5. Curative properties of vegetables

Vegetables are also a rich source to cure certain ailments, but they are not so commonly used to cure diseases as fruits are. Here we are describe useful vegetables—Beet Root, Bottle gourd, Cabbage, Cucumber, Fenugreek, Lettuce, Mint, Potato, Ginger Carrot, Bitter gourd Garlic, Radish, Lemon, Tomato, Spinach etc.

Green Vegetables are rich in Vitamins

Beet root
Beets are of great therapeutic value. They have properties to clean the kidneys and gall bladder. Being rich in alkaline elements, potassium, calcium, magnesium and iron, they are useful in combating acidosis and aid the natural processes of elimination.

Beet-root is a good source of Iron

Its curative properties are given below.
Red beet juice is associated with human blood and blood forming qualities. Due to its higher content of iron, it regenerates and reactivates the red blood cells, supplies fresh oxygen to the body and helps the normal function of vesicular breathing i.e. normal breath sound. It is thus extremely useful in the treatment of anaemia.
Digestive Disorders
Beet juice is beneficial in the treatment of jaundice, hepatitis, nausea and vomiting due to biliousness, diarrhoea and dysentery. Adding a teaspoonful of lime juice to this juice increases its medicinal value and can be given as a liquid food. Fresh beet juice mixed with a tablespoonful of honey taken every morning before breakfast helps the healing of gastric ulcer.
Leaves of beet root, eaten as green-leafy vegetable and its juice, mixed with lime juice, are also valuable in jaundice and gastric ulcer. The juice should be taken once daily.
Constipation and Piles
The cellulose content of the beet acts as a bulk residue, increases peristalsis wave like movement and eases the passage of stool. Its regular use thus prevents habitual constipation. A decoction of the beet root is highly valuable in chronic constipation and piles. It may be given in doses of half to one tumblerful at bed time.
Circulatory Disorders
The beet juice is an excellent solvent for inorganic calcium deposits. It is, therefore, valuable in the treatment of hyperten- sion, arteriosclerosis, heart trouble and varicose veins.
Kidney and Gall Bladder Disorders
The beet juice, in combination with the juice of carrot and cucumber, is one of the finest cleansing material for kidneys and gall bladder. It is highly beneficial in all disorders relating to these two organs.
Skin Disorders
The water in which beet roots and tops have been boiled is an excellent application for boils, skin inflammation and out breaks of pimples and pustules. The white beet is better for this purpose. For an irritable skin the body should be sponged down occasionally with a mixture of three parts of beet water to one part of white vinegar. This mixture is also useful as a skin wash in cases of measles and eruptive fevers.
The decoction of beets mixed with little vinegar can be used externally to cleanse scurf or dandruff from the head. For dandruff, the beet water should also be massaged into the scalp with the ginger tip every night.
Bottle gourd
The cooked vegetable is cooling, diuretic, sedative and antibilious. It gives a feeling of relaxation after eating it. However, bottle gourd should not be eaten in a raw state as it may prove harmful for stomach and intestines. Its curative properties are given below.
Urinary disorders
Bottle gourd is very valuable in urinary disorders. A glassful of fresh juice prepared by grating the whole fruit should be mixed with teaspoonful of lime juice. It should be given once daily in the treatment of burning sensation in urinary passage due to high acidity of urine. It serves as an alkaline mixture. It should be given with sulpha drugs in the treatment of urinary infection. It acts as an alkaline diuretic in this condition.

Bottle Gourd is the commonly used vegetable during fevers

Excessive Thirst
The juice of bottle gourd is a valuable medicine for excessive thirst due to severe diarrhoea, diabetes and excessive use of fatty or fried foods. A glassful of plain juice with a pinch of salt should be taken everyday in this condition. Its use during summer prevents excessive loss of sodium, quenches thirst and helps in preventing fatigue.
The mixture of bottle gourd juice and sesame oil acts as an effective medicine for insomnia. It should be massaged over scalp every night. The cooked leaves of bottle gourd are also beneficial in the treatment of insomnia.
The cabbage has wonderful cleansing and reducing properties. Its most valuable properties are the high sulphur and chlorine content and the relatively large per cent of iodine. The combination of the sulphur and chlorine causes a cleansing of the mucus membranes of the stomach and intestinal tract, but this only applies when cabbage or its juice is taken in its raw state without the addition of salt.
However, cabbage and cabbage juice should never be taken as a main part of the diet. Very excessive intakes have been known to cause the thyroid disease called goiter. Its curative properties are given below.
The cabbage provides the roughage i.e., indigestible material which is essential to stimulate intestines for the proper action of the bowels. A meal of raw cabbage is an excellent remedy for constipation. It acts immediately without any adverse after effects. This meal can be prepared by adding a little salt, black pepper and lemon juice to finely chopped raw cabbage.
Stomach Ulcers
Duodenal ulcers have responded almost miraculously to the drinking of cabbage juice. Its origin as a traditional remedy goes back to the work of Garnet Cheney, M.D., of Stanford University School of Medicine some thirty years back. He is reported to have cured many ulcer patients with raw cabbage juice. The juice contains the antiulcer factor, Vitamin U. This vitamin is destroyed by cooking. The treatment consists of taking 90 to 100 ml. of cabbage juice for three times daily followed by a natural diet.

