12. Ginseng the Traditional Medicine

Trend to blend Ayurvedic and Unani herbs and other ingredients, called traditional medicines, is fast catching up. Such herbs have stood the test not only of time but of people’s and pharmaceutical companies interest also. There is no harm in blending vitamins, minerals etc. with traditional herbs better in powder or extract from. India, China, Egypt, Tibet, Japan and other countries of yellow race have been using certain herbs to get rid of even inveterate and intractable disorders since long. ‘GINSENG’ is a leading herb out of the list of such medicines.
Korean ginseng has gained immense popularity and wide acceptance due to its proven properties in treating following symptoms:

  • Used as a prophylactic agent against warding off disease and ageing.
  • It is an excellent remedy for anti-stress, anti-fatigue syndromes.
  • It serves as a central nervous system stimulant.
  • Increases both mental and physical efficacy.
  • It has the capacity to recuperate power of body bystreng thening argumenting and increasing body’s resistance to (that is non-specific resistance) to various influences triggered by stressful states.
  • It also helps to remove the causes that disturb sleep. Hence, it assists in alleviating sleep related impediments, so as to induce undisturbed and sound sleep.


  • Fatigue and Exhaustion
  • Reduced physical and mental efficiency
  • Stressful conditions, such as debility, physical and mental stress, chronic alcohol habit and excessive intake
  • Convalescence due to and caused by prolonged illness
  • Sexual dysfunction, impotency or even absence/ lack of desire to perform sex act
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Disturbed sleep or loss of sleep
  • Irritability and agitation


  • Nervousness and sleepness
  • Skin rashes or eruptions
  • Diarrhoea
  • Hypertension
  • ‘Ginseng abuse’ syndrome
  • Oedema
  • Euphoria
  • Weakness occasioned by tremors

Special Note

  • No contraindication, so for highlighted.
  • Use with caution in withdrawal (whether sudden or gradual) and hypertension.
  • In pregnant and lactating mothers, should be used with caution.
  • It is contraindicated for pediatrics.
  • Though quite safe for the elderly, but, reaction, should be watched.

Usual Dose
Usually 200-400 mg daily in a single or divided doses.
Availability: In capsule, tablet or liquid form.
Brands: Ambrosia; Sioton, Biovital, Ginseng Gentona, One-Be, Renergy, Revital, Trinergesie, Winofit.
Warning: Stop using the preparation or consult a doctor if some reaction is noticed but may not, preferably be used for lomger periods at a stretch. It is better to use for 10-15 days and then suspend the medication, for being restarted after a gap of same duration.
Note: Of all the said brands ‘Sioton’ and ‘One- Be’ do not contain Ginseng but all are otherwise useful for removing the complaints, listed earlier here. Ginseng, either alone or in combination with other ingredients is not meant for infants and children as also for pregnant and lactating women and if the same is required to be used, it should always be used under medical supervision only. The patient should not conceal or hold back any health problem from the attending physician. This also applies to use of vitamins, minerals and calcium which should be taken only when natural foods are lacking in such elements.

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