 5-10 gms of amla seed powder mixed with buttermilk should be taken for 1-2 days.
  • Crush 8-10 curry leaves. Mix with a cup of dilute buttermilk and have 2-3 times a day.
  • Mix juice of 1 large pomegranate and 1 glass of sugarcane juice. Have 4 times a day.
  • A fast with only buttermilk, curd, curd and rice or bananas proves very effective.
  • Avoid raw vegetables and fruits such as orange, sweet lime, papaya, pineapple and spices.
  • Drink plenty of water to which a tsp of sugar and a pinch of salt has been added to guard against dehydration.
  • A strong cup of unsweetened black tea is very effective.

Stools With Blood
1 tsp juice of the flowers of pomegranate with sugar candy (mishri), taken twice daily.
Soak half a nutmeg in 2 cups water for over 2-3 hours. Take 1 tsp of this infusion and mix in 1 cup fresh coconut water, drink thrice a day.
This epidemic occurs in hot and humid season. It is invariably accompanied by frequent loose motions and loss of weight. If not treated in due time, this disease could be fatal. The remedies to check this disease are the following :
Administer opium 5 gms. in 10 gms. of edible lime to stop the loose motion.
Grind the lemon seeds and mix it in rose water. Administer it orally for quick relief.
Pull out the root of the Aak plant, clean the dirt from it and unpeel its rind. Add the black pepper with equal amount of this rind and form a paste of them. Then roll out small tablets. Administer each tablet with water at the interval of two hours.
Take fresh mint leaves and grind them with small cardamoms. Boil both of them in water and thicken the fluid by heating it. When the fluid become thick and homogeneous, let the patient sip it as and when he desires it. Take precaution to give lot of water to the patient to drink. Keep his clothes and beds clean. The affected patient must stay aloof.
Flatulence and Belching
Soak 3 tsp carum seeds in an adequate quantity of lime juice and dry in the shade. When fully dried, powder with a little black salt. Take 1 tsp of this mixture twice daily for a few days with a little warm water. (This treatment is more effective when fats and spices are avoided in the diet.)
Grind 2 tsp each carum seeds and dried ginger into a fine powder. Add a little black salt. Take 1 tsp of this mixture with 1 cup warm water frequently.
Powder together dry ginger with black pepper, equal amounts, say 1 tsp each and 3-4 cardamom seeds. Have ½ tsp of this mixture with water to relieve gas.
Apply a paste of asafoetida mixed in water on the stomach.
Make a coarse powder of equal amounts of cumin seeds, carum seeds, black pepper corns and fenugreek seeds. Have ½ tsp with water.
To prevent gas forming, chew a piece of fresh ginger after meals regularly.
Add a tsp of caraway seeds to 1½-2 litres of water and boil it on low flame for 15 minutes. Strain and drink 1 cup of this tea, hot or warm 3 times a day after meals.
A drop of dill oil mixed with a tsp of honey, licked immediately after meals is very effective in controlling gas.
Wash black harad well with water and wipe with a clean dry cloth, store in a air tight bottle. Suck one piece after meals. Keep in the mouth till it dissolves completely. This is effective in controlling gas and constipation.
Mix ¼ tsp dry ginger powder with a pinch of asafoetida and a pinch of black salt in a little warm water and drink it.
Mix 1-2 tsp brandy with warm water and drink for immediate relief from gas and stomach ache due to gas.
Some people are allergic or have intolerance for milk, milk products and wheat, wheat products, but go through life without ever realizing this and keep suffering from acute gas trouble. Lactose intolerance (from milk) is being recognized in the west as also gluten intolerance (from wheat). Hence giving up these two things may greatly benefit you. Instead of wheat you can have rice or chapatis of maize, jowar or bajara.
Take Bishop’s seeds 10 gms., dry ginger 6 gms., black salt 3 gms., grind them well to powder form and administer thrice daily with water. Take 3 gms. of powder each time.
Munch your food properly and eat slowly, without letting air enter your system when you gulp your food.
Take a spoonful of ginger juice, add salt and take it after your meals.
Take dry ginger, bishop’s seeds, and about 2 tsp of lemon juice. Mix them well and take the combination whenever you have a feeling of overfulness or any gastric trouble.
Asafoetida should be an essential condiment of your food if you have this trouble. If you feel pain in your stomach, rub asafoetida added to water over and around the navel.
Grind 4 cardamom well. Boil it in 2½ cups or ½ litre water. When about 1 cup water remains, remove from flame and sieve it through a muslin cloth. Let it cool. When lukewarm, drink a glassful. It works like magic.
Suck 2-3 small pieces of fresh ginger. This helps in hiccups which keep occurring again and again.
Drink ½ glass water, slowly.
Keep a tsp of sugar in your mouth and suck slowly.
Swallow ½ tsp mustard seeds mixed with ½ tsp pure ghee.