Cabbage is full with Vitamin A

To render the juice more palatable Dr. Cheney often added celery juice, made from both stalk and green, pineapple juice, tomato juice or citrus juice. Chilling the mixed juice also helps to improve the flavour. The juice, however, should not be taken all at once, but in many intervals throughout the day. If one does not have a juicer or blender, one can nibble on raw cabbage four or five times a day.
Recent research has discovered in cabbage a valuable content called tartronic acid which inhibits the conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fat. Hence, it is of great value in weight reduction. Taking cabbage salad would be the simplest way to stay slim, a painless way of dieting.
Premature Ageing
Research has shown that cabbage contains several elements and factors which enhance the immunity of the human body and arrests its premature ageing. The vegetable is of great value for persons of advancing age. Some of the elements help prevent the formation of patches on the walls of blood vessels and stones in the gall bladder. It has been found that a combination of Vitamin P and C in cabbage lends strength to the blood vessels.
Skin Disorders
The cabbage leaves have been successfully used in the form of pompresses in healing ulcers, infected sores, blisters and skin, eruptions, including psoriasis. The thickest and greenest outer leaves are most effective for use as compresses. They should be thoroughly washed in warm water and dried with a towel. The whole leaves should be used for large compresses.
The leaves should be made flat, soft and smooth by rolling them with a rolling pin after removing the thick veins. They should be warmed and then applied smoothly to the affected part in an overlapping manner. The leaves may be cut into thin strips for treating a small area. The cabbage leaves should be placed on a linen cloth and a pad of soft woollen cloth should be put over it. The whole compress should then be secured with an elastic bandage. The compress can be kept for the whole day and night. If, however, the leaves wither or change colour, they should be replaced by fresh ones. When changing the compress, affected area should he thoroughly washed and dried.
The alkaline forming minerals in the cucumber represent 64.05 per cent and the acid forming minerals 35.95 per cent. This mineral arrangement invests the cucumber with definite remedial and curative properties. It makes it useful in maintaining the alkalinity of the blood. It also operates as one of the best natural diuretics, secreting and promoting the flow of urine. It should always be taken raw as in cooking potassium and phosphorus are lost. Its curative properties are given below.
Stomach Disorders
The juice of the cucumber is a valuable food medicine in the treatment of hyperacidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers. It should be taken in doses of four to six ounces every two hours in such conditions. Sufficient juice can be extracted from a cucumber as it contains 96 per cent water. It gives immediate relief when there is a burning sensation in the stomach.

