Homoeopathy is based on symptoms. Here you can find a similar medicine as your symptoms may be.

ACONITE-30 (3 times)
Great anxiety and fear; every ailment is accompanied by worry. Deleriurn is characterised by worry, fear, unhappiness, raving (but rarely is there unconsciousness). Fears death but also believes he would die quite soon. Forebodings and Fears. Fear of crossing even streets, a crowded place or fears his future. He is restless and tosses about. Music makes him sad and sounds of music are intolerable. Hallucinations about his body and its parts. Starts up in sleep.
AGNUS CASTUS (1 – 4 times daily or even more)
Fear of death; sadness with feeling of sudden death; Forgetful, absent-mindedness, lack of courage, illusion of smell, nervous forebodings and nervous depression; sexual melancholy.
ALFALFA-Q (5-10 drops of tincture in water 3-4 times)
It induces a general feeling of general well-being, induces mental exhilaration of buoyancy, sleeps better than usual, particularly in the morning time. This medicine, if taken 1/2 an hour before going to bed, will induce sound sleep which would also be reposeful, and quiet.
The patient is dread of people, hence relishes staying alone, is unable to perform any act due to and in the presence of others; blushes easily and is shy. Nurtures fantastic illusions, is as highly locacious, restless and exalted, looses charm of life. Times passes too slowly. Dwells upon unpleasant subjects, complaints are unilateral.
He cannot sleep due to worry which compels him to get up. During sleep, he has cold body and twitching of limbs.
ANACARDIUM-200 (twice a week)
The patient has hallucinations and fixed ideas, thinks as if he was possessed by two persons or wills, feels as if pursued while walking; hypochondriasis and profound melancholy, with tendency to resort to use of violent language. Has impaired memory and suffers from brainfag. Absent-mindedness, seems bent up wickedness; is malicious. Total lack of confidence in his own self and also others. Malicious and suspicious, clairvoyant; hears voices far away or voices of dead persons. Absence of all moral restraint. Senile Dementia. Has anxious dreams; spells of and complains of sleeplessness that lasts for several nights.
AURUM METALLICUM-30 (dose after every 4 hours)
Profound despondency, with raised blood pressure, feeling of utter worthlessness and self-condemnation, with complete disgust for life and thoughts of suicide. Though great fear of death, yet always talks of committing suicide. Mental derangement; anthrophobia; cannot do things fast enough, oversensitive to confusion, excitement and noise. Constant rapid questioning without waiting for reply.
ARSENIC ALBUM (3-4 times daily)
Fear of death and of being left alone; changes place continually; restlessness and great anguish, cold sweat with great fear; suicidal tendency, thinks it useless to take medicine; despair drives him from place to place. Malicious, miserly, selfish, lacks courage. Sensitive to disorder and confusion. General sensibility increased.
BELLADONNA (3-4 times daily)
Patient is acutely alive and crazed by a flood of subjective visual impressions and many fantastic illusions, sees monsters, hideous faces. Hallucinations; lives in a world of his own, is engrossed by visions and spectres and is oblivious to surrounding realities. Frightful images; has delirium; sees frightful images; furious, rages, strikes and bites, disinclined to talk. Perversity, with tears; changeableness; acuteness of all senses.
CANNABIS INDICA-6 (3-4 times)
Exuberance of spirits, excessive loquacity, time seems too long when seconds seem ages and a few rods on immense distance. Theorises constantly; constant fear of death. Anxious depression; constant fear of becoming insane, Mania, must move constantly. Very forgetful and cannot finish sentence, is lost in delicious thought. Clairvoyance, Delirum Tremens. Rapid change of mood, emotional excitement; unable to realise her/his identity; chronic vertigo, feeling as if floating off.
CONIum-200 (once a week)
Depressed, timid, averse to society, and afraid of being alone. Excitement causes mental depression. No inclination for study or business; takes no interest in anything. Unable to sustain any mental work. Memory weak. Consequence of sexual excesses.
GELSEMIUM-30 (4 times daily)
Dulness, listness, languor, desire to be left alone and wishes to remain quiet, has lethargic discerning, indifferent to one’s own illness. Absolute lack of fear. Delirious on falling asleep. Bad effects of fear, fright, bad or exciting news. Emotional excitement, fear etc. lead to bodily ailments. Stage-fright, child starts and grasps the nurse, and screams as if afraid of falling. It may be symptom of elderly patients even.
HYOCYAMUS-200 (twice a week)
Talkative, obscene, lascivious, mania, jealous, foolish, very suspicious, uncovers body. Delirium, with attempt to run away. Low, muttering speech; Deep stupor, constantly picking at clothes (carpholagia).
IGNATIA-200 (weekly)
Co-ordination of function is interfered with. Adapted to hysteric girls of nervous temperament. Women of sensitive, easily excited nature, of mild disposition who are quick to perceive but are rapid in execution.
Changeable mood, introspective, silently brooding, sad, tearful, melancholic, not communicative (always) sighing and sobbing. It is useful (in) after shocks, disappointment grief, bad news, death, rapid change of mental and physical condition. Must be considered a specific drug when shock, worry, anxiety and bad news are the causes of ailments.
KALI PHOS-6x (4 times daily)
Indisposed to meet people, anxiety, nervous dread, extreme lassitude and depression. Very nervous, irritable, starts easily. Night terrors, sleep walk (somnabulance), Brain-fag, loss of memory. Great despondency about business. Even slightest labour seems a heavy task, shyness disinclined to converse. An excellent remedy for nervous breakdown, mental agitation, rundown conditions. Prostration, marked disturbance of sympathetic nervous system, ailments due to worry, overwork.
