Boon of Alexander

It appeared the reigning deity of Greece was smiling on King Phillip. That is why inspite of the adverse situations Phillip was able to descend on the throne of Macedonia. He gave all the credit of his successes to the Reigning Deity and his benign grace on him. Phillip had great faith in the deity and he considered himself to be just an instrument of that divine power.
After the departure of Aristotle and Chiro with his prisoner, King Phillip sat in the chamber in meditative posture. Infact he was praying to the Reigning Deity of Greece. Suddenly he saw a divine ball of light dancing before his eyes radiating rays of all seven colours. The royal chamber was aglow in its light.
Phillip felt blinded by the light and he closed his eyes. His mind was confused. After a while he gathered his wits and realised he was beholding the miracle of the Reigning Deity. He bowed his head devotionally and prayed, “Make my obeisance to thee, O Reigning Deity O’ Greece. Blessed am I with your benign grace and being able to behold thee. I am your faithful, O Lord. Please reveal what is your divine command for me? It will be blessing for me.”
“King! You are powerful, noble-minded and a benevolent ruler,” sounded the light form in a divine tone. Mind and not the ears of Phillip was hearing that sound. “With your talent and will of the forces of light you bravely conquered the rebels who represented the forces of darkness. Now you rule supreme.”
“It was all your blessing, Lord. I was just ordinary medium carrying out your wish. Only your grace worked as my power and talent,” King Phillip spoke in humility.
“Take it in whatever way you like but our wish is that you must not confine your power and talent to Macedonia alone.”
“Give me your clear command, divine lord.”
“I want you to expand your talent and nobility beyond the borders of Macedonia to entire Greece.”
“Lord! Are you really the Reigning Deity of Greece, called Alexander in our world and whose faithful devotee I have always been?” Phillip asked.
“No king. I am one of his secondary manifestations for delivering messages to the chosen ones of Lord Alexander. I came to you to convey his wish.”
“O Holy Messenger! For me you are as sacred as Lord Alexander himself since you are his true manifestation. Please reveal the message or the holy command to me and oblige.”
“King! In all the kingdoms of Greece barring Macedonia the forces of darkness that encourage evil, corruption, misconduct, tyranny and sins are in ascendence. Each king wastes holy spirit in subjugating other kings. None of them has any devotion to Lord. Our holy land needs a sublime, noble and talented ruler to lead the forces of light. And you are the chosen one of the Greek divinities. You carry noble sentiments. So, you must prevail. Banish the forces of darkness and create one great empire by bringing together all the kingdoms.”
“O Holy Messenger of Lord! I thank you for choosing me for the sacred mission. I am overwhelmed at the trust shown in me by the Divine Deity. I will try my best with all powers under my command and blessings of Lord. And for that I want to be blessed by you specifically for my moral empowerment.”
“King! You have my and Lord Alexander’s good wishes, blessings and promise of divine help.”
“Then, succeed, I will, O Holy One. I will not fail your trust and disappoint you.”
A pindrop silence followed in the chamber. It looked the divinity had said whatever it had to say. But the divine visitor did not withdraw. The voice again boomed in the mind of King Phillip, “King, all the forces of light are pleased with you. We wish to grant you a boon to fulfil whatever humanly desire you have that needs fulfilling. Spell out your wish.”
“Holy One! Your pleasure is my reward and boon. I only wish for your grace,” King Phillip said overcome by a feeling of gratefulness.
“That is alright. But you may confide your wish in us. For your mission you will need all kinds of encouragements. Any unfulfilled mundane wish may prove a drawback.”
“Holy Messenger! I have no son yet. Bless me with a worthy son who may lend me his moral and physical support.”
“Your wish is granted.”
“I find no words to express my gratitude to you, Holy Messenger. Read my sentiments.”
“We read, King Phillip. The son you beget will be the manifestation of the blessing of Lord Alexander. A great emperor your son shall be and a conqueror the world has never seen before. All the sovereigns of the world shall honour him. He shall spread Greek thought and culture overseas. One of the all time greats of the world he shall be. Glory will be his maid…”
The divine voice was trailing off and the aura dimming out.
“A worthy son comes to you to grace your life…” The aura faded out and so did the voice.
Soon, the normal conditions returned. But the mind of King Phillip was still alight with the memory of his super natural experience. His heart was beating fast and waves of excitement swept through his body. Then, he thought he had just woken up from a wonderful dream…but was it a dream? Or was it a delusion worked up by his devotionally frenzied mind? Was a divine force answering his secret prayers in this way?
Whatever…it was clear that Lord Alexander, the Reigning Deity of Greece was pleased with Phillip and the latter enjoyed his grace. King was still getting goose pimples out of excitement generated by the dreamy experience. He wanted to rush to his queen to share it. He walked out of the chamber briskly and moved towards the inner sanctum of his palace, the abode of the queen.
King Phillip found the queen sprawled on the bed in dishevelled state. It shocked him. Excitement gave way to concern. That very morning he had left the queen in hale and hearty condition. What had struck her all of a sudden? He failed to understand.
Phillip clapped his hands. Maids rushed into the chamber to see why he wanted them in there. With bowed heads they waited for command.
“For some reason the queen looks distressed. She is not responding to my calls. Revive her with some smelling salts,” the king ordered.
Some maids ran out to bring the needed salts. A few remained there.
To them the king said, “Why was the queen left alone in her chamber in this condition? Why was none of you attending to her?”
A senior maid replied, “My King! The queen herself ordered us to leave her alone. She wanted to say prayers to Lord Alexander, the Reigning Deity. She often does that, my lord.”
“I see.” The king suddenly looked ponderous. Meanwhile, the smelling salts brought the queen back to the conscious world. She opened her eyes and found the king beseated on bed by her side. It surprised her. She made motions to sit up on the bed.
Phillip asked, “Don’t sit up if you don’t feel like it. Tell me, are you in some kind of pain? I will summon the physician at once.”

