14. Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion and heat stroke are preventable heat related illness. They are serious conditions and can lead to death if left untreated. When the heat stroke takes place due to too much exposure to the sun it is sun stroke. As victims body temperature increases first heat exhaustion takes place and this can rapidly progress to heat stroke. During high temperatures over 400C the body looses a lot of water and goes into a state of dehydration. In heat stroke the increased body temperature start causing damage to many organs including the brain and spinal cord and this heat stroke can either be due to exertion or due to heat itself. Exertion heat stroke happens when long exercises are done in warm conditions. Classic heat stroke happens when there’s exposure to too much of sun and this usually happens after heat exhaustion. Elderly people and children are prone to classic heat stroke.
What are the causes of Heat Exhaustion?
Body can be compared to a car and excessive heat can cause loss of water from radiator. Similarly when patient has heat stroke there is complete breakdown of body systems, like running almost all the water boil out of a radiator.
What are the symptoms of Heat Exhaustion?
When weather is hot we normally sweat, the body gets rid of heat in the form of sweat. However when heat stroke takes place skin is dry and hot.
The pulse rate increases to 100-120 per minute.
The body temperature is increased and can go upto almost 1060F.
Patient may have confusion and agitation.
Headaches and muscle cramps maybe present.
Person may become unconscious.
How can Heat Exhaustion be treated?
This condition is an emergency. Rapid cooling of the body to a temperature of 1020 F is required.
The patient is given ice water baths so as to bring down the body temperature, with fans, cold packs and move the patient to a cooler area.
The patient’s clothes have to be loosened so as to allow active air circulation. The body and the limbs have to be massaged in order to improve the blood circulation within the body.
Blood transfusion if needed.
Shock is treated by supplying the body with sufficient fluids and by administering drugs, which increases the efficiency of the heart.
Prognosis is good in the face of prompt therapy. The risk factors are sudden onset of very high fever and shock.
Unacclimatized : Body not having adjusted to the environmental climate.
Cramps : Sudden contraction of any muscle resulting in sharp pain.
Delirium : Disordered state of mind.

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