Mikao Usui taught Reiki without dividing it into degrees. Hayashi developed the teaching methods and Hawayo Takata introduced the system of payment for receiving the teachings. The Reiki Alliance, formed after Mrs. Takata’s death, named Takata’s grand daughter as the Grand Master. Though she seems to have stated as Grand Master, she has no additional Reiki power, symbols, attunements, techniques and no authority over other Reiki practitioners.
The Reiki symbols, the words associated with them, the Reiki power and the master who attunes people for master level degree are all to be treated with the utmost respect and reverence for the divine blessings to operate in a smooth and effective manner through the disciple in his healing work as well as self-development till he cross the cycle of birth and death. It is the ultimate merger with the universal consciousness (primary Reiki Energy)
The Master level instructions consist of one Master symbol and instructions on attunement (passing on attunements). Though, the symbols of advanced level (2nd degree) are only three but many variations are now in practice. They need not be drawn the same way but when drawn they should be recognizable. All the versions of the symbol work powerfully and there should be no discrimination.
Normally, for the Master’s degree, the students trained by other Masters irrespective of affiliations to any organisation or individual are accepted. Reiki attunement can be done in a matter of one or two minutes and hands on positions ‘taught thereafter for an hour also. It makes the student feel the efficacy of the system. Certainly, he becomes a qualified healer very fast. I want to make it clear that Reiki works and no one has exclusive possession of this energy, which is infact universal. Therefore, the type of Reiki with 100 adjectives to based on commercial exploitation is infact truly nonsense.
The system cannot be restricted to a dedicated few. It is enough if the Master feels in his student the quality of love and integrity. While the fee charged in Western countries for imparting Master Level information is of the order of 15000 US$., in India traditional Masters are known to charge upto Rs. One lac.
Nevertheless, the student must know the importance of the Master student relationship of this spiritual discipline. The Reiki Seminars giving Reiki I& II on the first day and Reiki III on the second day are conducted weekend with the clear feeling that they will continue to attend such weekend seminars, thereafter, free of charge and shall have constant interaction with me, insisting that love and integrity towards the Master to be utmost in their mind. No doubt, this process of energy transmission is a tiring process, master is responsible for any strong emotional releases on his student undergo after all levels of initiations.
The students should work in group, share their experiences, do group healing and above all, cultivate a feeling of oneness and love . They should not to enter into professional competition with other Reiki Masters but continue to have service oriented, low cost teaching and many of them do free healing even when disturbed at midnight.
We can now introduce two additional symbols with reference to passing of attunements. They are:
Dai-Ko-Myo and
The first one is used for healing as well as attunement. The second is used only for attunement. The Dai-Ko-Myo has got many versions but few of them are important.
1. Traditional and its variations. 2. Modern and its variations. While in the traditional version, the top horizontal line represents the third eye pineal pituitary axis, a vertical line cutting through is the great part Sushumna, (the royal highway to the infinite). The end of the vertical line is the point pertaining to the Crown Chakra. The lower end of the vertical line branches off into a inverted ‘V’ indicating the third eye centre where opposite polarities match. Below the inverted ‘V’ there are three vertical lines which indicate the most important psychic nerves known as lda, Pingala and Sushumna. The mystical representation of the sun, moon and fire below by the three vertical lines and the representation by a boxed line to show the dormant energy at the base centre.
This is bombarded with Reiki power and ready to go up, passing through the royal highway to the infinite and reach the Crown Chakra where the fusion with Reiki energy culminates in highest cosmic consciousness. Modern symbol is an uncoiling spring with near end splitting into two and in the middle you find symbolically the striking energy Reiki. This striking portion is treated as a separate symbol Raku where the downward motion to the same from the Crown to the Root Chakra during the attunement process is highly important and ultimate Reiki symbol. Modern Reiki Masters have excellent experience in the use of this symbol, though, traditionally it is not in use. However, both traditional and non-traditional symbols can be successfully used. Once you receive Master symbol, it should be used in all healings transmitted from heart to heart (of the healer to the receiver). This is highest secret of the transmission of energy, though, Hon-Sha-Ze-sho-Nen can also be used. If energy is to be pulled out from the receiver, the same symbol is to be used in the other direction (opposite).
While Cho-Ku-Rei resonates with physical body, Sei-He-Ki with the emotional body, Hon-Sha-Ze-Sho-Nen with mental body, the Master symbol resonates to the spiritual body. With this symbol the healing is extremely powerful. Even the great causal plane can be entered into with this symbol. You can even visualise this symbol in distance healing, as though it is spinning.

It can also be traced over the Heart chakra for self healing. The symbol can be written as though your palm is a pen writing the symbol placing it over a shallow point on the shoulder. Like using the other symbols, the master symbol can also be used for purposes other than healing. Medicines can also be charged with Master symbols. It is the Master symbol that transmits and passes the Reiki attunement from Master to the disciple.
Now on to Raku. This is exactly the movement of the serpent power, a zig-zag motion. There are no more Reiki symbols but a few powerful non-Reiki symbols do exist. Their purpose is given separately, and it is illustrated through drawing.