Treatment should be done in a conducive atmosphere where healer and healee both feel at ease i.e. is quiet, comfortable, serene environment.
Proper hygiene should be maintained i.e. hands properly washed with soap and water before beginning and after finishing the treatment. Reiki is as effective when the hands are kept an inch over the body surface.
The clothing worn by the healer should be loose, without glasses, shoes, tight belts, jewellery etc.
Patient should be made to lie down comfortably his head on pillow, care should be taken that room is cool in summers and warm in winters, patient could use a sheet or blanket to avoid feeling cold, the healer should also be comfortable. Patient’s feet should not be crossed.
A brief history of the patients illness, its duration and previous treatments should be taken any past surgery, removal of any organ should also be inquired.
Inform briefly about the Reiki and reassure the patient regarding the temporary worsening of the pain of any chronic ailment. This happens as the old malady is brought back to the acute state before being released to where it comes from. If this happens consecutive daily 3-4 treatments will position of the hands of the healer is important for bringing maximum transfer of energy. Fingers of the hands should be kept together and never slightly curved inwardly.
Begin treating the patient. Spend 8-10 minutes on each Reiki position. With experience the healer can sense rise and fall of Reiki energy and the areas of the body where more energy is required. Begin by treating hand, front and back, treat the organs at their positions even if those were removed by surgery (Presuming them to be present).
Tips to prepare hands for reiki treatment
A few simple tips however will prepare your hands better for giving Reiki. Those are:
1. Wash and clean your hands properly before giving Reiki.
2. Relax your hands by opening and clenching your fists a few times and by jerking and shaking your hands a few times. Relaxation leads to freer energy flow in hands and more sensitiveness to subtle pranic energy.
3. Bring your awareness to the palm of your hand. This coupled with instructions given in S. No. 1 and 2 activates the hand chakra located at the centre of palms. By activating the hand chakras, one develops the ability to feel subtle energies. This is also called sensitizing the hands. Once your hands are prepared, you can clearly sense the warmth of life energy flowing through them by bringing facing each other as shown in the following figure.

When giving treatment, it is important to keep your fingers and thumb together. This will concentrate the energy and create a stronger flow. Remember while treating disease try to treat the cause also i.e. treating eyes for diabetic blinders would not suffice. The healee needs to treat on pancreas also for sufficient secretion of insulin. Reiki is drawn by the organs/tissues accordingly to their needs.
Team Treatments: Two healers can pain up to treat the patient as it is quicker simultaneous treatment to back and front on the corresponding areas could be given.

Reiki Finish: At the close of treatment thank the Reiki universal life force, thank yourself for acting as the channel and than the patient for receiving Reiki energy from you. Hold your hands for 30 seconds for stopping the flow of Reiki energy.

a Reiki Channel
Emotional and psychological healing
Many a times, physical illness is a manifestation of deeply buried emotional psychological trauma unresolved childhood issues, which are forgotten. The patient is unaware of the cause, but the reaction to life circumstances is same (Negative response) and the person can neither do not comprehend or come out of negative vicious circle of illness.
Once emotional and psychological blockages are released the physical healing automatically takes place. Remember Reiki is a method hereby the emotions and the body are balanced without the conscious awareness of the patient. Many a time patients weep out, releasing their floodgate of dams of emotion build up in the past which probably were the cause of their illness.
Distance Healing
Distance healing is basically a visualisation exercise. It can be a photograph or a recollection of any sensual impression about the person. Thereafter, it is just sending energy, love, light, strong intention, good imagination or even placing the photograph at the home after where the pictures of Gods and Goddesses are kept in most homes in India. All these are distance healing.
There are many methods. The simplest process is of imagining or concentrating—on the person, sending light and Reiki symbols and seeing the person well returning to normal health. Though, hands on healing can be combined, i.e. person receiving absent healing need not know that some one is healing him.
Where the healers, imagination is concerned, Reiki symbols and instructions regarding clearing, visualising Sei-He-Ki at spinal centres are all part of distance healing. There is no need to go into a trance. Simple quietness is enough. Whatever method you use is positive. Concentrate on the person, not on the disease or symptoms. You can repeat distance healing often during the day for the same person till a specific goal is achieved.
Beaming of Reiki Through Aura from distance
There are four specific Reiki methods of distance healing:
Imagine that you are there with the person receiving healing and you are doing, with your imagination, a hands on healing session.
Imagine the person to have shrunk to a small size. Hold that image between your cupped palms. You can even use photographs. Send the symbols and hands on healing.

Imagine your knee and upper hips to be of the person receiving Reiki. The knee being the head, the thigh becomes the torso and your hip represents receiver’s leg. Do hands on healing holding the person’s image in the mind. The left knee shall represent the person’s front and the right his back. This is a wonderful method.
You can create a surrogate or use the photograph image and do hands on healing on it as though you are doing it for the person. This also work wonderfully.