“No! My lord, I am fine,” the queen squealed in weak voice but cheerfully. “No need for you to get worried. It is alright.”
King Phillip looked at her in puzzlement. The queen looked a bit weak and exhausted but in no pain. She was out of her senses yet said she was fine. To know the mystery in private Phillip asked the maids to leave them alone.
After the maids departed the queen held the hand of Phillip and said, “My lord, no need to worry. Infact it is good news for you.”
“Good news?” Phillip asked in surprise. “This day appears to be of auspicious happenings. My dear, I had come here to tell you about an incredible experience I went through but then I found you…”
The queen cut in, “My lord, tell me about the experience you went through. I want to know it because your experience and mine may be interrelated.”
King Phillip narrated his experience of dreamy interaction with the manifestation of Lord Alexander.
The queen listened to his story in rapt attention. At several points her eyes widened in bewilderment.
She explained, “Really! Reigning Deity Alexander appeared to you in the form of an aura body?”
“Do you think I was hallucinating?” Phillip asked looking hurt.
“No, I don’t think so, my lord. I am a bit puzzled. I also went through a similar experience and that was what caused the condition you found me in.”
Phillip stared at his queen. “Tell me about it, my dearest, “Lord Alexander appeared to me and he has given me a wonderful blessing,” the queen revealed.
“Wonderful blessing!” exclaimed Phillip. “Don’t tell me about a son we are blessed to get.”
“But it is, my lord,” responded the excited queen.
The two way divine experience that tallied each other put a firm belief in the minds of the royal couple that they had not dreamt or suffered any delusion. It was something true at divinely spiritual level that was sure to translate into real life.
The queen revealed her experience, “Around the time of your divine experience, the Reigning Deity appeared to me in the similar aura form. Some rays of the divine light broke away to beam into my naval and through it to my womb. That was the experience I could not handle and fell unconscious. And then you came.”
Both looked at each other and smiled sweetly. The queen spoke, “Since those divine rays entered into me I feel all aglow with joy. Every cell of my body is awash with happiness. Those divine rays have anointed me with sublime contentment, peace and true satisfaction. It is such a divine feeling.”
King Phillip nodded his head with a smile, “I think it is the normal joy of a woman towards achieving the her basic natural duty of motherhood. And in your case it is made ecstatic due to the divine blessings of Lord Alexander for some destined cause. We figure in that cause by the grace of Lord.”
King Phillip held the hand of the queen and squeezed it emotionally moved.
The queen moaned joyously. “I hope it all comes true and our child, a son realises our dreams and proves the divine prophecy correct. We must pray for it.”
The royal couple prayed together.

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