The cucumber is a dependable laxative food. It supplies bulk to aid bowel action. Those who suffer from constipation can greatly benefit by taking two cucumbers a day.
Rheumatic Ailments
Cucumber juice in combination with the juice of carrots, beets and celery, has a very beneficial effect in the conditions associated with accumulation of uric acid such as arthritis, gout and rheumatism.
Urinary Disorders
Cucumber seeds are rich in potassium. Emulsion of the shelled seeds has been found highly beneficial in the treatment of burning sensation in urinary calculi or stone in persons who are predisposed to such disorders. Emulsion of the shelled seeds, mixed with curd, is useful in dissolving the gravel in urinary tract and in reducing hyperacidity of the urine.
A glassful of fresh leaf juice mixed with tender coconut water, given one or two ounces every hour, is a medicine for excessive thirst during cholera. It acts excellently by restoring the electrolyte liquid balance in dehydration.
Skin Eruptions
Cucumber juice has proved effective in skin eruption. For better results, juices of carrot, lettuce should be added to this juice. Further, addition of little alfalfa juice in some cases can help to speed up their efficacy.
Beauty Aid
Grated cucumber applied over face, eyes and neck for 15 to 20 minutes has been found effective as a beauty aid and a best tonic for the skin of the face. Its regular use prevents pimples, blackheads, wrinkles and dryness of the face. Cucumber juice promotes hair growth due to its high silicon and sulphur content, particularly when mixed with carrot, lettuce and spinach juice.
Paste of the fresh leaves applied over the scalp regularly, before taking bath, lengthens hair, preserves the natural colour and keeps the hair silky soft. Paste of the fresh leaves, applied on the face every night before going to bed and washed with warm water, prevents pimples, blackheads, dryness of the face and early appearance of wrinkles. It improves complexion and makes one look years younger. The seeds of fenugreek are demulcent, diuretic, carminative which relieves gastric discomforts, lactagogue, which increases the flow of milk, astringent and aphrodisiac tonic. They are the best cleansers to body, highly mucus solvents and soothing agents. The seeds are used in the preparation of hair tonics and cosmetics in Java. Its curative properties are given below.
The leaves help in blood formation. The cooked leaves are extremely useful for adolescent girls to prevent anaemia and run down condition which is generally associated with the onset of puberty and sudden spurt of growth. The seeds of fenugreek are also valuable in anaemia, being rich in iron.
Digestive Disorders
Fenugreek leaves are highly beneficial in the treatment of indigestion, flatulence and sluggish liver. They help in the healing of mouth ulcers. An infusion of the leaves is used as a gargle for recurrent ulcers. Boiled and fried in butter, they are valuable in biliousness. The seeds are also useful in the treatment of colic, flatulence, dysentery, diarrhoea and dyspepsia.
Pregnancy and Lactation
The seeds are fried in ghee and finely powdered. This powder is mixed with wheat flour and sugar to prepare a halwa. This preparation, taken in small quantity daily, helps in quick normalisation after delivery. The seeds, made into a gruel, are given as diet to nursing mothers for increasing the flow of milk.
Reduction of Taste and Smell
The seeds help restore a deadened sense of taste or smell. The loss of sense of taste occurs due to improper functioning of the salivary glands. They often become plugged with mucus and accumulated juices, causing swelling. Similarly, the sense of smell is obstructed due to long accumulations of mucus or other impurities in the nose where the olfactory nerves are based. Regular use of fenugreek has proved beneficial in both these cases.
Fenugreek seeds are useful in the removal of dandruff. Two tablespoonfuls of the seeds should be soaked overnight in water. In the morning the softened seeds should be ground into a fine paste. This paste should be applied all over the scalp and left on the head for half an hour. The hair should then be washed thoroughly with soapnut (Ritha) solution or shikakai. Paste of the fresh leaves of fenugreek applied over the scalp regularly before taking bath also cures dandruff.

Seeds of Fengreek is effective to treat Dandruff

A tea made from fenugreek seeds is equal in value to quinine for reducing fevers. It is particularly valuable as a cleansing and soothing drink. The fenugreek seeds, when moistened with water are themselves slightly mucilages. A tea made from them has the power to dissolve more sticky substance as body mucus.
Stomach Disorders
The fenugreek tea soothes inflamed stomach and intestines and cleanses the stomach, bowels, kidneys and respiratory tract of excess mucus. It is beneficial in the healing of peptic ulcers as the mild coating of gum like lubricant material deposited by fenugreek, as it passes through the stomach and intestines, provides a protective shell for the ulcers.
Respiratory Infections
During the early acute stages of any of the respiratory tract infections, such as bronchitis, influenza, sinusitis, catarrh and suspected pneumonia, fenugreek tea will help the body to produce perspiration, dispel toxicity and shorten the period of fever. It should be taken upto four cups daily. The quantity is reduced as condition improves. To improve flavour, a few drops of lemon juice can be used. During such treatment, no form of food or nourishment should be taken as is followed during fasting and fenugreek will allow the body to correct these respiratory problems in a few days.
Sore Throat
The gargle made from fenugreek seeds is the best for ordinary sore throat. When preparing a gargle, the solution should be much stronger than a tea. Two tablespoonfuls of fenugreek seeds should be put into a quart of cold water and allowed to simmer for half an hour over low flame. It should be allowed to cool to a bearable temperature. It should then be strained and entire quantity used as a gargle.
Bad breath and Body Odour
The tea made from fenugreek is also beneficial in the case of bad breath and body odour. The unpleasant odours emanate from body openings due to accumulations of hardened mucus and other toxic substances in the nasal and oral passages, the gastrointestinal tract, the urinary tract, the bloodstream and vagina. The fenugreek tea, taken regularly will help remove these accumulation from such spots where mouth wash and soap can never penetrate.
Fenugreek seeds have been found highly effective in the treatment of diabetes. According to a report brought out by the Indian Council of Medical Research, fenugreek seeds, when given in varying doses of 25 grams to 100 grams daily, diminish reactive hyperglycaemia in diabetic patients. Levels of glucose, serum cholesterol and triglycerides were also significantly reduced in the diabetes patients when the seeds were consumed. The report said that the effect of taking fenugreek seeds could be quite dramatic, when consumed with 1200-1400 calories diet per day, which is usually recommended for diabetic patients.
Due to their cooling properties, a poultice of the leaves can be applied with advantage in external and internal swellings and burns.
Lettuce contains several health-building qualities and many medicinal virtues. It has many essential values to the human body. It is very good for brain, nervous system and lungs. The raw juice of lettuce is cool and refreshing. The high content of magnesium in the juice has exceptional power to vitalise the muscular tissues, the nerves and the brain. Its curative properties are given below.
As lettuce is rich in cellulose, it increases the bulk of the intestinal contents and encourages peristalsis. It is, therefore, highly beneficial in curing chronic constipation.

