August 2022

Dairyman BhagatKishan Singh wanted Bhagat to take up some job and not do anything to attract the police attention. Bhagat Singh understood the compulsions of the new situation. He could imagine what his father must have gone through to raise the money for his bail. He could not fail his father.Kishan Singh raised some more

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The arrest

In 1925, Kakori train robbery was executed by the revolutionaries near Lucknow. A government treasury being transported by the train was looted. The revolutionaries decamped with the loot and escaped into nearly jungles.The authorities hit back with a prompt police and C.I.D. action. The revolutionaries were nabbed one by one. Only Chandra Shakhar Azad eluded

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Akali agitation

During 1920, Akali Sikhs had launched an agitation to reform the working of Sikh Gurudwaras. The Gurudwaras were being treated as private properties by their priests who were mostly British proteges. They were protected and supported by the colonial administration.Gurudwaras used to collect crores of rupees through the daily offerings of the devotees which was

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Sarabha effect

The seeds of the freedom sown in Bhagat by his family found right nursing ground in D.A.V. School. His feelings for nationalism and opposition to the British rule were intensifying. The martyrs of the battle against British were becoming his role models.In the early part of the 20th century some Punjabi farmers had gone to

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In due course Bhagat Singh started going to the Primary School of the village along with his brother, Jagat Singh who was 6 year older. Bhagat was very close to his brother.By nature boy Bhagat was not caste or class conscious. He had a natural flair to befriend others. There was very old tailor in

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Child Bhagat

The grandmother, Jai Kaur was sure that her newborn grandchild was a lucky mascot as his arrival was followed by the release of her three sons from the prisons.Somehow she had decided to call the baby ‘Bhagat’. Her daughter-in-law also liked the name. The grand old man’s face was wreathed in smiles. The six year

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The end

Sarojini Naidu was a very jolly person by nature. She loved calling names to Gandhiji with affection without forfeiting the reverence. She would call him ‘Micky Mouse’ or ‘Dwarf’ or ‘Little man’. Sometimes she would say that Gandhiji was her Krishna and she was his humble flute.About Jawaharlal she once said, ‘Prime Ministers come and

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Free India

What always troubled Sarojini was the fear of disharmony between Hindu and Muslims. She always urged Muslims to consider themselves sons of the soil and banish fears of injustice by the majority. She wanted Hindus and Muslims to live like brothers.In March, 1942 Cripps Mission arrived in India. Its aim was to explore the possibilities

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Differences in congress

In 1935 Congress celebrated its golden jubilee at Bombay.Meanwhile the British government had made some moves to appease Indians by holding the carrot of the participation in the provincial governments. The Congress party had taken part in the elections held under the new provisions and won majority in many assemblies. Some Congress leaders thought that

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