Rheumatic peoples also need to take care regarding their diet. They must shy away those diet which cause wind.
It is noticed in three forms—(i) It is called Rheumatoid arthritis when connective tissues around joints, particularly in hands, get diseased; (ii) but when smooth cartilages of joints start degenerating, spaces between bones, especially of knee joints, get reduced when synovial fluid either dries up or is not supplied by the system to mobilise joints, it is called osteo-arthritis. Finally (iii) when the bones start deforming (The bone may bend inwards or outwards it is called arthritis deformans). Arthritis of any etiology, affects the larger joints. It is not hereditary, so to say. As is well known, osteo-arthritis is caused by massing up of inorganic calcium deposits in the joints which contain precipitates of small crystals, which, again are believed to be causative of wear and tear of joints, cartilages and also depletion in synovial fluid.
It is a hereditary disease which is caused by the excessive uric acid and affects small joints, like hands, fingers, wrist, elbow, toe, foot fingers. Gout is said to be caused by deposit of uric acid crystals around small joints and tissues, faulty diet which is rich in fats. All the affected joints are hot, shiny, inflammed and extremely painful with tenderness and difficult to move. The patient passes high coloured offensive urine which has nauseating odour. Gout, begins from big toe and is so, rightly called an inflammation of big toe, in particular.
It is a disease marked by pain in joints or muscles, which is generally of recurrent nature, and is often caused by exposure. Rheumatic fever or rheumatism (acute) is an infectious disease but the former can cause serious complications, like chronic invalidism, heart problem (Rheumatic heart) or death even. Painful affection of muscles and joints is called simply as ‘rheumatism’. Later on, it may cause enough of stiffness of joints, bluish red swelling of legs may be noticed in long drawn and protracted cases. Lumbago and torsion of neck (torticollis) are the other varieties of muscular rheumatism.
Diet therapy is useful in all the said forms of joints and muscles. Some of the symptoms are caused by allergies caused by certain foods or even reactions. So, it is equally important to know which food item has caused the maladies and what important foods have been avoided, overtly or covertly, but were necessary to be used.
In all cases soft drinks, additives, egg yolk, fried foods, red meats and their broth, vinegar, hot spices, alcohol, roasted dry nuts etc. should be avoided. Low sugar, low fat, low salt diets should be taken. It has been held and confirmed by experts that milk and fruit products do not cause allergies that precipitate arthritis in foods, vegetables like pepper of all kinds, (not white and black pepper) egg plant, tomato etc. can cause allergies and thus trigger arthritis.
Peas, beans, spinach, asparagus, artichoke, dal (Pulse) of black gram, mushrooms are known causatives of gouty conditions. In our opinion high protein diet should be given up by all the gouty persons. Dr. Stanley Davidson affirms that diet is a known factor for 50% uric acid in a healthy and normal person and the rest of 50% is produced by the body itself. But, suitability of a particular food item or otherwise depends largely upon individual response of a person. Hence, suitability is a relative term, because an edible which may do good to a person may not be that useful or else harmful and vice versa.
Some Succested Foods and Nutrients

  • Vitamin C deficiency is considered to cause arthritis and rheumatism, in addition to Vitamin B complex and E. In order to be an effective preventive and curative device, a daily dose of 500-1000 mg Vitamin C, 400-600 I.U. Vitamin E and 1000 mg calcium apart from general and combined dose of Vitamin B Complex.
  • According to Dr. Roger Williams Vitamin B2, B5 and B6 can treat arthritis and he further observes that Vitamin B5 (Pentatonic acid) is of undoubted value, needed by deficient cells for providing relief in arthritis. This view is fully supported by Addle Davis when she observes that arthritis is a disease of adrenal exhaustion. Diet and supplements to stimulate natural adrenal production are necessary and therefore there is need for Vitamin B5.
