23. Plant Communities

Following are the communities of various plants :
1. Xerophytes : The plants which grow at places where there is no normal supply of water, are called xerophytes.
2. Hydrophytes : These are plants which grow in water or in wet places.
3. Oxylophytes : Plants which grow on acidic soils are called oxylophytes.
4. Halophytes : These are plants which grow on saline soils.
5. Psammophytes : These are plants which grow on sand.
6. Lathophytes : These are plants which grow on rocky surfaces.
7. Saxicotes : These are plants which grow on rocks and on tree trunks.
8. Chasmophytes : These are plants which grow in rock crevices.
9. Cryophytes : Plants which grow on ice and snow are known as cryophytes.
Corticolous : Plants growing on barks of trees are called corticolous.
Ruderal : Plants found on wasteland and roadsides are called Ruderal.
Submerged Hydrophytes : Plants which grow under water at a particular depth.
Submerged floating hydro-phytes : These are not rooted in mud and are completely in water.
Submerged rooted hydro-phytes: These are rooted in soil and remain completely under water surface.
Floating Hydrophytes : They remain in contact with water as well as air and are found in ponds. They move along with water and wind.
Free floating hydrophytes : Roots of these plants are not fixed in soil, hence these plants travel great distances with water.
Fixed Floating hydrophytes : These plants may be fixed in mud with floating leaves on long flexible petioles.
Amphibious plants : These plants can lead aqueous as well as aerial life.
Marshy Plants : The plants which need excess of water in soil, are called marshy plants.
Physical Xerophytes : Plants which grow in dry soils are called physical xerophytes. Physical dryness of the soil is due to deficiency of water or physical absence of water.
Physiological Xerophytes : Plants growing in dry soils, are called physiological xerophytes.
Ephemerals : These are also called drought escapers or drought evaders because they escape dryness in internal and external environment. They complete their life cycle within a short wet season of 6-8 weeks.
Succulents : These are also called drought avoiding xerophytes as they suffer dryness in external environment only.
Non-Succulents : These are also called drought resistant and true xerophytes as they suffer from dryness both in internal and external environment.
Microphyllous xerophytes : Leaves are reduced to scale leaves and the stem performs the function of leaves.
Malacophyllous xerophytes : These plants have fleshy leaves.
Fleshy xerophytes : In these the stems are fleshy and the leaves are reduced to spines.
Rolling xerophytes : In these plants leaf lamina roll up in dry conditions.
Scierophyllous xerophytes : Plants have sclerenchymatous layer below the epidermis to check the shrinkage and loss of moisture.
Desert plants : These plants grow in very hot sandy places mainly in deserts.
Epiphytes : Plants growing on other plants are called epiphytes.
Arctic plants : Plants found on poles, full of snow, are called arctic plants.
Alpine plants : Plants found on high altitudes, are called Alpine plants.

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