Lettuce contains many health building qualities

Lettuce is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia as it contains a sleep inducing substance. called ‘lectucarium’. Lettuce juice has been likened in effect to the sedative action of opium without the accompanying excitement. According to Culpepper, the ancient English herbalist, the juice of lettuce mixed with oil of roses, applied to the forehead and temples, induces sleep and eases the headache.’ The seeds of lettuce in decoction are useful in insomnia and wakefulness due to mental overwork.
Lettuce belongs to that group of vegetables which contain three percent or less of carbohydrate. It is, therefore, among the important foods which can he prescribed for diabetes. It can be used freely by diabetics.
Lettuce contains considerable amount of iron and supplies a good form of vegetable haemoglobin. It can, therefore, be used as a good tonic food for anaemia. The iron obtained in this way is absorbed by the body to a much greater degree than the inorganic iron tonic.
Pregnancy and Lactation
Eating raw lettuce has a highly beneficial effect during pregnancy and lactation. A very important nutritional factor, folic acid contained in lettuce prevents megaloblastic anaemia during pregnancy. In a series of experiments with lettuce, its useful effect during pregnancy confirms that mothers who had a regular use of lettuce were free from nutritional anaemia. One particular benefit of lettuce eating is that it prevents habitual abortions. It is believed to have a great influence over the secretion of progesterone hormone. Eating lettuce with spinach, peas, asparagus and cauliflower increases the folic acid or Vitamin B content of the food. It is estimated that about 300-500 mg. of this Vitamin is daily required during the last trimester of pregnancy. The deficiency of which causes megaloblastic anaemia.
Mint is much valued as a carminative which relieves gastric discomforts, stimulant, antispasmodic which relieves muscle strain and stomachic for improving appetite. It forms an ingredient of most drugs prescribed for stomach ailments because of its digestive properties. It is good for liver and helps dissolve gravel in the kidneys and bladder. Its curative properties are given below.
Digestive System Disorders
Mint juice is a good appetiser. Fresh leaf juice of mint mixed with a teaspoonful of lime juice and honey is given thrice daily with excellent results in the treatment of indigestion, biliousness, flatulent colic, thread worms, morning sickness and summer diarrhoea.

