Botanical Name: Rubia Tinctoria
Family Name: Rubiaceae
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Gentianales
Family: Rubiaceae
Tribe: Rubieae
Genus: Rubia
Species: R. cordifolia
Popular Names: Indian Madder, Manjit Gandari, Manchatti, Manjishta
Parts Used: Root, Fruit
Habitat: Found in the Himalayas and the hill stations of India
A perennial herbaceous climber, manjishta grows to a height of 1.5 metres. The woody based stem is long, rough and grooved. Its evergreen leaves are in whorls of four, about 5 to 10 cm in length. They are long, variable, cordate, rough above and smooth beneath. The flowers are small, about 0.3 to 2.5 cm long black and greenish-black in colour. The plant bears red to black berries that are globose, fleshy, smooth and shining, with two small seeds. The roots are reddish, cylindrical and flexuous, with a thin red bark and 4 to 8 cm length. Manjishta can be found throughout India, at a height above 3,500 metres.
Plant Chemicals
(+)- resinous and extractive matter, gum, sugar, colouring matter, yellow glucoside, manjistin, xanthine, garancin, orange red alizarin, anthroquinones, pentacyclic triterpenes, quinines, cyclic hexapeptides, diethylesters, xantho-purpurin, glucose, sucrose, ruberythric acid, alizarin, purpurin, purpurin carbohydrate, quinizarine, christofin, anti-tumor cyclic hexapeptides: RA-V and RA-VII
Uses and Benefits of Manjishta
- Manjishta is widely used both internally and externally.
- It is a potent blood-purifier and anti-diarrhoeal.
- The herb is an appetizer, digestant, vermicide, and even destroys ama.
- Manjishta is recommended in skin diseases associated with edema and oozing.
- The herb is used in wounds and ulcers dressing, to dry them up and make them heal promptly.
- Its decoction is used to wash the chronic wounds that are then dressed up with the external extract.
- The powder of the roots, when mixed with ghee, is beneficial for the treatment of acne.
- The paste of manjishta’s root removes freckles and discolouration of the skin.
- When used with honey, the herb heals inflammation and gives the skin an even tone and smoothness.
- It is good for treating gastro-intestinal ailments like loss of appetite, dyspepsia and worm infestations.
- Manjishta is used in a number of skin disorders, like erysipelas, eczema, acne, scabies and allergic manifestations.
- The herb controls the irritation of nerves and pacifies the mind.
- The cold infusion of manjishta improves menstrual bleeding and relieves the pain in dysmenorrheal.
- It is useful in post-natal ailments since it stimulates and cleanses the uterus.
- It is an effective medicament for the hoarseness of voice.
- Since it is anti-diabetic, it is used for treating urinary calculi.
- This herb is also used to cleanse and regulate liver, spleen, pancreas and kidneys.
- The fruit is useful in hepatic obstructions.