3. Instructions at the beginning of the treatment

  • The therapist’s treatment room should be warm and comfortable, and may have pleasant music playing in the background.
  • The treatment session generally lasts for 30-60 minutes.
  • Patient’s should be advised to wash their feet properly with soap before entering the treatment room for treatment.
  • The treatment begins with some relaxation techniques to relax diaphragm and loosen the joints.
  • After relaxing the patient, dysfunctioning of the organs of various systems is estimated by putting pressure on specific reflex points. If patient feels acute pain at a particular point, then that point is considered to be tender point affecting the organ to which it is related and when these tender points are treated by using specific pressure techniques on the reflexes of feet and hand and is able to remove the energy blocks. The energy current flow freely once more and the body is returned to harmony.
  • Regular eye contact should be made with the patient to check responses to specific pressure and to detect sensitive or tender areas.
  • Bearable pressure should be applied on tender points. Gradually when pain starts reducing, the pressure may be increased.
  • In case of patient with some serious ailment, the meridian points should be worked first and later the reflex points are to be pressed.
  • Meridian points of face and head should be pressed for 5 seconds three times with small interval in between and in continuation. Points on rest of the body should be pressed for 10 seconds two times with small interval in continuation.
  • Reflex points are to be pressed for 10 seconds three times with small interval in continuation.
  • Every time the pressure should be released with a jerk. It enhances the blood supply.
  • The treatment should be started from the right foot/hand and should be finished in the left foot/hand.
  • While discussing the diseases few abbreviations have been used:
  • R.A. stands for Reflex Areas and M.P. stands for Meridian Points.
  • For obtaining better results both the reflex and meridian points should be worked.
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