According to Kneipp, the well-known Naturopath, ‘‘A cupful of mint tea taken every morning and evening assists the digestion and gives a fresh and healthy
appearance. The powder renders the same service, if one or two pinches are taken daily in the food or in water.’’ He also considers that mint, prepared in milk or tea and drunk warm, removes abdominal pains.
The seeds of mint are also beneficial in relieving severe abdominal pain due to indigestion in older children. The child may be given a quarter teaspoonful of the seeds to chew and swallow with water in such conditions.
Respiratory Disorders
A teaspoonful of fresh mint juice, mixed with two spoonfuls of pure malt vinegar and equal quantity of honey is stirred in four ounces of carrot juice and is given thrice daily as a medicated tonic during the treatment of tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis. It liquefies the sputum, nourishes the lungs, increases body’s resistance against infection and prevents the harmful effects of anti tubercular drugs. It prevents the asthmatic attacks and reduces congestion in air passages.
Oral Disorders
Fresh leaves of mint, chewed daily is an effective antiseptic dentifrice i.e. tooth paste. The chlorophyll combined with other antiseptic chemicals in the mint, kills all the germs causing harmful odour. It strengthens the gums by providing the required nutrients and thus prevents tooth decay, pyorrhoea pre-mature fall of the teeth etc. It also keeps the mouth fresh and improves the sense of taste in the tongue.
Gargling fresh mint decoction with salt cures hoarseness due to shouting or singing loudly. It keeps the voice clear if used before singing. Therefore, it is a boon to singers and orators.
Skin Disorders
Application of fresh mint juice over face every night, cures pimples and prevents dryness of the skin. Juice is also applied over insect stings, eczema, scabies and contact dermatitis.
Natural Birth Control
In Ayurveda, powdered dry mint is regarded as a harmless herb for birth control. It is believed that the woman who swallows 10 grams of this powder a little before the sexual intercourse will be free from pregnancy so long as she continues this practice. The mint should be dried in a shady place and then powdered and bottled.
The potato contains several medicinal virtues. As it is one of the most strongly alkaline of all foods, it is, therefore, very helpful in maintaining the alkali reserve of the body and a natural antidote for an overdose of acid or acidosis. It dissolves away uric acid and lime. It is also important in preventing the fermentative process in intestine and it helps the growth of friendly bacteria in the digestive tract. However potatoes should be avoided by obese people as they are fattening. Its curative properties are given below.
Potato Therapy
An exclusive potato diet is considered valuable in the treatment of certain disorders such as chronic constipation, intestinal toxemia, uric acid diseases, renal calculi or stone and dropsy. This diet may be employed with beneficial results for several months, if necessary. In the potato diet, potatoes can be consumed in its various preparations, such as baked, steamed and in soup form. When on potato diet, other vegetables which can be taken are spinach, beet tops, turnip tops, cucumbers, lettuce, celery, tomatoes and other green vegetables.
The potato is regarded as an excellent food remedy in scurvy. It has been noted that scurvy in Europe has become more and more uncommon with the progress of potato cultivation and it makes its appearance only when the crop fails. Dr. G.F. Still used ‘potato cream’ in curing cases of infantile scurvy, while Dr. A.F. Hess used ordinary mashed potatoes for the same purposes.
Raw potato juice is regarded as an excellent food remedy for rheumatism. One or two teaspoonful of the juice pressed out of mashed raw potato should be taken before meals. This will help eliminate acid condition and relieve rheumatism. In some rural areas in Great Britain, it is a custom for rheumatic sufferer to carry a potato in their pockets, in the belief that the potato will absorb in itself some of the acid from the sufferer’s body. The old potato is thrown away and replaced by new one after a few days.
The skin of the potato is also an excellent food remedy for rheumatism. The skin is exceptionally rich in vital mineral salts and the water in which the peelings have been boiled is one of the best medicines for the ailments caused by excess of acid in the system. The potato peelings should be thoroughly washed and boiled for few minutes. The decoction should then by strained and a glassful of the same should be taken three or four times daily.
Digestive Disorders
Raw potato juice is valuable in stomach and intestinal disorders. Stomach ulcers are treated with the juice of pink potatoes. Potato juice also relieves gastritis. The recommended dose is half a cupful two or three times half an hour before meals. Potato starch is administered as an anti-inflammatory for gastro-intestinal diseases and toxins.

Potatoes are a rich source of Carbohydrates

Raw potato juice, externally applied, is valuable in the treatment of swelling and other disordered condition of the joints and muscles. After extraction of the juice, it should be boiled down to about one-fifth of its original bulk. A little quantity of glycerine may be added as a preservative. It is used as ointment. It should be applied after fomentation of the affected parts and should be repeated every three hours until the pain and swelling are relieved.
Skin Blemishes
The juice of raw potatoes, has also proved very valuable in clearing skin blemishes. This cleansing results from high content of potassium, sulphur, phosphorus and chlorine in the potato. These elements are, however, of value only when the potato is raw as in this state they are composed of live organic atoms. In the cooked state, they are converted into inorganic atoms and are of little value for constructive purposes.
The juicy pulp of the shredded raw potatoes can also be applied as a poultice in clearing the wrinkles and other skin blemishes due to ageing. It may be rubbed on the face and other portions of body that have wrinkles before retiring for bed. It will help ‘melt’ the wrinkles, banish age spots and clear the skin.
The enzymes in raw potato pulp, combined with the Vitamin C and the natural starch, helps create a ‘skin food’ that nourishes the starved cellular tissues of the skin. Furthermore, the alkaline juices of the potato promotes an antiseptic action that gives a glowing look of youth. Much of the decaying skin sloughs off by the acid portion of the pulp.
It is pungent and a bit bitter in taste. It acts as digestive, carminative, stomachic, anti-pyritic, generates heat, expels flatus and cough, purifies blood and is invigorating.
It is given in atonic dyspepsia, chronic bronchial cough and palpitation of heat. It is corrective to nauseous medicine and analgesic. It checks griping due to purgative and is needed as flavouring agent. Its curative properties are given below.
Asthma, Cough
1 tsp. mixture of juice of ginger, lahsun and honey (in equal quantity) taken 2-3 times a day relieves bronchial congestion, cures cough and gives relief.
Sucking 1 Goli (pill) of Heat Powdered Sonth and Black pepper 10 gms. each in 100 gms. Gur till it gets thick. Make gram size Goli (pill) 4-6 times a day cures coughing and relieves pain in chest and stomach due to constant cough.
Heated ginger juice with honey (1 tsp each) 3 times a day for few days cures cold and cough and gives relief in Asthma.
10 gms of ginger pieces boiled in water taken with sugar and milk like tea 2-3 times a day cures cold and cough.
Digestive and Stomach Problems

