From time immemorial all castes have not been treated equal in rank and status. In the hierarchical ladder the Brahmins have always been considered and placed at the top. All other sections and castes in the society have been asked to respect Brahmins. Even in the olden days when Kshatriyas ruled the country, in Royal Courts Brahmins enjoyed a very high and unique position. Similarly one finds that a woman was required to attend to Brahmin asking for alms first than to her hungry and thirsty husband.
Next in rank then came the Kshatriyas whose main duty and responsibility was to defend the nation from outside aggression. They ruled no doubt but it was always provided that they should rule according to Dharma. Whether domain was being ruled according to Dharma or not was the prerogative of Brahmins to decide. Next in the rank then came the Vaishyas, who were cultivators engaged in business, trade, commerce and so on. It was their foremost duty to serve to the needs and requirements of first two high ranking castes.
And at end of the ladder were, of course, the poor and the cursed Shudras. They had no social status. They were supposed privilege. Their coming to the town without prior intimation was banned. Not only that they lived outside the town but their shadow on the high caste polluted them.
Basis of Caste Ranking
Obviously a question arises as to how the castes were ranked. In other words the whole question about the origin of the caste system in India now comes to the forefront. As we know that there are different theories about the origin of the system. Staunch supporters of the system makes us believe that Brahmins have been given the highest rank because God crated them out of his head. Some believes that they enjoy higher rank even higher than the Kshatriyas because Brahmins have the Supreme duty of interpreting dharma and ensuring that the Kshatriyas rule according to it. The Vaishyas have been ranked their because they are engaged only it material advancement and have nothing to do with spiritual progress. The Shudras have the lowest rank because they are neither materially nor spiritually advanced.
But these are all guess work that how in the ancient past one caste began to be ranked superior over the other. From all records, it is however, clear that in the beginning system was not very rigid. Those who possessed qualities were brought down from the higher to the lower caste. Placement and ranking of castes became a problem with the passage of time. When caste system became very rigid caste of a person became his status symbol and placement in higher castes was considered a privilege. Since upward and downward movement of a person into the caste became impossible, there was obviously a desire to find a place in the higher class, if possible.
Considerations for Ranking in Caste
As already pointed out every person wanted to establish that he belonged to a higher caste. He posed that the possessed all those qualities which a person ranked higher to him had and that it was only a matter of chance that he was placed in the lower caste. But by and large some considerations weigh for deciding whether a person belonged to a higher caste or not. It is of course evident that these are not being observed seriously these days because upward and downward movement of people in the caste hierarchy is impossible. Thus whether these are observed or not taken seriously not consideration, as their violation is going to effect none.
- Since in India use of liquor, meat and intoxications is condemned, therefore, castes which did not or do not, use these are ranked superior than others.
- Then another consideration is about the nature of work and occupation. In India there are certain occupations which have all along been considered superior and respectable than the others. Trade commerce, teaching, public service etc., have been considered superior as compared with such vocations as leather work, road, and street cleaning etc. Thus these castes which engaged themselves in the work falling in the former category began to be considered superior than those engaged in the latter categories.
- Then another basis of ranking of a caste being the Varna scheme. The Varnas have become the basis of caste differentiation. Usually, economically better castes are considered higher castes and the poor people are placed in lower castes. That being so economically better, have been ranked superior in castes hierarchy than economically poor. Similarly due to poverty those who were miserably poor could not wield political power and authority. Real power and authority therefore remained vested in the hands of the rich. Moreover, it becomes more or less impossible for the poor to occupy some position and authority and even if few of them managed to rise they were no adjusted in their new position because rich were not prepared to tolerate them. Thus for all practical purposes economic position and political power became a major consideration for caste ranking. Those who possessed position, power, authority and wealth were placed higher in rank than the others, in the caste system.
- Then another basis of the caste ranking being the quality of work. Those who were doing mental work were placed and usually got a higher status in caste hierarchy than those who were doing manual work. Thus Brahmins who were supposed who were doing the minimum mental but maximum manual work.
- Not only this, ranks were divided on the basis of quality of work but also in accordance with the purposes of the job. Those who did spiritual work and tried to get spiritual attainments or worked for the welfare of the society and mankind as a whole got better caste rank than those who were busy in their own material pursuits. Thus Brahmins who were learned, were supposed to spread knowledge, try to control themselves and help controlling others, got a higher rank than the Vaishyas who, were busy in amassing wealth for their personal of family use.
Maintenance of Caste Ranks
Once these ranks came to stay and became rigid, those who got better and higher ranks tried to maintain that through different ways. They will not accept food or drinks from the people not belonging to their own caste. Accordingly the will avoid dining and mixing with them. They will not like to have any matrimonial alliances with them. They then tried to have their own separate custom which distinguished them from the others and in their own way they tied to establish that they had better customs and status.
Caste ranking of course exits but in our times due to urbanisation and industrialisation on the one hand and popularisation on the other, rank rigidity is not very much observed. Those belonging to lower castes, have managed to becomes economically and politically powerful and are being treated superior than the poor holding superior caste rank.