Manufacturing Industry : An industry engaged in processing raw materials into finished products is called a manufacturing industry. For example wheat is a raw material and after ground into flour, it is to be made into finished products like bread etc.
In manufacturing, raw material is processed into a finished product. Thereby the value of the raw material is enhanced. The cost of raw material is less as compared to the finished product. For example the cost of the raw materials of medicines is less as compared to the medicines.
Importance of Industries
The industrial network of any country determines its strength. A country becomes wealthy, if it succeeds in changing its raw materials into finished products. Industries give employment to the people. Industrial countries carry good trade all over the world. They earn a lot by exporting their goods.
Classification of Industries
Industries are classified on the following basis. These are—
(i) Agro industries
(ii) Mineral based industries
(iii) Consumer based industries
(iv) Heavy industries
(v) Light industries
(vi) Large scale industries
(vii) Small scale industries
(viii) Cottage industries
(ix) Public sector industries
(x) Private sector industries.
Location of Industries
Industries can not be established anywhere in a country. Industries are established where raw material is available in abundance, Power supply, transport, communication, labour availability is in abundance. The location of industries is decided by the Government policies also.
Industrial Regions of India
Industrial regions of India are as follows :
(a) The western Industrial region: Mumbai-Pune, Badodara-Ahmedabad etc. are the western industrial regions.
(b) The eastern Industrial region—Damodar Valley belt falls in eastern region.
(c) The southern Industrial region—Bangalore, Hyderabad, Madurai, Combatore, Chennai etc. fall in southern industrial regions.
(d) The northern Industrial region—The Ganga-Yamuna Valley belt is in northern industrial area.