  • 2 tsp of juice ( of ginger, fresh lemon and honey in equal quantity) taken early in the morning helps in digestion, increases appetite and improves blood circulation.
  • Chatni of Ginger, fresh coriander leaves with sendha namak and Black Pepper taken half an hour before meals cures indigestion.
  • 6 gms ginger piece with sendha namak taken before meals for 10 days relieves flatulence.
  • Churna of Sonth (dried ginger), Heeng and Sendha Namak taken after meals acts as a digestive.
  • Small pieces of fresh ginger fried in pure ghee with little salt twice a day cures indigestion. Taking 1 tsp churna (finely powdered Sonth, Ajwayan and Black Pepper (10 gms. each), Kala Namak, Choti Ilayachi, Sugar (5 gms. each) to be strained and kept as Churna) after meals cures all stomach and digestive problems.
  • Prepare decoction by boiling pieces of ginger, Dhania seeds, little Jeera, 8-10 Kishmish in 1.5 lt. water till it is reduced to 250 gms. Strain it and mix it with Mishri, Taking this cures bile and helps in digestion.
  • Drinking milk with pieces of ginger boiled in it eliminates wind cures intestinal problems.
  • 1½ tsp. ginger juice acts as an adjuvant to laxatives (castor oil etc.) and checks gripping.

½ tsp. juice of ginger mixed with half cup of boiled water taken 3-4 times a day cures loose motions.
Chewing and sucking the juice of small pieces of ginger, or taking ½ tsp. powdered dried sonth boiled in milk stops hiccough.

Hoarseness of throat
Taking ½ tsp. ginger juice with honey 3-4 times a day or chewing and sucking little ginger piece 3-4 times a day cures hoarseness of throat.
Make a hole in ginger and fill it with little heeng, wrap this in cloth and heat ft. After grinding it, make small balls like chana and take this tablet 4-5 times a day. It cures hoarseness of throat.
Taking decoction (made of 3 gms of sonth, 7 Tulsi leaves, 7 Black pepper seeds boiled in 250 ml. water with sugar to taste) cures cold, cough, headache and gives relief in influenza.
½ tsp. of powdered Sonth with little Sendha Namak 3-4 times a day with hot water relieves sputum.
Pain In Ribs
Taking sonth decoction by boiling 20 gms. of Sonth in ½ lt. water to be taken in 4 doses cures pain in ribs.
Back-ache, Menstrual Disorder
Taking 1 dose of Churna ( 1 gm. powdered Sonth, 1.5 gms. Meetha Soda mixed with 2 gms. salt heated on Tawa to be taken in 4 doses) with hot milk or water before going to bed cures backache.
Taking decoction of powdered Sonth with old Ghee cures backache and regulates menstrual disorders.
Fomentation with paste of powdered Sonth made with warm water on the forehead cures headache.
1 drop of Ginger oil (ginger juice boiled in mustard oil) put in ear relieves ear-ache.
Taking 10 gms of Sonth boiled In 100 gms water with Shakkar or Gur for some time cures Arthritis.
Fry paste of ground Urad Dal. Mix Sonth and Gur and make Laddu. Eating one Laddu daily helps in curing paralysis.
Boll Urad Dal with little sonth in water for some time. Drinking this water cures paralysis.
Numbness of Limbs
Applying paste of Sonth and Lahsun (with water) on the affected limb cures numbness.
Chewing little Sonth with 2 Shellots of Lahsun early in the morning for 10-15 days improves circulation of blood and cures numbness.
Taking 2 gms. of Churna (Sonth, Pippall, Black Pepper 100 gms. each; Dhania seeds, Kala Jeera 10 gms. each; Kala Namak, Sendha Namak, Pahari Namak 5 gms. each; to be powdered and kept as Churna) twice a day after meals cures obesity.
Note : To keep ginger fresh, cover the Rhizome with sand or mud and sprinkle water everyday on fit.
Precautions : Ginger stimulates and generates heat and therefore should be taken very carefully in summer and autumn season.
Ill effects of ginger are eliminated by taking honey or almond oil.
Carrot (Gajar) is a most useful vegetable. Its curative properties are given below.
General Tonic
Eating raw carrot or taking its juice is a very good tonic for eyes, skin, physical and mental development.
Giving 2-3 tsp. carrot juice to weak children makes them physically strong.
Weak Memory
Taking carrot juice with 2 cups of milk (preferably cow’s milk) after eating 5-6 almonds early in the morning sharpens memory.
Taking slices of raw carrots and beetroot (Chukander) with lemon juice sprinkled on it cures anaemia.
Taking 250 gms. juice of carrots with spinach juice increases red-blood corpuscles.
Intake of carrots stops bleeding.
Nose bleeding
Applying paste of ground fresh carrot on forehead and above the nostrils stops bleeding from nose. Drinking carrot juice is also advisable.
Taking juice of carrot, beetroot and cucumber eliminates headache.
Indigestion and stomach problems
Taking juice of carrot and spinach after meals cures constipation and helps in easy bowel movement.
Taking fresh carrots or its juice regularly cures indigestion, chronic diarrhoea, acidity and other stomach disorders.
Taking 200 gms. carrot juice mixed with 200 gms. curd (preferably made from goat’s milk) in the morning eliminates bleeding and cures amoebiosis.
Taking Halwa of grated red carrots (fried on fire with little ghee or butter and mixed with little jaggery) twice a day eliminates cramps and imparts strength.
Taking carrot juice regularly cures rheumatism.
Carrot juice mixed with beetroot in equal quantity gives instant relief.
Taking 5 gms. carrot juice with 2½ gms. of juice of Karnphool (Dandelion) regularly makes the joints supple.
Taking carrot juice with parsley juice twice a day regularly reduces inflammation of the joints.
Eye problems
Taking carrot and spinach juice in equal proportion improves eye-sight.
Taking fresh carrots or its juice daily is very good for eyes and cures even night-blindness.
Washing eyes with water in which carrots have been boiled gives relief in case of eye-strain.
Taking 1 cup of carrot juice mixed with 1 cup of spinach juice regularly thrice a day gives relief in Asthma.
Taking carrot juice mixed with lettuce juice regularly eliminates extra fat.