LACHESIS-200 (Once a week only)
Emotive, great loquacity. No desire to mix up with the world; sad in the morning. Lonely and restless; does not wish to attend to business, wants to be off somewhere all the time. Jealous. Mental labour best performed at night. Wants to end life. Suspicious; nightly delusion of fire. Religious insanity. Derangement of sense of time.
NATRUM MURIATICUM-200 (Once a fortnight)
Ill-effects of fright, grief, anger etc. Causes of illness are psychic. Gets depressed, especially during chronic diseases. Tears while laughing. Irritable temperament. Gets into a passion about trifles. Hasty and awkward. Consolation aggravates. Nervous jerking during sleep. Sleeplessness due to grief. Dreams of robbers. Great weakness and weariness. Oversensitive to all sorts of influences. Great debility.
NATRUM SULPH-6 (4 times daily)
Melancholy, with periodical attacks of mania. Suicidal tendency. Must exercise restraint. Inability to think. Does not like either to speak or be spoken to.
Acts better when taken at night, preceded by a dose of Sulphur-30 in the morning on empty stomach).
Sensitive to all impressions; very irritable, cannot bear noises, odour, light, sound etc. Does not want to be touched. Feels time passes too slowly. Even the least ailment affects greatly. Disposed to reproach others. Sudden fault finding. Irritable, nervous, over impressionable, hypersensitive. Movement and touch worsen his condition. Inharmonious spasmodic action. Hypochondreal state. Ill-effects of excessive use of tobacco, liquor, narcotics, debauchery, overeating, late night awaking, modern cares and worries of life; overeating, sedentary habits, much overdosing. Awakes feeling wretchedly; cannot sleep after 3 a.m. until towards morning. Dreams full of hurry and hustle.
PALLADIUM (3-4 times daily)
Averse to exercise; motor weakness, weeping mood, pride, love of approbation. Inclined to use violent language. When in company, keeps up brightly but gets much exhausted afterwards/due to lack of company, when pains also aggravate.
(20-40 drops of tincture, in water, to be repeated several times)
It is an excellent remedy for inducing sound sleep and to calm down agitated nervous system. Restless and wakeful due to exhaustion—especially useful to the feeble, aged and infants. Insomnia of the aged and the infants, overworked and mentally worried, without (though rarely) tendency to convulsions.
PHOSPHORIC ACID-6 (4 times daily)
Debility is fully marked that causes exhaustion. First mental debility, then physical debility follows. Young people who are mentally and physically overaxed. Ravages of acute diseases, arising mainly out of loss of vital fluids, grief etc. Impaired memory, listlessness. Indifferent and apathetic. Unable to collect his thoughts or find the right word. Difficult comprehension. Ill-effects of mental shock and grief. Delirium, with great stupefaction. Settled despair. Worse from exertion and being talked to. Nightly emissions, with lascivious dreams.
PHOSPHORUS-30 (4 times daily but should not be given in continuous or too low doses)
Easily vexed. Great lowness of spirits, clairvoyant (extra spiritual) state Fearfulness, as if something were creeping out of every corner. Great tendency to start. Loss of memory over-sensitive to external impressions. When he is alone, he is dread of death. Paralysis of the insane. Brain feels tired. Insanity, with an exaggerated idea of one’s own importance. Excitable, produces heat all over. Restless and fidgety. Insensitive, sudden prostration, faints, sweats, shooting pains. Nervous debility. Emaciation and great debility; Neurities Susceptible to thunderstorms, odours, sounds, touch, electrical changes.
Sleeplessness in old people. Great drowsiness, especially after meals. Vivid dreams of fire and bleeding. Lascivious dreams. Goes to sleep late but awakens with weakness. Frequent waking and short naps.
PLATINA-30 (4 Times daily)
It is pre-eminently a women’s remedy who suffer from Nymphomania, abnormal sexual appetite and melancholia, sensitivity of parts, coldness and numbness of parts. Tremulous-ness. Arrogant and proud. Everything seems changed. Physical symptoms disappear as mental symptoms develop.
Weary of everything. Strong tendency to anaesthesia. Sleeps with legs far apart.
PULSATILLA-30 (4 times daily)
It is predominantly a women’s remedy, especially of those women who are of mild, gentle and yielding disposition, are sad and crying readily, who are peevish, chilly and thirstless, weep easily, have changeable mood. Timid and irresolute fear to be alone (in the evening), especially due to fear of ghosts and darkness. Love sympathy; children like fuss and caresses, feel easily discouraged. Morbid dread of opposite sex. Religious melancholy. Are given to extreme pleasure and pain. Highly emotional, Effects of menstrual problems.
First sleep is restless. Wakes languid and unrefreshed. Irresistible sleepness in the afternoon, and sleeps with hands over head.
RHUS TOX-30 (4 times daily)
Sad, listless, thoughts of suicide Extreme restlessness, with continued change of position. Delirium, with fear of being poisoned. Great apprehension at night, cannot remain in bed. Sensorium becomes cloudy. Dreams of great exertion. Sleepless before midnight. Heavy sleep as from stupor.
Like pulsatilla, Sepia is also a women’s remedy. Misery, weariness, weakness and yellow complexion, feeling as if all sexual parts will fall out; hence sits cross legged. Indifferent to even those loved best. Averse to family and occupation. Easily offended and irritable. Dreads to be alone when sad. Weeps when telling symptoms. Misery. Anxious towards evening.
If symptoms of sepia and pulsatilla synchronize, the two medicines may be used alternatively, especially in case of women.
STAPHYSAGRIA-30 (4 times daily)
Affections of nervous origin, with marked irritability. Ill-effects of insults and anger. Impetuous, violent thrusts of passion. Hypochondrial and sad; prefers solitude. Very sensitive as to what people say about her/him. Dwells on sexual matters, peevish, child cries for many things but, when offered, refuses them.

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