In our daily life, we suffer from sprain, backache and body aches. Here are the remedies for various muscular and joint disorders:
Muscular Cramps
Apply clove oil on the affected parts.
Chop raw onions and put in a towel. Place this over the sprain to relieve pain and bring down the swelling. Alternatively, make a footbath of lavender oil and water and soak your ankle, but do not massage the area.
Grind lime leaves into a fine paste. Mix it with an equal quantity of butter. Apply on the affected areas.

Take 1 gram flour, just a pinchful, and add half of its quantity with equal amount of turmeric powder. Add linseed oil in it or any other oil like mustard or til, and make the poultice . Apply it on the sprained portion. The poultice will enhance the blood circulation and in two days time the relief will be there.
Mix equal parts of almonds oil and garlic oil and massage over the affected parts.
Muscular Pain
Warm the papaya leaf over the fire and apply on affected parts.
Heat ginger paste with turmeric paste (1:1) and apply.
Soak ½ teaspoon licorice root powder in 1 cup water and leave overnight. Mix into the infusion 1 cup rice gruel (cooked broken rice) and take every morning.
Rib Pain
Grind a turmeric piece and mix in a hot water to form a thick paste. Apply this paste over the ribs aching. Soon the pain will vanish. In case you feel you are not having the desired effect, prepare the oil of turmeric and lightly massage your aching ribs with this oil. Another treatment for quick relief is to mix turmeric powder in the milk of the Aak plant (the medicinal plant, swallow wort, whose botanical name is Calotropes Gigantea) and apply over the ribs. This paste will quickly give relief.
Ankle Swelling and Pain
Mix equal quantities of castor oil and lime juice. Massage the affected area with the mixture. Also drink 1 cup warm water mixed with lime juice and honey.
Heels Having Pain
Mix equal amounts by weight of carom seeds, kalaunji, fenugreek seeds and saboot isabgol. Have 1 tablespoon everyday first thing in the morning. If you can grind them slightly in the mixer—makes it more effective. This treatment takes a couple of months but is a sure shot remedy.

Note: Saboot isabgol, tiny very light pinkish particles, will be available with your grocer or if you request him he will get it for you from the wholesale market. Do not use the husk which is generally used by people for constipation as that is less effective but not harmful. If saboot isabgol is not available, husk can be used. It takes longer for the pain to go.
Legs Swelling And Pain
Mix equal quantities of castor oil and lime juice. Massage the affected area with this mixture. Also drink 1 cup warm water mixed with lime juice and honey.
Athletes Foot
Keeping your feet clean and dry is enough to discourage the growth of this fungal infection. Remember, it is infectious and you must keep and wash your shoes, socks, and towel separately. To sooth the broken areas of your feet, simply soak them for 10 minutes in a foot-both of apple cider vinegar mixed with water.
Foot Corns
Tie a fresh slice of lemon over the corn (painful area) and keep it all night.
Massage castor oil on the corns every morning and night before sleeping. Massage for 2-3 minutes so that the oil gets absorbed. In 3-4 weeks the corns will disappear.
Mash 1-2 cloves and garlic and tie over the corns. Keep overnight.
Take just 10 gms. of turmeric and grind it in 100 gms. of cow’s urine. Add about 25 gms. of castor oil to it and make the patient drink the whole lot. The patient will get relief. Alternatively make the patient inhale deeply the vapours emerging out of the large vessel in which jaggery is being prepared from the sugar cane juice. But the patient must keep his body covered with a heavy blanket. The more he sweats, the quicker he will be cured.
Boil a few leaves of tulsi in a tumblerful of water. When cool, strain and put this water in a bottle. Massage this water on the affected limbs. Continue this treatment for at least two weeks. This treatment, coupled with regular intake of the tulsi leaves as an alternative treatment along with other remedies is helpful in giving good results.
A hot poultice of carom seeds (ajwain) may be used as dry fomentation for hands and feet.
Take a glass of grapefruit and lemon juice in equal parts to dispel fatigue and general tiredness after a days’ work.
Body Weakness
Soak 8 to 10 almonds and 1 teaspoon rice overnight. Remove the outer skin of almonds. Grind into a fine paste. Mix in some milk and pinch of turmeric powder . Boil and drink along with sugar candy or ordinary sugar to taste.

