22. Development of S.c. & s.t.

Indian society has remained infected with caste system for many centuries and divided in castes and subcastes. In the beginning caste system was based on work as it was nothing but a system of division of labour. Those who were involved in reading and teaching and performance of rituals were called Brahmins, those involved in the function of administration and protection of the society were called Kshatriyas, those who were involved in trade and commerce were called Vaish, and those who performed menial works were called Shudras. But later on the caste system came to be based on birth. In the beginning there used to be social get together and marital alliances between the upper three classes, but later on rigidity became a feature of caste system. The upper three castes—Brahmins, Kashatriyas and Vaish started exploiting the fourth caste, i.e. Shudras who were considered inferior and servers of the upper three castes and also untouchables. They were denied all facilities and opportunities for the development of their life, like going to school, making use of public places like ponds and wells, temples and public restaurants and public parks and even wearing of good dress. They were to do all menial works like cleaning of toilets, carrying of refuse, cleaning and sweeping, carrying away dead animals and doing all leather work, making and mending of shoes. They were exploited economically and socially and thus became backward socially, economically and educationally. They lived only to serve the upper castes, not for the betterment and development of their own life. Thus the Indian society lost all signs of equality, justice and fairness.
Goal of establishing an egalitarian society
Evils of social inequality and caste system were condemned by many social and religious reformers. Our leaders of the national movement and of Independent India declared the establishment of an egalitarian society as one of their goals. Indian Constitution, through its preamble points out towards this goal. The constitution aims to secure to all its citizens social, economic and political justice and also the right to equality in all walks of life. Special provisions have been made in the construction for the upliftment of the scheduled casts and scheduled tribes, and other sections of the society which remained neglected, exploited and backward for a long time. The President of India under Articles 341 and 342 can declare as caste or tribe to be designated as scheduled caste or scheduled tribe. Seats have been reserved for such castes and tribes in the legislatures of the union and the states, in local bodies, in government services and educational institutions. They are also given facilities receiving education like free education, scholarships, books and loans and free hostels. These facilities have been given to them with the aim of bringing these castes and tribes at per with other castes so that all the members of the society may be euqal in the real sense.
Backwardness of S.c. and S.t.
Indian society is a conglomerate of hundreds of castes, sub-castes and tribes. On account of the rigid caste system, many sections are considered low born and they are denied the common facilities for self-improvement. The upper castes people avoid intermixing with the low caste and untouchables. They think that they will be desecrated by even touching a Shudra.
Broadly speaking the Hindu society had only four major castes—Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaish and Shudra. The first three considered themselves high-placed or upper castes. The Shudras were treated as untouchables. They were called upon to toil and serve the upper castes. As a result, with the passage of time they became backward, totally deprived of the opportunities to develop and improve. They were not allowed to go to public places and take advantage of wells, ponds and schools. They did only menial jobs. They were oppressed and exploited by the high caste and land class gentry. It is tragic to recollect that these people were not treated like human beings. Despite five decades of freedom and efforts to improve their lot, they suffer even now from economic disabilities.
In addition to scheduled castes, there are hundreds of tribes. Each has a distinct language, mode of living, customs and traditions. These tribes have also been backward and crippled for wants of education. They remained cut off from the main stream of national life because there were no proper roads to connect their settlements with the towns, they continued to live in medieval ages. The problem of their social, economic and political development was equally acute and necessary.
Many social reformers in India have been raising voice against caste division from time to time. Prominent among then were Kabir, Sant Tuka Ram, Swami Dayanand, Raja Rammohan Rai. In 20th Century Mahatma Gandhi did a lot for the welfare of scheduled castes. He called them by a more respectable name—The Harijans. He went to live in their localities and campaigned openly as well as vigorously against untouchability. We owe it to Gandhiji that the Harijans still continue to be part of Hindu society. According to 1981 census about 23 per cent of the country’s population comprises scheduled castes and scheduled tribes.
The British Government in its Communal Award, 1932 announced the reservation of seats for the Harijans and separate electorate for them, but that could not be enforced because of opposition by Mahatma Gandhi. In free India special provisions have been made for their upliftment welfare. The Constitution of India prescribes protection and safeguards for the socio-economically weaker sections so that these backward sections of our society may be benefited and the society as a whole moves forward.
Step taken by government
The government has taken the following steps in this regard :
Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes Notification : Under the provisions of Articles 341 and 342 of the Constitution, the Government of India can specify by an ordinance any caste or tribe which is backward and which needs special protection and safeguards, as scheduled caste or scheduled tribe. The state governments can also exercise the right to declare a community as belonging to backward class.
The government has made special provision for the welfare of this big chunk of socially and economically backward classes. Some protection have been granted by constitution and others by the government. One of the cherished goals of the constitution is to ensure equality and justice to all.
Constitutional safeguards
The safeguard provided under different articles of the Constitution of India are as given below:

  • By Article 17 of the Constitution untouchability has been abolished and practising of it has been made a punishable offence.
  • Article 15 (2) grants euqal rights of entry into and use of public place like parks, wells, ponds, ghats, roads, business establishments, hotels, restaurants, schools and colleges to all its citizens irrespective of caste, colour, creed, sex, place of birth etc.
  • No person can be prevented from joining an educational institution on grounds of caste, creed, colour and lineage.
  • Article 46 provides for giving incentive to scheduled castes and scheduled tribes to receive education, to improve their economic status, to get social justice and escape exploitation.
  • All the holy places, temples and shrines have been thrown open to all the castes and classes, and no harijan can be denied entry therein.
  • Under Article 19 (5), in order to safeguard the interests of the scheduled tribes, restrictions can be imposed on the right to the common people to visit, settle down or purchase property in the tribal zone.
  • The constitution provides for reservation of seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in the Lok Sabha and State Legslative Assemblies. In the Lok Sabha seats reserved for scheduled castes are 79 and for scheduled tribes are 40. In the state assemblies the figure is 557 and 315 respectively. This concession has been extended up to 25th January, 2025.
  • The Constitution also provides for reservation in favour of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in public services.
  • There is provision of reservation of seats for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and other backward classes in educational institutions. Concessions such as relaxation of age limit and qualifications regarding experience are given in the case of direct recruitment or selection for jobs.
  • The Constitution forbids forced labour and grants freedom to all bonded labour.
  • Special provision have been made for the administration of tribal areas.
  • The Constitution has also provided for the setting up of Tribals Advisory Council and separate departments in the states and the appointment of a special officer at the centre to promote their welfare.

Other steps taken
The government has taken several steps to enforce constitutional safeguards for socio-economic progress of the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and OBCs. The object is that all the classes acquire an equitable position in the national life.

  • A National Commission for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes has been established in order to examine the levels of development and to advise the government what further steps should be taken for their welfare. The Governors of all states have been directed to extend full cooperation to the National Commission and special officer.
  • Special provisions favouring SC and ST have been made to give them representation in municipal corporation, municipal councils and panchayat institutions.
  • Untouchability has been abolished and the Untouchability (Offences) Act of 1955, amended in 1976, provides penalties for practising this social evil.
  • Under the People’s Representation Act, 1951, a person who is convicted on an offence under the Act is disqualified from contesting elections to Parliament and State Assembly for a period of six years. Special cells have been created to see that nobody violates the provisions of the Act.
  • Reservation of jobs in public services for the scheduled castes is 15 per cent and for scheduled tribes 7 per cent. Not only that, some concessions have also been granted to them in regard to basic qualifications for jobs. The candidates are imparted free education and scholarships so that nobody from among the harijans is deprived of education of want of money. The governments in almost all the states have opened coaching centres also too provide pre-examination training to candidates of these castes-tribes for various competitive examinations. This training is imparted free. The candidates enjoy the facility of free boarding and lodging also. They can stay free in hostels built for them.
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