42. Human population

Population : Population is an assemblage of individuals of the same species, occupying a particular area at a given time.
Natality : Natality or birth rate refers to the rate of birth of new individuals in a population per unit time. It is expressed as the loss in the number of individuals per year per thousand individuals of a population.
Density : Density refers of the total number of individuals in a population per unit area at a specific time. The density of a human population in an area is determined by dividing the total number of people living in that area divided by the total area of land in which they live.
Population Explosion : Tremendous increases in the number of individuals is known as a population explosion or overpopulation.
Family Planning : The control of a family where each family has a small number of children say one or two and proper gap between the two children is called family planning.
Contraceptive : A chemical or mechanical device used to prevent conception (pregnancy).
Vasectomy : Removal of all or a segment of vasa deferentia.
Tubectomey : Removal of all or a segment of fallopian tube.

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