In democracy interest groups are also always active and they try to influence the law making and decision making for their advantage. India is not exception. We find so many interest groups and pressure groups active in Indian politics.
Pressure groups are the contribution of American Politics. But in actual practice pressure groups are found in every democratic set-up, so much so, even in a dictatorial set-up Pressure groups remain active directly or indirectly. They exist even in communist states. They also function in a set-up of one man’s rule. They influences decision-making, policy-making and administrative actions.
Scholars have given various definition of pressure groups and interest groups. In ordinary language it can be said that the pressure group is a group of persons who have a common aim, and who, by pressurising the officials and legislators try to get support in favour of the realisation of that aim.
C.H. Dillon says. “In simple term, an interest group is an association of people having mutual concern. They become in turn pressure group as they seek government help in accomplishing what is advantageous to them.”
Most of the writers have been using the words Interest group and pressure group for one another and actually it is difficult to distinguish between the two. All pressure groups are definitely the interest groups but it is not definite that every interest group is a pressure group also. Finer has used the word ‘Lobby’ in place of pressure group.
Various definition of Interest and Pressure groups are given below:
According to Odegard, “An interst group is a formal organisation of people, who share one or more common aims or concerns and who are trying to influence the course of events, in particular the formation and administration of public policy by government so as to protecte and promote their interests.”
H. Zeigler, defines pressure group as “an organized aggregate which seeks to influence the context of governmental decisions without attempting to place its members in formal governmental capacities.”
Harbold and Hitchiner say, “The term pressure group is employed to describe and collection of persons with common objectives who seek their relation through political action to influence public policy. Still more simply, an interst group is any that wants something from government.”
M.G. Gupta says : “All social groups which influence the behaviour of political officers, both administrative and legislative, without attempting to gain formal control of government, are pressure groups.”
According to MacIver, “When a number of men are united for the defence, maintenance and enhancement of any more or less enduring position or advantage which they possess alike in common the term ‘interest’ is applied both to the groups so united as to the cause which unites them.”
Thus pressure group is a group of such persons who have a common aim, and who, for the achievement of that aim by their organised efforts try to influence the policies and decisions of the government from outside.
Main features
On the basic of various definition of Interest groups and Pressure groups. We come to know of their following features.
Formal Organisation : Interest groups and Pressure groups are organised groups of the people. Without the formal organisation it cannot become an interest group or pressure group. Some scholars think that pressure group need not be necessarily organised, but this is not correct. A group of people without formal organisation can be an effective group but it cannot be termed as an interest group or pressure group.
Common Aim : The person forming the interst group must have a common aim or aims. Man is selfish and generally the people do not assemble or get together without a common aim. The person who form the group, do so only to fulfil their common aim. This aim inspires them to work together in an organised manner.
Voluntary Membership : Membership of the interest group of pressure group is voluntary not compulsory. The people voluntary become its members and can resign its membership at their will. When a person fells that he is no more interested in its functions and in the realisation of that aim, he withdraws himself from its activities.
Universal : It is another feature of the interest and pressure groups that they are universal, that they are present not only in democracy but in every type of government, even in dictatorship, in one form or the other. Every legislature and executive authority come under the pressure of some persons or groups and thus their decisions remain influenced.
Non-political Nature : Interest groups and pressure groups are of non-political nature. They are not political parties, they do not put up their candidates in election, nor they want their members to be appointed to government offices. They simply influence and pressurise political parties, legislature and executive, in their decision-making legislation.
No Responsibility : Interest groups and pressure groups do not owe responsibility to anybody, to the people to the political parties or to the government. They try to get some advantage by influencing the authorities and the legislature, but are not responsible to anybody for their acts of omission and commission.
No Constitutional Recognition: Interest and Pressure groups enjoy no official or constitutional recognition. They have no mention in the constitution. But they influence the constitutional set up.
Difference between interest group and pressure group
Most of the people find no distinction between in interest group and a pressure group. But there is a difference between the two. Delton has said that an interest group becomes a pressure group when it starts putting pressure on the government for realising its aim.
Following are the points of difference between an interest group and pressure group:
An interest group adopts the method of requests and persuasion for the realisation of its aim, it does not put pressure for its aim. But a pressure group puts pressure for realising its aim.