Take 5 gms. of turmeric and 5 gms. of urad pulse. Grind them to fine powder, put them in a live chilum and take a long puff. The hiccups trouble will be instantly cured.
Nausea & Vomiting
Mix ½ tsp of fresh ginger juice with 1 tsp each of fresh lime, mint juice and 1 tsp of honey and drink.
Slice a ripe banana, sprinkle some powdered sugar and freshly grind cardamoms on top. Eat 1-2 times a day.
Eat ½ tsp grind cumin seeds.
Ginger tea or sucking sliced ginger work by interrupting nausea signals sent from the stomach to the brain. If you are a herbal tea drinker simply sprinkle powdered cinnamon on the tea and drink. To make ginger tea, simply simmer a few slices of ginger in hot tea water .
Vomiting Due to Indigestion
Frequent intake of lime juice is a good remedy.
Licking the powder of fried cloves mixed with honey controls vomiting.
Sucking a piece of ice also controls vomiting.
Mix 2-3 tsp. of curry leaves juice with a tsp of lime juice (can add little sugar if needed) . Drinking this will control morning sickness, nausea and vomiting.
Crush 2-3 cloves of garlic and boiled with 3/4 cup of water or milk. Boil till half the amount remains and then drink. It takes care of all digestive disorders.
Worms in Stomach & Intestines
If you have only carrot or preparation made of carrot for a few days, the worms shall vanish. The best course is to have enough of jalebi and milk combination followed by carrot pickle soaked in mustard seeds water. This treatment will centralige the worm around jalebi-milk combination and the mustard water soaked carrot would kill them and expel them out of the system.
The smell of radish is enough to drive away even the poisonous insects let alone these worms. Just have radish juice mixed with rock salt and lemon juice twice a day, preferably after every meal. In less than three days you would find your intestines are clear of these worms. In fact, having a little of this juice after every meal is an ideal way to prevent the occurrence of these worms.

  • Fry fenugreek seeds in a little ghee and grind to powder. Store in an airtight bottle. Add some powder to drinking water and drink 2-3 times daily for 2-3 days.
  • Take 1 tbsp juice extracted from bitter gourd leaves. Mix into a glassful of buttermilk and take every morning.
  • Steep some cloves in ½ cup water for 6 to 8 hours and use it for enema.
  • Fry 1 tsp dried margosa flowers in 1 tsp ghee and mix with 1 cup boiled rice and eat twice or thrice a day.
  • Slice and dry the kernel of mango. Mix 1 tbsp fenugreek seeds and powder it. Take 1 tsp in buttermilk.
  • Eat papayas frequently.
  • Take 5-10 seeds of bitter gourd and crush them. Fry them in a little ghee. Take twice daily.
  • Soak mustard seeds overnight or for two days and when the water turns sour give it to the patient after meals.
  • Ask the patient to eat a ripe and roasted on fire tomato as the first thing in the morning for three to four days.
  • Take 25 gms. of the rind of the roots of pomegranate plant and boil it three times. When water remains half of the original quantity, strain the water and divide into three dosages. Have first dose in the morning as the first thing and the other doses after two hourly interval. Have about 10 gms. of castor oil after the last dose. Worms in the stomach will clear out.
  • Have sour whey after your food at least twice daily for quick relief.

Haemorrhoids (piles)
Piles or haemorrhoids, is a varicose and often inflamed condition of the veins near the lower end of the bowel. The piles are either external or internal or mixed. In external piles there is not much bleeding but a lot of pain, whereas the internal piles consist in discharge of several ounces of dark blood through anus. Try the following treatments:
Radish is an ideal antidote for this disorder. Take a cupful of radish juice and add about 5 gms. of pure ghee. Mix them well with a spoon and drink this potion in the evening and in the morning.
Take a long radish and divide in four equal parts lengthwise. Apply a little of salt and keep it in the open for the entire night so that fresh dew may fall over it. Have it as the first thing in the morning. After passing stool, wash the anus with radish water.
If piles are of bleeding type, have masoor dal in your lunch, followed by sour but fresh whey.
Take the kernal of Bakain seeds about 20 gms., add 6 gms of black pepper and knead them together to form tiny tablets. Have 3 gms. of the tables in the morning and 3 gms. in the evening after mixing Khand sugar into it.
These troubles include many ailments including enlargement of liver, bitter belches, wind trouble and the like. The main cause could be congenital, due to wrong habits or as a symptom to some other functional disturbance in the body. Try the following treatments:
Eat radish as much as you can with your meals or afterwards. Sugarcane juice should be an essential part of your diet.
Take two gms. of the pith of Amaltas, hari makoya, grind them to paste form and apply it over your liver region.
Always urinate while standing after your principal meals whether you feel the urge or not. Try to sleep on your leftside after your principal meals. Just take 5 grams of turmeric powder mixed in a glassful of separated whey every morning and evening to reactivate the sluggish liver and repair the damage.