  • Copper plays an important and vital role in the health of joints. Further, an active and healthy thyroid stimulates the adrenal glands to greater cortisone production. It is a well known fact that iodine helps thyroid gland to properly function (because iodine is a catalyst for normal calcium metabolism.)
  • To combat arthritis, Vitamin B3, in high doses was extremely helpful (Drs. Haffer and Hart). Dr. William Brady, on the contrary, is of the opinion that degeneration of the joint tissue is due to nutritional deficiency and that is a calcium, Vitamin B and D, and iodine deficiency For normal cartilage formation around joints both calcium and Vitamin C are necessary. Calcification takes place only when hydrochloric acid is low in stomach.
  • In short a daily dose of 400-600 I.U. of Vitamin-E, 500-1000 mg of Vitamin C, B-Complex, 1000 mg of calcium, and adequate amount of copper and iodine may suffice to prevent such diseases from surfacing
  • Alfalfa : Alfalfa rids our system of toxity, hence it is a detoxifier of high order and, in addition, it is rich in protein, vitamins and chlorophyll. For joint affections, its tea is used and for that purpose only seeds are to be used and not its leaves. Its seeds should be cooked and simmered on heat (but not heated to a boiling point) only in a non-metallic pan, fully covered with a lid. After simmering, strain its whole contents. Take 4-5 tea-cups of the strained water daily for 14 to 21 days. It can be refrigerated also if needed.
  • Celery: It is rich in organic sodium which keeps both magnesium and lime soluble, thus removing and reducing calcium deposits on various joints of body. Freshly obtained juice of its leaves and stalk should be used. If celery juice tastes unpalatable, it should be mixed with carrot juice but, where celery is not available, it could be substituted with juice of cucumber. Its juice is both curative and preventive of arthritis but, in order to gain relief, it should be used for some time.
  • Cod liver oil : It is rich in Vitamin A and D and is a lubricant of high order and, thus, restores mobility of joints and also controls arthritis. It is now available in capsule form also. The stalwarts who carried experiments have claimed 98% success in treating cases of chronic arthritis even. I know the case of a person who took two capsules of cod liver oil pearls (one each in morning and the other at night) daily for years together with dedicated regularity and had never had any joints and respiratory problems. His joints were so strong and flexible that he cycled for about 40-50 kms daily. His joints were flexible (not rigid and stiff). He still enjoys stronger joints and lungs and looks much younger than his sons even.
  • 12 pecans + 1 Banana + 1 heaped teaspoonful each of wheat germ and Brewer’s yeast should be taken for two weeks for getting rid of arthritis and its other complications. The said food plan was tried on a number of persons having arthritis and the results are said to have been amazingly encouraging.
  • If someone is not allergic to potatoes he can try juice of raw potatoes which dissolves lime and uric acid (Diabetics are warned not to use it, unless medically advised.)
  • Musk melon also neutralises various acids in the body, and also helps to keep excessive calcium in a suspended solution of sodium. Hence in rheumatism and osteo-arthritis it is of unquestioned value. It is an age old remedy for removing urinary obstruction. Said to be an effective vehicle for removing small stones in the urinary passage for which its rind, seeds or juice are used. Similarly bitter gourd (Karela) honey and strawberries are also useful in rheumatic and gouty conditions. Due to its sodium, sulphur, chlorine and mineral contents guava is another fruit which helps in keeping contents of uric acid under normal limits.
  • Sprouted wheat germs have plenty of enzymes within them which assist in building up immune system and correct dysfunction of human body.
  • Uric acid is also eliminated by Parsley.
  • Seeds of fenugreek can be easily substituted for cod liver oil. These are useful in diabetes also.
  • High content of potassium and sodium, present in beet root, prevents unnecessary calcium deposits in the body, especially arthritis. In the same way apple cider vinegar, asparagus, saffron, corn silk tea, Yerrow herbal tea, Ginseng contribute a lot in mitigation of various complaints arising from gout, arthritis and rheumatism.
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