Diseases : When the normal functions and physiology of any organ or system do not work well then this is said to be diseased. The healthy person is one who is mentally, physically and socially healthy.
How diseases are produced
(A) By pathogens : Such as virus, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungi, protozoan, helminthes and other animals attack humans and make them sick.
(B) Due to malnutrition : Deficiency of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins in the body make a person sick.
(C) By chemical agents : Chemicals such as urea and uric acid in the body (intrinsic factors) and chemical pollutants e.g. mercury, ozone, lead, cadmium, cobalt, chromium etc. (extrinsic factors) make a man sick.
(D) Due to mechanical agents : Agents such as continuous friction, injury, fracture etc. cause disorders in the body.
(E) Due to physical agents : Physical agents such as temperature, cold, humidity, pressure, radiation etc. also make a person sick.
(F) Excess of substances : Such as hormones and pollutants.
Classification of diseases
(1) Communicable diseases : The diseases such as viral, bacterial, protozoan, fungal, helminthes, sexually transmitted diseases (STD), through blood transfusion etc.
(2) Non-communicable diseases : These are due malnutrition, degeneration of tissue, hypertrophy or uncontrolled growth of body part, metabolic disorders etc.
Some important communicable diseases
Bacterial diseases
(1) Tuberculosis—Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(2) Plague—Pesteurella pestis
(3) Diphtheria—Corynebacterium diphtheriae
(4) Typhoid—Salmonella typhosa
(5) Cholera—Vibrio cholerae
(6) Leprosy—Mycobacterium tetani
(7) Tetanus—Clostridium tetani
(8) Whooping cough (Pertussis)—Bacillus pertussis
(9) Pneumonia—Diplococcus pneumoniae
(10) Syphilis (STD)—Treponema pallidium
(11) Gonorrhoea (STD)—Neisseira gonorrhoeae
Viral diseases
(1) Small pox—Variola virus
(2) Chicken pox—Varicella virus
(3) Poliomyelitis—Polio virus
(4) Hydrophobia (Rabies)—Rabies virus or Lyssa virus
(5) Rubeola (Measles)—Morbeli virus
(6) Jaundice
(7) Influenza
(8) Trachoma
(9) Mumps
Protozoan diseases
(1) Malaria—Plasmodium
(2) Sleeping sickness—Trypanosoma
(3) Amoebiasis—Entamoeba hystolytica
(4) Pyorrhoea—Entamoeba gingivalis
Helminthes diseases
(1) Ascariases—Ascaris lumbricoides (Round worm)
(2) Taeniasis—Taenia solium (Tape worm)
(3) Filariasis (Elephantiasis)—Wuchereria or Filaria bancrofti
Sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
(1) Syphlis—Treponema pallidum
(2) Gonorrhoea—Neisseria gonorrhoeae
(3) Genital herpes—Herpes virus
(4) Trichomoniasis—Trichominas vaginalis
Diseases spread through blood transfusion
(1) AIDS—Human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV)
(2) Hepatitis—Hepatitis virus
Non communicable diseases : These are the diseases which are not transmitted from one person to another. These are
1. dificiency diseases such as
(a) diseases due to protein deficiency
(b) Iron deficiency diseases
(c) vitamin deficiency diseases.
2. Regenerative diseases
3. Blood pressure
4. diabetes
5. Heart diseases
6. Cancer etc.