3. Stomach Disorders

Stomach is the main functioning part of our digestive system. If our food is not digested properly, several diseases can occur, out of which flatulence, acidity and constipation are the main disorders.

  • Drink coconut water 3-4 times a day.
  • Have a plateful of tarbooz and/or kheera every hour.
  • Take a tiny piece of gur every hour. Just keep it in the mouth and slowly sucked it till acidity subsides.
  • Harad juice 1-2 teaspoon daily is very effective in controlling acidity. The juice can be mixed with an equal amount of amla juice for better results. To take out juice grate amla and squeeze the pulp through a clean muslin cloth.
  • Chewing a piece of harad is an age old remedy.

Grind 2 teaspoons each ajwain and adrak into a fine powder. Add a little kala namak. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture with 1 cup warm water frequently.
Simply chew a few mulethi sticks. One of its many properties is that it is a natural laxative.
Take a hot glass of water with 1 teaspoon honey and juice of a lemon after leaving the bed in the morning.
Drink one litre (4 glasses) of water after leaving the bed in the morning.
Soak 6-8 khajoor in a cup of water at night. Churn in the mixer in the morning and drink early in the morning.
Consume approx. 250-300 gms fresh grapes every day. When grapes are not in season, soak 12-15 kishmish in water and have them. Raisins should be soaked for 24-48 hours and eaten early in the morning. The water in which they are soaked should also be drunk.
For Small Children
Soak 6-8 kishmish in hot water depending on age. When cool, crush well and strain. When given routinely even to little infants, it helps to regulate bowel movement (however care should be taken so as not to give too much, otherwise the child might get loose motions).

Stomach disorders occured frequently in children, so, take care.
  • Whole wheat flour should used and processed foods (maida, cheese, confectionery) should be avoided.
  • Consumption of 6-8 khoobani or 2-3 kheera or 1-2 bananas a day is also very useful.
  • Bulk forming vegetables like carrots, radish, spinach, cabbage or fibrous food should be consumed. Instead of juice always opt for eating the fruit.
  • Taking 2-3 teaspoons of isabgol in milk or warm water early in the morning or at bed time is very beneficial.
  • Mix ½ teaspoon honey in ½ cup warm water and have it 2-3 times a day.


Drinking a strong cup of unsweetened black tea is very effective for stopping diarrhoea.
Combine 1 teaspoon each-powdered adrak, powdered jeera and powdered dalchini with honey and make into a thick paste. Take 1 teaspoon thrice daily.
Boil 1 teaspoon jeera in a glass of water. Add to it 1 teaspoon fresh juice of dhania leaves and a pinch of salt. Drink twice daily after meals for 2-3 days.
Mash 1 ripe banana alongwith a pinch of salt and 1 teaspoon imli ka gooda. Take twice a day.
Make a paste of 1 chilli alongwith 2 tablespoon lime juice and ½ teaspoon kapoor. Take ¼ teaspoon of this paste.
Peel an apple and shred it. Keep the shredded pieces in a plate for approximately 20 minutes until they turn brown in colour, and then eat them.

Generally Diarrhoea is accompanied with vomiting
  • Slice the tender unripe beal fruit. Sun dry them. Powder the slices. Take 1 teaspoon alongwith warm water twice a day.
  • Take every night, 3 cloves of lahsun chopped and boiled in milk.
  • 2 or 3 teaspoons saboot dhania soaked overnight in water taken next morning with 1 cup buttermilk (chhach) is beneficial.
  • Boil ½ teaspoon powdered chhoti illaichi seeds in light tea water and drink.
  • Apply adrak juice around the navel.
  • Mix juice of 15-20 tender curry patta with 1 teaspoon honey and drink.
  • Insert ¼ teaspoon jaiphal powder inside a ripe banana and eat.

Soak 3 tablespoon ajwain in adequate quantity of lime juice and dry in the shade. When fully dried, powder with a little black salt. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture twice daily for a few days with a little warm water. This treatment is more effective when fats and spices are avoided in the diet.
Gastric Problem
1-2 teaspoons brandy with warm water gives immediate relief from gas and stomachache due to gas.
Mix ¼ teaspoon sonth with a pinch of heeng and a pinch of kala namak in a little warm water and drink it.