Skin troubles
Taking raw carrots or its juice regularly eliminates aches, dryness of the skin, cures itching, removes blood-impurities and imparts natural glow.
Tying heated poultice of carrots on boils etc.
Taking carrot juice 3 times a day cures this.
Also applying the pulp of carrots on the affected part eliminates the spots left by the disease.
Tying a hot poultice of grated carrot with Sendha Namak sprinkled on the affected part cures the disease.
Fire burn
Applying the crushed pulp of carrot on the affected part and taking its juice eliminates the burning sensation and cures it.
Taking carrot juice cures tonsillitis.
Tooth Problems
Taking 1 cup carrot juice daily strengthens the gums and eliminates all dental problems.
Blood pressure
Taking carrot juice with spinach juice in 3:1 proportion regulates blood pressure.
Urinary problems
Taking carrot juice regularly twice a day-keeps the urinary track clean and unobstructed.
Taking carrot juice and spinach juice (2:1 proportion) eliminates stranguary.
Taking 2 tsp. ground seeds of carrot boiled in 1 glass of water eliminates stranguary and cures other kidney problems.
Taking 1 glass of juice of carrot, beetroot, cucumber (in equal proportion) helps in breaking stones and throwing them out.
Taking carrot juice 3 or 4 times a day is also useful.
Swallowing ground seeds of carrots with water also helps in this.
Taking 1 glass juice of carrot and lettuce (in equal quantity) eliminates stones from Gall Bladder.
Weak Heart
Taking carrot juice twice a day strengthens the heart.
Taking 1 cup fresh carrot juice with ½ cup spinach juice everyday cures liver problems.
Taking fresh carrot juice or soup or hot decoction of carrots twice a day gives relief in jaundice.
Tying the pulp of boiled carrots on the wound heals the wounds. Carrot juice should also be taken.
Intestinal disorders
Taking juice of carrots, cabbage and tomatoes (in equal proportion) daily cures all problems connected with intestines.
Taking fresh carrot or any preparation of carrot regularly is helpful in expelling worms.
Taking 1 cup of carrot juice empty stomach regularly for 10-15 days helps in killing worms and extracting them out of the system.
Taking 1 glass Kanji of carrots regularly for 3-4 weeks expels the worms.
Pain In chest
Taking juice of boiled carrots with honey eliminates pain.
Spleen trouble
Taking pickle of carrots (soak pieces of carrots in water having powder of mustard seeds and little salt for 2 to 3 days) with meals helps in curing.
Taking carrot juice or carrot juice mixed with Karela juice daily in the morning helps in secretion of insulin in the body.
Taking carrot juice with spinach juice (2 :1 proportion) daily also is helpful.
Sexual weakness
Taking carrot jam with milk 2 times a day eliminates weakness.
Taking carrot Kheer 2 times a day is also useful.
Lack of milk in breast
Taking black carrots with milk (preferably right from cow’s udder) brings enough milk for the child.
Taking juice of fresh carrots is also advisable.
Bitter gourd
Bitter gourd (Karela) is a most useful vegetable. Its curative properties are given below.
Massage the affected portion with juice of Karela and eat Karela vegetable to cure pain in joints.

