32. Chronology

1600 Formation of the East India Company.
1707 Death of Aurangzeb.
1739 Invasion of Nadir Shah .
1756-63 Seven year’s War in Europe.
1757 Battle of Plassey.
1761 Third Battle of Panipat.
1764 Battle of Buxur.
1765 Grant of the Diwani to the East Indian Company.
1767-69 First Anglo-Mysore War.
1770 The Great Bengal Famine.
1772-85 Administration of Warren Hastings.
1773 The Regulating Act.
1774 Establishment of Supreme Court, Calcutta.
1775-82 First Anglo-Maratha War.
American War of Independence.
1775 Treaty of Surat.
1776 Treaty of Purandar.
1779 Convention of Wadgaon.
1780-84 Second Anglo-Mysore War.
1782 Treaty of Salbai.
Death of Hyder Ali.
1784 Treaty of Mangalore.
Pitt’s India Act.
Establishment of Asiatic Society.
1786-93 Administration of Lord Carnwallis.
1789 Outbreak of the French Revolution.
1790-92 Third Anglo-Mysore War.
1792 Treaty of Srirangapatnam.
1793 Permanent Settlement of Bengal.
Renewal of the Company’s Charter (Charter Act).
1793-98 Administration of Sir John Shore.
1794 Death of Mahadji Sindhia.
1795 Battle of Khaide.
1796 Baji Rao II becomes the Peshwa.
1798-1805 Administration of Lord Wellesley.
1799 Fourth Anglo-Mysore War.
Death of Tipu Sultan.
Chunar Rebellion.
1800 Death of Nana Phadanwis.
Establishment of Fort William College.
Establishment of Serampore Mission.
1802 Treaty of Bassein.
1803-05 Second Anglo-Maratha War.
1805-07 Administration of Sir George Barlow.
1807-13 Administration of Lord Minto.
1809 Treaty of Amritsar.
1813-23 Administration of Lord Hastings.
1813 Renewal of the Company’s Charter (Charter Act).
1814-16 Anglo-Nepalese War.
1817-18 The Pindari War.
Third Anglo-Maratha War.
1817 Foundation of Hindu College.
1818 Surrender of Peshwa Baji Rao II.
1823-28 Administration of Lord Amherst.
1823 Censorship of the Press imposed by the officiating Governor-General John Adem.
1824-26 First Anglo Burmese War.
1828-35 Administration of Lord William Bentinck.
1828 Foundation of Brahmo Samaj.
1829 Prohibition of Sati.
1830 July Revolution in France.
1833 Renewal of the Company’s Charter (Charter Act).
1835 Introduction of English Education.
Foundation of Medical College, Calcutta.
1836-42 Administration of Lord Auckland.
1837 Formation of Zamindari Association.
1838 Triparite Treaty between Shah Shuja, Ranjit Singh and the British.
1839-42 First Anglo-Afghan War.
1839 Death of Ranjit Singh.
Formation of Assam Tea Company.
1842-44 Administration of Lord Ellenborough.
1843 Abolition of slavery, conquest of Sind.
1845-46 First Anglo-Sikh War.
Administration of Lord Harding.
1847 First Engineering College at Roorkee.
1848 Revolution of France and other States in Europe.
1846-56 Administration of Lord Dalhousie.
1848-49 Second Anglo-Sikh War.
1849 Conquest of Punjab, Opening of Hindu Girl’s School at Calcutta.
1851 Formation of British Indian Association.
1852 Second Anglo-Burmese War.
1853 Railway opened from Bombay to Thane.
Renewal of the Company’s Charter (Charter Act).
1854 Sir Charles Wood’s Education Despatch.
Telegraph line from Calcutta to Agra.
Public Works Department founded.
First Cotton Mill at Bombay.
1856-58 Administration of Lord Canning.
1856 Introduction of Widow Remarriage Act.
1857 Foundation of Calcutta, Bombay and Madras Universities.
1857-58 Sepoy Mutiny.
1858 Indian under the Crown Queen Victoria’s Proclamation.
1859 Rent Act.
1861 Indian Councils Act, Introduction of the Penal Code, High Courts Act.
1862-63 Administration of Lord Elgin.
1864-69 Administration of Sir John Lawrence.
1864 Satyendranath Tagore was first I.C.S.
1866 Introduction of Irrigation system.
1866-67 Famine in Orissa.
1869-72 Administration of Lord Minto.
1872-76 Administration of Lord North Brook.
1871 Beginning of the boycott movement.
1875 Publication of Statesman.
1876-80 Administration of Lord Lytton, Arya Samaj founded at Bombay.
1876 Formation of Indian Association.
1877 Foundation of Anglo-Oriental College at Aligarh.
1878 Vernacular Press Act.
1878-80 Second Anglo-Afghan War.
1880-1884 Administration of Lord Ripon.
1891 Second Factory Act.
1892 Indian Councils Act.
1893 Durand’s Mission to Kabul.
1893 Swami Vivekananda at Parliament of Religions of Chicago.
1894-99 Administration of Lord Elgin.
1897 Foundation of Ram Krishna’s Mission.
1899-05 Administration of Lord Curzon.
1900 Punjab Land Alienation Act.
1904 Universities Act.
1904-05 Russia-Japanese War.
1905-10 Administration of Lord Minto.
1905 Partition of Bengal.
1906 Muslim League founded, Formation of National Council of Education.
1907 Anglo-Russian Convention, Surat Congress.
Tata Iron and Steel Company founded.
1909 Moreley-Minto Reforms.
1911 Bengal Partition revoked, Delhi Durbar.
1914-18 First World War.
1916-21 Administration of Lord Chelmsford.
1916 Home Rule League-Lucknow Pact, First women’s University founded at Poona.
1917 Mountegue’s declaration in the House of Commons.
Communist Revolution is Russia.
1919 Montegue-Chelmsford Reforms, Massacre at Jalianwala bagh.
Rawlett Act, Third-Afghan War.
1920-22 Khilafat Movement, Non Co-operation Movement.
1920 Death of B.G. Tilak.
1921-26 Administration of Lord Reading.
1921 Prince of Wales visited India.
1923 Swarajist in Indian Councils.
1925 Death of Chitranjan Dass.
1926-31 Administration of Lord Irwin.
1927 Simon Commission.
1928 Nehru Report.
1929 Lahore Congress.
1930 Civil disobedience Move-ment, Dandi march.
First Round Table Confe-rence.
1931-36 Administration of Lord Willingdon.
1931 Gandhi-Irwin Pact, Second R.T. Conference.
1932 Third R.T. Conference, Communal award, Poona Pact.
1933 Publication of the white paper.
1935 Government of India Act.
1936-43 Administration of Lord Linlithgow.
1937 Burma separated from India.
1939-45 Second World War.
1941 Japan declares War.
Disappearance of Subhash Chandra Bose.
1942 Cripps Mission.
Quit India Movement.
1943-47 Administration of Lord Wavell.
1944 Sergeant Report on Education.
1946 Cabinet Mission.
Naval Rebellion of Bombay.
Communal riots in Bengal and other places, Meeting of the Constituent Assembly.
1947 Administration of Lord Mountbatten.
Indian Independence Act.
India becomes independence.
Kashmir accession to India.
Redcliff Award.
1949 Hyderabad merged with the Indian Union.
1950 Indian Constitution introduced.
Formation of the Planning Commission.

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