Excessive eating is a major cause of gastric troubles
  • Apply a paste of heeng mixed with water on the stomach.
  • To prevent gas forming, chew a piece of fresh ginger after meals regularly.
    Powder together sonth-kali mirch in equal amounts, say 1 teaspoon each and 3-4 chhoti illaichi seeds.
  • Have ½ teaspoon of this mixed with water to relieve gas. Make a coarse powder (choorna) of equal amounts of jeera, ajwain, sabot kali mirch and methi-dana.
  • Have ½ teaspoon with water. Add a teaspoon of caraway seeds to 1½-2 litres of water and boil it to simmer on low flame for 15 minutes.
  • Strain and drink 1 cup of this tea, hot or warm 3 times a day after meals. A drop of dill oil (soyabean ka tel) mixed with a teaspoon of honey, licked immediately after meals is very effective in controlling gas.
  • Wash black harad well with water, wipe with a clean dry cloth. Store in an air tight bottle. Suck one piece after meals and keep in the mouth till it dissolves completely.
  • This is very effective in controlling gas and relieves constipation.

Soak jeera in lime juice overnight. Keep this mixture under sun till completely dry. Bottle it. Chew ½ teaspoon of this mixture and drink a glass of warm water.
A decoction of 15-20 tulsi leaves taken along with pinch of kala namak helps in the cure.
Giddiness due to Blood Pressure
Soak 1 teaspoon each of powdered amla, saboot dhania and sandalwood in a cup of water overnight. Strain and drink it next day. Continue for a few days.
Drink ½ glass water slowly.
Keep a teaspoon of sugar in your mouth and suck slowly.
Swallow ½ teaspoon sarson mixed with ½ teaspoon pure ghee.
Grind 4 chhoti illaichi well. Boil it in 2½ cups water. When about 1 cup water remains, remove from flame and sieve it through a muslin cloth. Let it cool. When warm, drink a glassful. Works like magic.
Suck 2-3 small pieces of fresh adrak. This helps in hiccups which keep occurring again and again.
Boil 5-6 sticks of powdered dalchini in a glass of water. Add a pinch of pepper powder and little honey. A tablespoon of the above concoction taken ½ an hour after meals relieves indigestion and flatulence (gas).

Excess of oily food is invitation to indigestion

Soak one teaspoon of celery seeds in a glass of buttermilk for 5-6 hours. Grind in the same buttermilk and drink it 1-2 times a day.
Mix ¼ teaspoon pepper powder, ¼ teaspoon jeera powder to a glass of buttermilk. Take this 1-2 times a day.
A golden rule to avoid indigestion : Get up from the dining table when you can still eat some more or are little hungry. Chew food well.
Add 1 teaspoon fresh grated adrak to 1 cup water. Cover and simmer on low heat for 5 minutes. Stain and drink 1-2 times a day.
Intestinal Worms

  • Eat papayas frequently.
  • Take 5-10 seeds of karela and crush them. Fry them in a little ghee. Take twice daily.
  • Slice and dry the kernel of mango. Mix 1 tablespoon methi dana and powder. Take 1 teaspoon with buttermilk.
  • Fry fenugreek seeds in little ghee and grind to a powder. Store in an airtight bottle. Add some powder to drinking water and drink 2-3 times daily for 2-3 days.
Ring Worms
Hook Worms
  • Take 1 tablespoon juice extracted from karela leaves.
  • Mix into a glassful of buttermilk and drink every morning.
  • Take 1 teaspoon raw haldi juice, mixed with a pinch of salt first thing in the morning.
  • Steep some laung in ½ cup of water for 6 to 8 hours and use it for enema. Fry 1 teaspoon neem flowers in 1 teaspoon ghee and mix with a cup of boiled rice and eat twice a day.


  • A teaspoon of khajoor paste mixed with a little honey given three times a day is very effective for regulating the bowels.
  • Mix juice of 1 large anar and 1 glass of ganne ka ras. Have 4 times a day.
  • For children—ripe and sweet apples crushed to pulp (can be steamed) can be given as 1-4 tablespoon several times a day. Mashed ripe banana with a little salt, should be taken 2-3 times a day.
  • 5-10 gms of amla seeds powder mixed with buttermilk should be taken for 1-2 days.
  • Crush 8-10 curry patta. Mix with a cup of thin buttermilk and have 2-3 times a day.
  • A fast with only buttermilk, curd and rice or bananas prove very effective.
  • Avoid raw vegetables and fruits such as orange, mousami, papaya, pineapple and spices.
  • A strong cup of unsweetened black tea is very effective.
  • Drink plenty of water to which a teaspoon or sugar and pinch of salt has been added to guard against dehydration.


