41. Biotechnology

Biotechnology : Biotechnology is the technology which involves biology for the benfit of mankind. The word ‘Biotechnology’ was first time used in the Leeds City Council in United Nations in 1920. It is considered as the most modern branch of biology in which knowledge of biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, genetic engineering etc. is used for the benefit of mankind.
Although biotechnology became popular by 1970 but its first beneficial results could come out of the research laboratories only during 1980.
By the end of 1960s plant breeders were able to develop high yielding varieties of crops and thus could bring green revolution, but for the increasing population, production could not be increased by plant breeding; so scientists have started thinking in this direction.
Recent researches have opened new fields where micro-organisms can be exploited for producing different commercial products including food and medicines. Biotechnological methods have already been used in the fields of agricultre, medicine, industries etc. The techniques are being used for the diagnosis of diseases, production of chemicals, bio-energy and fuel for the future, bio-transformations etc. Several kinds of micro-organisms are used for the manufacture of cheese, yoghurt, beer, wine etc.
Biotechnology in agriculture
In modern times of genetics, scientists are working on such stains, which are free from obstacles by gene transplantation for the crop plant inspect of traditional plant breeding process, having resistance to dryness and winter chilling and are high yielding.
By the use of biotechnology in agricultural sciences, some big achieve-ments are as follows—
(1) Development of nitrogen fixation capacity in non-leguminous plants: Genetic engineers are working on transferring of ‘nif’ gene in non leguminous plant by using vector as E.Coli. This gene is transplanted in E.Coli from Klebsiella pneumoniae.
(2) Protection by plant diseases : Plants which are obtained by culturing of meristematic tissue are highly resistant for diseases, e.g. stock of sugarcane.
(3) Development of new species : By fusing of protoplasm (e.g. Tomato) and by cloning process new species have been developed.
Biotechnology in industry : In biotechnology Enzymes of bacteria and other micro-organisms are used in industries such as
(i) In the production of sweetest sugar.
(ii) In the production of high vitamins and amino acids containing substances.
(iii) In plastic industry
(iv) In the production of methane fuel by waste products.
(v) In the development of hydrogen fuel.
Cheese biotechnology : Cheese is an important milk product. It is prepared from fat free milk. Clean milk is heated at 600C for 30 minutes and for about 15 seconds at 720C temperature. Later, it is cooled up to 300C. Lactobacillus bacteria and minute quantity of an enzyme renin added to it. Within about 45 minutes casein becomes solid. This is cut into small pieces. These pieces are heated in warm water for about an hour. After pressing the pieces carefully these are dipped in light salt solution.
Yoghurt biotechnology : Yoghurt is a milk product. It is also a type of cheese. Now-a-days it is manufactured on a commercial scale. In its production first the milk is heated and then cooled. In cooled condition the cultures of Streptococcus thermiphillus and Lactobacillus vulgaris are added. As a result of this the milk becomes semisolid. By the process of churning a fatty substance, Yoghurt is obtained from it.
Alcohol biotechnology : Ethyl alcohol is manufacutured with the help of the biotechnology. There are two methods :
(i) Production of alcohol from sugary substances by fermentation : Sugar cane is the raw material in this process. 8-10% sugar solution is taken. To this little quantity of H2SO4 and later on little ammonium phosphate is added. In this solution a small quantity of yeast is added and the solution is filled in big tanks and kept at a temperature of 20-300 C. At this stage yeast produces invertase and sucrase enzymes. These enzymes convert sugarcane juice into glucose or fructose. Another enzyme, zymase produced by yeast converts glucose and fructose into ethyl alcohol.
(ii) Production of alcohol from starchy substances : In this method the raw materials are potato, barley, maize and rice which are rich in starch. First of all an enzyme diastase is obtained from germinating barley seeds in the form of malt extract. Malt extract is added to boiled starchy material and it is kept at a temperature of 530C. Diastase enzyme converts starch into maltose.
Maltose is boiled to make it free from diastase. Later on, it is cooled and to this yeast is added. This is kept at a temperature of 25-370C. At this temperature the enzyme maltose present in yeast converts maltose into glucose and another enzyme zymase converts glucose into ethly alcohol.

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