An interest group does not influence the administration for the realization of its aims but a pressure group influences and pressurizes the administration for realising its aims.
An interest group does not involve itself into political activities whereas a pressure group involves itself in the political activities and tries to influence them to get advantage.
It may be kept in mind that the modern state is a welfare state and its functions and activities are on the continuous increase. The state involvement is visible in every walk of life. Thus almost all the interest groups today try to achieve the realisation of their aims through intervention of the government. Every interest group soon changes into a pressure group and it is very difficult to find out at what point an interest group is an interest group and at what point it becomes a pressure group. That is why the people find no difference between an interest group and a pressure group.
Various kinds of groups
Interest groups and Pressure groups are of various kinds which are given below:
Associational Interest groups: Associational Interest group is a group which is organised by the persons who are engaged in some profession for the protection and betterment of their professional interests.
Institutional Interest groups : Institutional Interst group is one which is formed by the employees of a particular department of the government or an institution or factory or mill for the protection and betterment of their interests.
Ad hoc Interest groups : Ad hoc Interest group is one which is formed by the people for the realisation of some particular aim or demand. Such a group automatically comes to an end as soon as the aim is fulfilled.
Difference between interest groups and political parties
Pressure groups are not political parties and there is a lot of difference between the two. This difference is as under:
Pressure group is not a political organisation but a political party is a political organisation.
Membership of a pressure group is very small whereas the membership of the political party is numerous. It can run into crores. A national party tries to enrol as many members as possible.
- A pressure group has a particular aim or some particular aims. But the political party does not confine itself to some particulars aims. It is concerned with the general welfare of the whole national life. Political party takes up all issues of public interst and all aspects of social, economic and political life.
- A pressure group has not definite policy and programme, and it tries to fulfil its aim through various means. But a political party determines its definite political and programmes.
- A pressure group confines its activities to a particular area or region or department or institution. But the political party spreads its activities in the whole territory of the state, in the whole country.
- A person can become the member of many interest groups at one and the same time. But a person cannot become the members of more than one political party at one time.
- A pressure group does not take part in elections. It does not field its candidates in the elections. But a political part fields its candidates in election an campaigns for their success, helps them financially and with manpower, and tries to get them included in the ministry.
- A pressure group does not aim for capture of political power. It tries to get its aim achieved by influencing and pressuring the government and legislature. But the ultimate aim of a political party is to capture government power.
- A pressure group wants to achieve its aim by pressurising the government, through both constitutional and unconstitutional means. But a political party does not want to capture power by pressure. It wants to capture power by constitutional means and power of vote.
Working of pressrure groups
Pressure groups use the following methods to put pressure on the government for achieving their aims.
To Take Interest in Elections : Pressure groups don’t take part in election directly and do not field their candidates in the elections. But they take interest in the elections and try that the candidates favourable to them are nominated by the political parties. They help such candidates with funds and workers. Such persons, if elected, can be used by the pressure group, to put pressure on the government and legislature for achieving its aims. Big industrialists, manufactures and capitalists also with this every aim help the political parties and individual candidates.
To Keep Political Parties Under their Influence : Pressure groups and industrialist houses try to keep political parties under influence. For this they give donations to the political parties and sometimes help the ruling party financially in a secret way. It is natural that such a party when in power, undertakes some of its activities under the pressure of that house or pressure group. Thus the aim of the pressure group is achieved .
To maintain Liaison with Bureaucracy : Pressure groups also maintain good relations with high officers of the government, ministers and their private secretaries. These officers are shown many temptations also to achieve their aims. Big industrialist houses have their own private institutions, educational institutions and other enterprises. Temptations to high officers and persons in authority, in the shape of employment after retirement, high remunerative jobs to their sons are given and an effort is made to induce them to get the government decisions done in their favour. These groups do not hesitate even in bribing the government officials to do something contrary to the rules and regulations for their benefit.
To Collect and Publish Data : Many times the pressure groups, to influence the decision-making and law making on some particular subject, collect facts and figures concerning that topic and publish them. This is done to convince the government that to act according to the published data could be in the national interests. And in this way the aim of the pressure group is achieved.
To make Publicity : The pressure group also adopt the method of publicity for achieving their aim. They propagate in the favour try to attract people in its favour. For publicity they use newspapers, magazines and journals, radio, T.V., public meetings, rallies and processions. Such type of publicity has influence over the government and the legislature and they make their policy and laws accordingly.
