On the basis of their experience the protagonist of this therapy have identified the causes of the body ailments.
- This school believes that when a particular organ of the body doesn’t have the smooth flow of blood it becomes sick. This lack of proper blood supply also gives rise to various nervous disorders which either atrophies the nerves or makes their ending shrink, leading to the coldness or numbness of the affected organ. In certain cases they also become overheated. Both the conditions signify ailment or disorder of the limb. By resorting to the Acupressure techniques the normal, smooth blood supply of the affected organ is restored.
- According to another theory some blood vessels develop a sort of crystalline formation at their end which disturbs the smooth flow of blood. These crystals act as insulators which slacken the nerve system of the particular organ. Unless these crystals are removed by applying pressure or puncturing them, the ailment of the part doesn’t get cured. This theory also endorses the view that various ailments to the body are the consequence the faculty or impeded blood supply to that part.
- As all branches of medicine believe the whole human body is kept in good trim by the smooth supply of blood. It is blood which nourishes all parts of the body and energises them to fight out the foreign material which accentuates the ailment in the body. By giving pressure at the right point further strength is provided to that part to get rid of the crystals/foreign matter etc. This pressure removes it and the smooth flow of blood takes the impurities to various ‘scavengers’ of the body like kidney/skin etc. to eventually eject it out of the system.
- According to old Chinese School a body becomes sick when many of its centres (reflex point areas) develop unhomogenious tendencies, like their becoming unusually hot or cold, extra sensitive or numb, extremely oily or dry, discoloured or over coloured etc. In short when the body becomes a conglomeration of various unhomogeneous pockets it disturbs the nature’s equilibrium in the body leading to various disorders.
- According to the well established ancient belief, our whole body is made of five principle elements—earth, water, fire, sky and air. The guiding force behind these five elements is our body’s inherent bio-electricity or bio energy. According to this technique’s fundamental belief when this energy starts ‘leaking’ from certain points, they become sick. By giving pressure on these ‘leaking holes’ these are plugged to restore the body’s health.
Principles to cure the ailments
Since this technique believe accumulation of the foreign material to be the chief cause of body ailments, the application of the various pressures is meant to remove these foreign material and restore blood’s normal supply. The apparent symptoms on the skin to prove their conducive effect are the following:
- The skin assumes a natural, healthy glow.
- The application of pressure activates the blood flow to nourish the body organs.
- It brings flexibility in the muscular tissues.
- It helps to remove the bone defects also.
- This technique revitalise the nervous system.
- Acupressure technique can also activate the functions of the internal organ.
- It reactivates the body, internal resistance against the assaults of outside germs or virus.
Despite all these readings of the apparent parameters it is still not clear how a pressure application on a point on the hand can help to cure an ailment. Or, how a mild pressure on the sole can recharge the heart with a renewed strength’ Nevertheless, it can be said that these are according to present level of their comprehension, almost miraculous ways of keeping the body in the pink of health.
It is better to realise at this outset that these techniques have not in-compatibility with any other line of treatment. No matter if a patient is adhering to allopathic style of treatment he or she can still take the pressure or the puncture. In certain ailments it is not advisable either to completely forego the earlier treatment. For example in heart troubles, diabetes, mental disorders etc. one should continue to take the medicines irrespective of one’s now trying Acupressure of Accupuncture style of treatment. Even otherwise the patient shouldn’t reduce the dose of the medicine without consulting the regular physician. These techniques are compatible with other kind of treatments because there is no side effects or after effects of Acupressure treatment whatsoever.

However, it is eminently advisable to clearly identify the patient’s reflex points concerning the ailment he or she is suffering before resorting to the pressure or puncture therapy. Generally it is easier to identify the reflex points at the feet than at the hands. Moreover, pressure applied through feet give better results. The hand reflex points generally become not easily identifiable owing to hands being busy doing some work all the time which hardens these points and hence pressure on them becomes less effective. Another advantage of using the foot reflex points is their availability in a widely marked area unlike the hand points in which the reflex points are not so clearly demarcated owing to the paucity of space. However, those who walk mostly barefooted do not have these points so clearly marked. In their case hand points should be given preference.