13. Miscellaneous Disorders

In this section, I have covered problems like vertigo, bodyache, fever, sexual weakness, debility, insomina, obesity, jaundice, excessive sweating, nervousness etc.
Steep 1 teaspoon each dried amla powder and saboot dhania in water overnight. Strain and drink next morning. To improve the flavour, sugar can be added. Repeat for a few days.
Heat 2 tablespoons til ka tel. Mix in ½ teaspoon each finely powdered chhoti illaichi and dalchini. Apply on head.
Mix 7-8 almonds with 7-8 jerbeks of kaddu seeds, 1 teaspoon khuskhus and 3 tablespoons wheat. Soak in water overnight. Next morning remove the outer skin of the almonds and grind together into a fine paste. Heat separately 2 teaspoons ghee and fry ½ teaspoon laung. Add the paste to it alongwith some milk and boil the whole mixture. Sweeten with sugar and drink every day for a few days.
Foul Smell from Mouth
Use neem twigs as tooth paste.
Powder the dried pudina leaves. Use as tooth powder.
Body and Muscles Development
Soak 2 almonds, 5 pista kernels and 1 teaspoon khuskhus in 1 cup cows milk for an hour. Grind. Add some more warm milk. Take daily for 3 months.
Body Heat
Take a tender beal fruit. Grind it with 1 cup of milk. Apply on the head and massage well before taking a shower.
Add 2 to 3 drops almond oil to anaar juice and drink.
Soak 8 to 10 almonds and 1 teaspoon rice overnight. Remove the outer skin. Grind into a fine paste. Mix with some milk and add pinch of haldi and mishri to taste. Boil and drink.
Remove seeds from fresh amla fruits and grind the pulp into a fine paste. Tie it in a muslin cloth and squeeze out the juice. Take 2 teaspoons of this juice and mix it with two teaspoonfuls each honey and lime juice. Add 1 cup water and drink it on an empty stomach every morning.
Body Dry Itch
Grind 1 tablespoon khuskhus with 1 teaspoon water. Add 1 teaspoon lime juice. Apply on the affected areas.
Body Pain
Boil 3 tablespoons powdered jaiphal in 1 cup til ka tel. Cool and apply on affected parts.
Body Swelling
Grind syah jeera with a little hot water and apply on affected parts.
Body Weakness
Sprinkle the following on a platter of mango slices. 1 teaspoon honey, a pinch of kesar, chhoti illachi and gulab jal. Take twice daily.
Soak 8 to 10 almonds and 1 teaspoon rice overnight. Remove the outer skin of almonds. Grind into a fine paste. Mix in some milk and pinch of haldi. Boil and drink alongwith mishri or ordinary sugar to taste.
Grind some syah jeera in a little water and apply the paste on the affected areas.
Slightly roast a big onion on flame. Mash it and mix in teaspoon each of turmeric powder and ghee. Apply and tie a bandage.
Heat black pepper powder in ½ teaspoon ghee until charred. Use this as an ointment.
Mash the garlic cloves and apply externally.
Ground neem leaves into a paste and apply on affected parts.
Apply a paste of adrak powder and haldi 1:1 on boils.
Soak bread in warm milk and sandwich the mixture in between the folds of a clean cotton cloth. Apply this poultice to the boil and hold in place with a cotton bandage. This draws the dirt to the surface of the skin and simultaneously bursts the boil.
Take methi leaves paste, heat it and when lukewarm, apply on the affected parts of the body.
Slice a raw onion and place over the bruise. Do not apply this to broken skin.
Instead of your regular hot tea or coffee, have a glass of hot water mixed with honey and lemon. Put a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and a little grated lemon peel in a glass and add hot water. Stir and drink.
Mix 1/8 teaspoon jaiphal powder with 1 tablespoon freshly extracted amla juice. Take 3 times a day.
Boil ¼ teaspoon powdered chhoti illaichi seeds in light tea water and drink.
Add 1 teaspoon kapoor to 1 teaspoon sandalwood paste and apply on the affected areas.
Rub a jaiphal against a smooth stone slab with a little water and make paste. Apply on affected parts.
Grind 1 tablespoon each of haldi, neem leaves and til ka tel in to a fine paste and apply on the affected parts.
Mix a paste of haldi and neem leaves (1 : 1) in a little til ka tel and apply on affected areas.
Apply fresh lime juice on the head. Massage well before showering off.
Exhaustion due to Overwork
Boil ¼ teaspoon powdered chhoti illaichi seeds in light tea water and drink.
A hot poultice of ajwain may be used as dry fomentation for hands and feet.
Tea made by boiling 1 teaspoon methi dana, taken twice or thrice a day provides excellent remedy. A little honey or lemon juice can be added to improve the flavour.
Grind a few roots of the mango tree into a fine paste and apply on the palm and soles of the patients.
The neem leaves decoction taken with pepper powder lowers temperature.
½ teaspoon ground pepper is mixed in warm water alongwith 1 teaspoon palm candy (sugar obtained from palm). This drink should be taken at bedtime.
Extract 1 teaspoon each juice of tulsi leaves and beal flowers. Add 1 teaspoon honey. Take twice a day.
Boil 2 tablespoons saunf in 1 cup water till it is reduced of half. Filter. Take 1 tablespoon every morning and evening for a few days. It is a good cleansing lotion for inflamed eyes.
Fruit juice is to be taken frequently.
Regular intake of a pinch of saffron (kesar).
Apply sandalwood paste on the forehead to bring the temperature down.
Heat Exhaustion
Apply some sandalwood oil on the forehead.