Sprinkle the following on a platter of mango slices; 1 teaspoon honey, a pinch of saffron (kesar), cardamom (chhoti illaichi) and rose water (gulab jal). Take twice daily.
Exhaustion Due to Overwork
Boil ¼ teaspoon powdered cardamom (chhoti illaichi) seeds in thin tea water and drink.
Take 250 gms. of turmeric powder, 50 gms. kuchala powder, 50 gms. pigeon dung, 100 gms. castor oil and 250 gms. til oil. Mix both the oils, add turmeric, kuchala and pigeons dung and boil. When the solid contents turn black, cool and strain the oil mixture. Add to it a cup of kerosene oil. Repeatedly massage this oil on your joints. Always massage the adjoining areas before massaging the swollen part. Like if you have to massage your knees, first massage the upper thigh and thigh joint before massaging the knees. This way the raw phlegm will be dissolved and not shifted to other portion. Try not to have constipation when you take this massage course.
Gouty Pains
Mix mustard oil and rectified alcohol (1 part oil to 40 parts alcohol) and use as a lotion.
Make a poultice of ground fenugreek seeds (methi dana) use on the affected part.

Equal quantities of Asparagus seeds (halong). Black cumin, fenugreek and ajwain should be taken and swallowed every morning in dose of 3 grams. The remedies are also recommended for rheumatism and lumbago.
Heat the leaves of the plant swallow wort (Aak) and tie them over the affected joints.
Grind the guava leaves to a paste form and apply on the affected joint.
Take about 750 gms. of the root of Arand plant and boil it in 6 lit. of water. When it is reduced to 1/4th of its normal quantity, then add castor oil to it and boil again till whole of the water in the mixture evaporates leaving only the oily substance. Strain this oil through a fine muslin cloth and keep it preserved, in a glass bottle. Massage your limbs with this oil at least 15 minutes before you go to have your bath. In case you do it after your bath, then tie cotton wads after the massage over the affected joints.
Take ‘Binaulas’, cut, grind and sieve them and boil in water, when only thick paste remains. Dry it and then tie it over your affected joints.
Rheumatic Pain
Boil 3 tablespoon powdered nutmeg (jaiphal) in 1 cup sesame oil (til ka tel). Cool and apply on affected parts.
2 to 3 teaspoon pepper powder is fried in 2 teaspoons sesame oil (til ka tel) until charred. When warm, apply on the affected areas and massaged lightly.
A 3 inch piece of dried ginger is grinded with a grape sized piece of asafoetida in milk. The paste is applied on the affected area. The area is exposed to the sun for imparting warmth and heat.
The patient must avoid fried eatables and sour foods like curds and alcohol, moong dal, meat soup, garlic, onions, bitter gourd, papaya and green bananas are the foods which help in controlling gout and rheumatic pain.
Joints Pain
Take equal quantities of asparagus seeds (shatavari), black cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds and carom seeds. Powder and take 1/2 teaspoon every morning.
Combine 6 teaspoons each of ginger and caraway seeds along with 3 teaspoons of black pepper corns (saboot kali mirch) and grind into a fine powder. Have ½ teaspoon with water twice daily.

Soak 1-2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds in a cup of curd overnight. Eat in the morning on an empty stomach or soak 1-2 teaspoons fenugreek seeds in 1 cup water overnight. Drink the water first thing in the morning and also eat the methi seeds.
Take out 1 tablespoon juice of fresh leaves of bathua and drink every day on an empty stomach for 2-3 months. Do not add anything to the juice and do not eat anything before and after for 2 hours.
Make a tea from papaya seeds and have 6-7 cups a day, for at least 2 weeks.
Have 1-2 garlic cloves or 1 garlic, which has only 1 clove in a pod, first thing in the morning.
Mix 1 teaspoon of dry amla powder with 2 teaspoons of jaggery (gur) and have it twice daily for a month.
Extract the juice of carrots and add to it the juice of Karnphool (Dandelion). Have just 5 gms. of carrot juice and add only half of the quantity the juice of dandelion. Drink this combination regularly for at least 15 days for speedier relief. It is also advisable to rub Mahanarayani oil on the joints.
Bed Sores
Apply honey on the length and breadth of a banana leave and lie on it for a few hours. Ensure its contact with the affected parts.
Body Pain

Boil 3 tablespoons powdered nutmeg in 1 cup sesame oil (til ka tel), coot it and apply on affected parts.
Body Swelling
Grind black cumin seeds with a little hot water and apply on affected parts.
Body And Muscles Development
Soak 2 almonds, 5 pista kernels and 1 teaspoon poppy seeds in 1 cup cow’s milk for an hour. Grind it and add some more warm milk. Take daily for 3 months.

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