18. Water in Early Morning

Water is panacea for chronic and incurable diseases. Rise early from bed. Do not wash your face and mouth as you do normally. Sit comfortably and drink four large glasses of water. Do not take any thing for 45 minutes. You can wash your face and brush your mouth after drinking water.
Always drink water after an hour of breakfast and meals. Regular intake of water in early morning gives relief in following diseases:

Acne, Boils
Blood pressure
Old age and wrinkles
Paralysis problem of ladies
Heart diseases, Faintness
Cold, Cough, Asthma,
Disorders of liver
Disorders of the eye
Irregular menstruation
Urinary problems, Stones, etc.
Hyperacidity Asthma, Bronchitis
Gastric trouble and diseases concerned with back, Spine
Cancer of ovary
Swelling, Fever
Digestive disorders
Diseases caused by Vata, Pitta, Cough.
Mental weakness, etc.
If sick persons or soft natured persons with a delicate physique are unable to take four glasses of water at a stretch, they should start from one or two glasses and then gradually they should start taking four glasses. Take four glasses of water regularly. Experiments have proved that different diseases can be cured within the time given below by its regular use:
Hypertension Within one month
Gastric trouble Within ten days
Cancer Within six months
Constipation Within ten days
Diabetes Within one month
TB Within three months
Leucorrhoea Within one month
Paralysis Within three months
Other diseases described above may be cured within four to six months according to their nature. Drinking four glasses of water does not have any ill-effects on health. Only urge to pass urine will be great and you will pass urine in large quantities frequently. Passing of stool will be easy and complete. It will facilitate the expulsion of the accumulated waste matter very effectively and leave you fresh. Besides hydrotherapy certain other measures or household remedies are also advised for such disorders.
Some Important Facts

  • Never drink water before passing urine or just after passing urine.
  • Passing urine after meals prevents formation of stones.
  • Stand on forefoot and then pass urine. This posture prevents formation of stones.
  • Water contained in copper vessel is hundred times more useful.
  • Take juice of one lemon in a glass of warm water before going to bed. It gives relief in Coryza.
  • Take juice of one lemon and tea spoon of honey in warm water in morning. It helps in curing obesity and improves complexion.
  • In early morning, chew five leaves of Neem (Azadiracta indica) and Holy Tulsi (Ocimum basilium) and drink a glass of water after chewing these leaves. This can prevent you from carcinoma (Cancer) and plague too.
  • Take a little rice (raw-one or two tea spoons) with a glass of water to cure liver disorders.
  • The water kept in a Shankh for a whole night is remedy for Stammering speech. Continue this for four to six months.

Role of Water on Stomach
There is secretion of stomachic juice in stomach to digest food. The more genuine the stomachic juice, the better digestion of food.
If someone takes liquid whether it is water, wine or beer, the stomachic juice will not remain genuine. It would be adulterated by the intake of water, wine or beer and would not be effective in digestion of food.
Similarly, if some person takes water six or eight times while taking his meal, it would liquidate stomachic juice so much that it would not be able to act as digestive juice.
Do not take water at all during meals. If you have to take it, take very small quantity of it, so that genuine stomachic juice may be absorbed in all eaten food.
If you feel thirsty after one hour or more of taking food, please take water in limited quantity. Body especially stomach needs water at interval from time to time to liquidate its juice, to increase its quantity and to absorb the solid material (food). The body itself informs whenever it needs it. Sometimes, the desire to take water is slow and sometimes it is very fast. One should be particular about intake whether it is from healthy or sick stomach. One should take it as much as it is sufficient and good for health.
It should be taken at equal intervals of time especially when one is suffering from fever. One should not take a glass of water at a stretch but each five or ten minutes in less quantity. Intake of water at a stretch by a patient of fever, will not quench his thirst, rather it would increase other symptoms of illness.
Water taken in less quantity is at once accepted and absorbed by stomach. Repetition of its intake at each half-an-hour produces juice in more quantity and removes whole dullness and constipation by flowing in body and intestines. It cools them also.
One can use lukewarm water or cold water according to its taste.

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