To Organise Seminars : The pressure groups also organise seminars, debates and discussions on the topic of their interests and aim, invite learned and distinguished scholars to participate in them, publish their proceedings and conclusions and see that these reach the appropriate hands in the government and legislature. These proceedings are sound to influence and pressurize the government.
To Influence Public Opinion : The pressure groups try to influence public opinion for achieving their aims. They maintain contact with the people, put their view point before them and through mass media try to win over public opinion. With the swing of public opinion in their favour, their aim is sure to be achieved.
To Give Advice : Pressure groups give advice to the government at the time of policy-making. Almost all the departments of the government seek advice from their respective interest groups and pressure groups, while drafting departmental policies. At this time every pressure group tenders such an advice which serves its purpose the best. Such an advice is bound to have some effect.
To seek Membership of Political Parties : Sometimes the pressure groups ask their members to infiltrate into political parties and become their members so that may take active part in the party’s activities and even get part nominations for elections and influence the party and the legislature actively. This gives the pressure group direct access to the party and the legislature.
Strikes and Rallies : Pressure groups, particularly the trade unions and employes unions, resort to strikes, rallies and demonstrations, dharnas and hunger strikes, to pressurize the government to agree to their demands.
Lobbying : Pressure groups adopt the method of lobbying also. Its members contact the legislators, and to convenience them for a against some bill under consideration of the legislature. This is a very effective method.
Interst and pressure groups are the contribution of American political system. In the beginning they were looked at with doubt and it was thought that they do nothing except corrupting the politics. But by and by these groups proved that they are advantageous also. Merits of interest and pressure groups are as under:
Attainment of Professional Representation : Members of the legislature are elected on the basis of territorial representation and many times various vocations and professions do not get adequate representation in the house. These interest and pressure groups represent the professional interest of the people and try to represent them in the house and many times they succeed in their aims.
They throw Light on Professional Problems : Problems faced by the employers and employees in various professions are not ordinarily given publicity. It is their respective interests groups and pressure groups which make a thorough study of their problems and throw light on them.
To Give full Knowledge to the Government about various Groups and Professions : These groups give full knowledge to the government regarding the various groups and professional existing in the society. It is only on the basis of this knowledge that the government makes appropriate legislation for their betterment.
To Give Advice to the Government : In their efforts to achieve their aims the interest and pressure groups tender advice to the government regarding the betterment of their respective professions. The government also seeks advice from them when taking a policy decision or making a law pertaining to some profession. The government gets expert advice and knowledge and can take befitting decision and make useful laws.
They give Political Education: Interest and pressure groups also give political education to the people. By their activities, they keep the people politically educated and alert.
The interest groups and pressure group have many disadvantages also. These demerits are as given below:
Setback to National Interest : Interest and pressure groups are active for the realisation of their aims and they think of nothing beyond these group interests. They do not bother much about the national interests. Consequently, many times efforts of these groups give a set-back to the national interests.
Threat to National Unity : Interest and pressure groups, particularly, those who represent some religion or sect or caste, pose a threat to the national unity. The groups, for the realisation of their aims can go to any extent and many times creates communal disturbance. Such activities shake the national unity.
They are against Democratic Principles : Existence of interest groups and pressure groups is against the democratic principles. Exercise of authority, because of them, actually remains influenced by a few people and groups and is not, in real sense, used by the people. Few influential groups establish their hold on the authority which is neither democratic nor proper.
Encouragement to Corruption and Immoral Practice : Interest and pressure groups give rise and encouragement to corruption and malpractices in the administration. These groups give all sorts of temptations and bribes to the high officials. They give costly gifts, temptation of employment after retirement and executive jobs to the sons and relatives of the officers and ministers to favour with a slight change in general policy in their favour. They give huge donations to political parties, and it is also nothing less than open bribes to get some favour from them. They resort to all sorts of immoral acts which corrupt the politician and the policies.
Class Struggle : Interest and pressure groups representing various interests are active for the realisation or their particular aims and this give rise to class or group struggle in the society. Class struggle disturbs the peace of the society and it gives a set-back to the activities concerning development and prosperity of the nation.