Heat Stroke
Have the cooling drink panna. To prepare it cook unripe or green mangoes in hot ashes. Extract the pulp and mix with water and sugar. You may even pressure cook the mangoes if you cannot make provision for the ashes.
Insomnia (Sleeplessness)
Juice of ajwain ka patta with thick ribs and brittle stalks mixed with a tablespoon of honey at night before retiring helps to relax into a restful sleep.
Consume plenty of curd. Also massage head with curd before washing. This is very helpful.
Add 2 teaspoons of honey to big cupful of water and have it before going to bed. Babies generally fall asleep after having honey.
A cup of warm milk sweetened with honey should be taken before going to bed. Have it every day.
Fry cumin seeds in a little ghee and grind to a powder. A teaspoon of fried powder of jeera mixed with the pulp of a ripe banana should be taken at night regularly.
2 teaspoon juice of methi leaves alongwith 1 teaspoon honey may be taken daily.
Soak 1 tablespoon leaves of pudina in 1 cup water for 30 minutes. Drink every night. (Do not boil).
Have raw onion with meals particularly with dinner.
Take seeds of watermelon and white khuskhus and grind them separately. Mix equal amounts by weight. Have ¾ teaspoon once in the morning and once before sleeping. Take for 1-3 weeks as needed.
Mix 1/8 teaspoon jaiphal powder with 1 tablespoon freshly extracted amla juice. Take 3 times a day.
Cane juice, radish, carrot, rice, potato are better during jaundice.
Make a fine powder of 1 teaspoon each mulethi root, chicory seeds (kaasni) and kala namak. Take ½ teaspoon with water twice daily.
Mash a ripe banana alongwith 1 tablespoon honey and eat twice a day for few days.
Take ¼ teaspoon haldi alongwith a glass of hot water 2 or 3 times daily.
½ teaspoon ginger juice with teaspoon each of fresh lime and pudina juice mixed with a tablespoon of honey, taken frequently.
Finely grind some beal leaves. Take 1 teaspoon of this paste alongwith a pinch of black pepper and follow it with 1 cup of buttermilk thrice a day.
A fine paste of tender papaya leaves, about ½ teaspoon paste is taken with some water.
Pour over handful of lime leaves in 1 cup hot water and take the infusion.
5 to 10 tulsi leaves taken alongwith water every morning on an empty stomach continuously. Along with basil, you can add fresh neem leaves too.
Memory Improvement
Take a mixture of 1 teaspoon honey and a pinch of finely powdered dalchini every night regularly.
Take ½ teaspoon kala jeera powder and mix it with honey. Eat small quantities of it twice a day.
Mix 1 teaspoon each amla root powder and safed til powder. Add 1 teaspoon honey and eat regularly for a few days.
Apply fresh lime juice on the head. Massage well before washing off.
Steep 1 tablespoon pudina leaves in 1 cup water for 30 minutes. Drink the infusion. Do not boil.
Take 1 teaspoon lime juice with 1 cup water in the morning.
Mix lime juice with honey and water. Drink a glass of this every morning. Mix 3 teaspoons lime juice, ¼ teaspoon powdered kali mirch and a teaspoon honey in 1 cup water. Drink for 3 months.
Eat a tomato before breakfast.
Eat 10 fresh, fully grown curry patta every morning for 3 to 4 months.
Old Age Problems (General Debility)
Boil 1 teaspoon adrak in 1 cup water till reduced to ½ cup. Add to it ½ cup cow’s milk, 2 chhoti illaichi, 5 strands of kesar and 1 teaspoon sugar. Drink every morning.
Prickly Heat
Mix dry sandalwood powder, gulab jal to make a paste. Apply on affected parts. When dry, wash it off. It prevents excessive sweating and heals inflamed skin.
Sexual Weakness
Kalaunji powdered 1 teaspoon should be taken 3 times daily alongwith sugar or honey.
(My team has developed very good Ayurvedic preparations for all sex related problems. You can contact me (the author) by letter, e-mail or phone for impotency, premature ejaculation or any other sexual disorder.)
Skin Allergies
Grind 1 tablespoon khuskhus with 1 teaspoon water. Add 1 teaspoon lime juice. Apply on the affected areas.
Mix 1 teaspoon lime juice with sandalwood paste and apply all over.
Cracked Skin
For dry, cracked hands apply a mixture of grated potato soaked in olive oil. Leave this on for 10 minutes and then rinse off.
Excessive Sweating
Mix dry sandalwood in gulab jal 1:1 and apply over parts where sweating is excessive.
1 to 2 teaspoon fresh juice of hara dhania is mixed in 1 cup buttermilk and taken 2-3 times.
Mash a ripe banana alongwith 1 tablespoon honey and eat twice a day for a few days.
Ground neem leaves into a paste and apply on affected parts.
Soak 2 or 3 beal leaves in 1 cup water overnight and drink the water early next morning.
Boil 1 cup methi leaves and eat with honey, twice daily.
Unpleasant Body Odour
Soak 10-15 tulsi leaves in 1 cup water and take every morning for a month.
Animal Bite
Take ½ teaspoon ground syah jeera twice daily.
Dog Bite
Take ½ teaspoon powder of syah jeera twice daily.
Insect Bites
Drink 2 to 3 teaspoon green coriander juice mixed in 1 cup water. Also apply sandalwood paste on the affected area.
Take 1 teaspoon tulsi leaves juice and drink with water. Also apply externally.
Mosquito Bite
Apply lime juice diluted with water on body.

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