Swallow with warm water, 1 teaspoon ajwain and pinch of salt.
1 teaspoon pure ghee mixed with a pinch of heeng, swallow with warm water.
Mix ajwain with lemon juice and dry in the sun. Bottle it and have a teaspoon whenever your feel that something is wrong with your stomach (very good for gas, indigestion etc.)

By keeping hot water bottle you can get relief from stomachache
  • Mix 1 teaspoon pudina juice, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, juice of ¼ piece adrak and pinch of kala namak and drink it.
  • Mix a little heeng with water to make a paste apply on and around the navel. Drink 1-2 teaspoons brandy with a little warm water.
  • Gives immediate relief from gas.

Stomach Pain around Navel
Grind 2 teaspoon each ajwain and sonth into fine powder. Add a little kala namak. Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture with 1 cup warm water frequently.
Stomach Burn
Take 1 teaspoon methi dana powder along with milk or buttermilk twice daily for a few days.
Stomach Heaviness
Mix ¼ teaspoon each powdered jeera and kali mirchi in a glass of buttermilk. Drink two or three times a day for 2-3 days.
Stool with Blood
1 tablespoon juice of flower of pomegranate (anar) with mishri taken twice daily.
Vomiting and Nausea
Sucking a piece of ice also controls vomiting.
Licking the powder of fried laung mixed with honey controls vomiting.
Crush 2-3 cloves of lahsun and boiled with ¾ cup of water or milk. Boil till half the amount remains and then drink. It takes care of all digestive disorders.
Mix 2-3 teaspoon of curry patta juice with a teaspoon of lime juice (can add little sugar if needed). Drinking this will control morning sickness, nausea and vomiting.
Mix ½ teaspoon of fresh adrak juice with 1 teaspoon each of fresh lime, pudina juice and 1 tablespoon of honey and drink.
Slice a ripe banana, Sprinkle some powdered sugar and freshly ground chhoti illaichi on top. Eat 1-2 times a day.
Powdered dalchini and sliced adrak work by interrupting nausea signals sent from the stomach to the brain. If you are a herbal tea drinker, simply sprinkle powdered cinnamon on the tea and drink. To make ginger tea simply simmer a few slices of ginger in hot tea water.
Eat ½ teaspoon ground jeera.
Adrak tea or sucking sliced ginger also helps.
Vomiting due to Indigestion
Frequent intake of lime juice is a good remedy.
Apply fresh lime juice on head—massage well before showering off.
Steep 1 tablespoon pudina leaves in 1 cup water for 30 minutes. Drink the infusion. Do not boil it.
Colic in babies
Boil a teaspoon of saunf in a cup of water. Boil for 2-3 minutes and keep it to cool for 15-20 minutes. Add 1-2 teaspoon to every feed of milk of baby. It helps cure colic.
Apply heeng powder by getting it lukewarm around navel of child. It relieves colic.
Appetite Loss
Mix half teaspoon each of ajwain, saunf, dried sonth, salt and syah jeera. Swallow about ¾ teaspoon of this mixture with water 2-3 times a day.

After exercising daily it is certain that your appetite will increase
  • Cut 1 inch piece adrak into small pieces. Add 1½ cup of water. Boil. Simmer for 2-3 minutes. Add milk and sugar to taste, and take it frequently.
  • Take 2 teaspoon of amla juice and mix it with 2 teaspoons of honey and 2 teaspoons lime juice. Add 1 cup water and drink on an empty stomach every morning. To take out juice from fresh amla, remove seeds from fresh amla and grind the pulp into a fine paste. Tie it in a muslin cloth and squeeze out the juice. Whenever fresh fruits are not available, dried amla can be used. Soak 1 tablespoon of dried amla at night in a cup of water. Strain it the next morning. Add 1/8 teaspoon black pepper powder (kali mirch) and 2 teaspoon lime juice. Dilute it with water and drink every morning regularly on an empty stomach.
  • Take ½ teaspoon powdered kali mirch and 1 tablespoon shakkar mixed together.
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