Take 5 basil leaves, 2 gms. roasted powder of cumin seeds and 2 gms. of black salt. Grind them together to make it in a homogeneous powder form. Add to it even amount of the kernel of the wood apple. Mix the combination in about 100 gms. of curd to reactivate the sluggish liver. For early relief from any sort of stomach disorder, drink a spoonful of the combination of the juices of basil and ginger.
Have three or four basil leaves every morning with water or put them in your water are likely to drink at least half an hour before you actually imbibing it. Alternatively take the root of basil plant and the fruit of neem tree (Nimboli) and grind them together. Take 2 gms. of this combination every morning with whey for quick relief.
20 grams of henna leaves should be steeped in water overnight, The mixture should be strained in the morning and drunk for a few days. Juice of leaves of Horse Radish should be boiled and strained. 20 gms of raw sugar should be added to the mixture and drink. The yellow pigment in the eyes can be dealt effectively by grinding seven grains of small fennel in breast milk and introduced into the nostrils.
A fine paste of tender papaya leaves, about ½ tsp paste is taken with some water.
Pour over a handful of lime leaves in 1 cup hot water and take the infusion.
Make a fine powder of 1 tsp each crushed liquorice root, chicory seeds and rock salt. Take ½ tsp with water twice daily.
1 to 2 tsp fresh juice of coriander leaves is mixed in 1 cup buttermilk and taken 2-3 times.
Mash a ripe banana along with 1 tsp honey and eat twice a day for a few days.
Frequently take lime juice.
Take ¼ teaspoon turmeric along with a glass of hot water 2 or 3 times daily.
½ tsp ginger juice with 1 tsp each fresh lime and mint juice mixed with a tsp of honey. Take it frequently.
Finely grind some bael leaves. Take 1 tsp of this paste along with a pinch of black pepper and follow it with 1 cup of butter milk thrice a day.
Yellow Pigmentation in Eyes
Due to Jaundice
Grind ¼ tsp black cumin seeds in breast milk and introduce a pinch into the nostrils.
The main thing to be remembered in case of jaundice is that if the liver is not burdened (through daily flushing of the intestines) and a fat free diet is taken, the organ will recover its vitality even without medication. Sweet substances and liquids like sugarcane juice, fruit juices and dry grapes should form the mainstay of a patient’s diet. About 100 grams of dried Tamarind pith should be soaked in water overnight together with half the quantity of dried plums, mashed and the thick liquid taken by adding a little black salt to it in the morning. The patient should take as much whey as he can during the day.
Add 10 gms. basil leaves juice in about 50 gms. of radish juice. Add a little of jaggery to the combination to sweeten it. Have this solution twice or thrice daily for about a month for getting total relief from this problem.
Alternatively take 3 gms. of basil leaves juice and 3 gms. of the root of punarnava. Mix them both in 50 gms. of water and drink it for about 15 days. This is a very effective dose to cure jaundice.
Take about 10 gms. of basil juice, 10 gms. of dry ginger and 20 gms. of jaggery. Mix all of them together to form small tablets. Take this tablet thrice a day with water to set right your digestive process. But during the period you have this trouble, better keep fast or take only easily digestible food.
Wash 2-3 dried figs very well and soak in a glass of cold water overnight. Have it first thing in the morning. Have them for 2-3 weeks for good results. It is effective in ordinary as well as bleeding piles.
3 tsp juice of the leaves of bittergourd mixed with a glassful of buttermilk taken every morning for a month is a good remedy for piles.
The juice of radish or consuming fresh radish is very effective. The juice should be given in dose of 60-90 ml. morning and evening.
Take ½ tsp each of powder of dried pomegranate flowers, poppy seeds and dried margosa (neem) leaves, twice a day with milk for bleeding piles.
Mix juice of 15-20 tender curry leaves with 1 tsp honey and drink.
Take 1 tsp black cumin seeds and roast them. Mix in another tsp of black cumin seeds and powder them finely. Take ½ tsp of this powder with a glass of water everyday.
Appetite Loss (Anorexia)
Take 2 tsp of amla juice and mix it with 2 tsp honey and 2 tsp lime juice. Add 1 cup water and drink on an empty stomach every morning. Whenever fresh fruits are not available dried amla at night in a cup of water. Strain it the next morning. Add 1/8 tsp black pepper powder and 2 tsp lime juice. Dilute it if necessary with water and drink every morning regularly on an empty stomach.
Take ½ tsp black pepper powder and 1 tbsp jaggery powder (shakkar) mixed together.
Mix half tsp each of carum seeds, aniseeds, dried ginger powder, salt and black cumin seeds. Swallow about 3/4 tsp of this mixture with water 2-3 times a day.
Add 1/4 tsp salt, 3 tsp brown sugar or ordinary sugar and 2 tsp lime juice to 1 cup of water, mix well and drink.

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