Juice of Karela 5-10 gms. with or without water taken 3 times a day for 2-3 months eliminates sugar problem. 3-6 gms. ground Karela (cut into pieces, dried in shade and then ground) fresh water taken for 2 to 3 months is also useful. In addition to the above vegetable of Karela is also recommended.
½ tsp. of Karela juice 2 times a day taken for some time cures leucorrhoea.
½ tsp. of ground fresh juice of Karela with water twice a day cures jaundice.
Note : Intake of juice should be stopped when the yellow appearance in eyes ceases.
2 tsp. of Karela juice given to child of 3-8 yrs. daily is a preventive against liver problems. In enlarged liver 50 gms. juice with water is advised.
Taking juice of Karela (after boiling it) or fresh juice helps in curing liver troubles.
1 tsp. Karela juice daily for sometime destroys worms.
1 tsp. Karela juice with sugar 2 times a day, stops oozing of blood from piles.
Blood Purifier
1-2 tsp. of Karela juice in the morning taken for few days purifies blood.
Karela generates heat and is harmful if taken in excessive quantity.
Curd or lemon are useful in case of disorder caused by its excessive use.
Lahsun is a gastric stimulant and helps in digestion, acts as an anti-flatulent, carminative and diaphoretic. It is stimulant of kidneys and skin and is diuretic in nature. It is a tonic giving strength and vitality, an expectorant having a special effect on the Bronchial and Pulmonary secretions, beneficial for eyes and brain and helps in healing fractured bones and is a great antiseptic. It has ‘Allicin’which has the property to destroy even those germs which are not killed by Penicillin. It is thus a very powerful germicidal. Its curative properties are given below.
Heart Problems
As diluting agent for blood regular eating of Lahsun and then having milk with Lahsun boiled in it controls assimilation of cholesterol.
Chewing 4 or 5 shellots of Lahsun given at the time of heart attack prevents heart failure and advised till medical aid is procured.
25 gms. ground Lahsun shellots boiled in milk—till it becomes thick (like Kheer)—to be taken when cooled in the morning for atleast a month.
Also massage the body with oil. (Boil 250 gms ground Lahsun shallots with 500 gm mustard oil in an iron Karahi (pan) till it is burnt. Put some camphor in it. Cool it and keep it in bottle for massage).
Eating 7 ground shallots of Lahsun with one tsp of fresh butter also helps in curing paralysis.
High Blood pressure
Taking 6 drops of lahsun juice with fresh water regularly reduces hypertension.
Paste of garlic with onion applied on the chest as poultice. cures bronchitis.
Bile, Cough, Wind
For bile-use of ground garlic with sugar; for cough with honey (especially in winter and spring) and for wind with ghee (especially in rainy season) is highly recommended.
Lahsun juice taken with hot water twice a day.
Try a shallot of Lahsun with little salt twice a day.
10 drops of Lahsun juice with 2 teaspoon of honey cures Asthma. It can be administered at the time of attack also.
Pulmonary infections including TB is controlled by:
Regular intake of Lahsun destroys germs because of its rich contents of Sulphuric Acid.
Chewing 10 shallots of Lahsun boiled in 250 gms. milk and then having that milk helps in curing TB.
Chewing of 3-4 shallots of Lahsun 3 times a day reduces cough, increases appetite, induces sleep and helps in curing TB. of lungs.
Smelling cotton-wool soaked in Lahsun juice carries its strong foul smell to lungs which helps in destroying all germs.
Whooping Cough, Cold and Cough
Regular intake of 3-5 shallots of Lahsun cures cold and cough.
6-7 drops of Lahsun juice mixed with sherbet of Pomegranate cures all types of cold and cough and even whooping cough.
Taking 1 shallot of Lahsun with 5 soaked, peeled and ground almonds and Mishri in the morning taken for 3-4 days cures whooping cough.
8-10 drops of Lahsun juice mixed with 4 gms of honey 4 times a day cures whooping cough.
Making the child wear a mala (garland) having 2 shallots of Lahsun helps in curing whooping cough.
5 drops of Lahsun in hot water given 2 or 3 times a day cures frequent and violent coughing spells.
Sore Throat
Gargles with hot water with few drops of lahsun cures sore throat.
Juice of 5 to 7 shallots of Lahsun with hot water taken once stops frequent sneezing.

Garlic has properties to cure gastric troubles

Application of Lahsun juice on nails of hands and feet before fever and taking 1 tsp Lahsun juice with 1 tsp fresh water thrice a day cures malaria.
4 ground shallots of Lahsun mixed with half cup hot milk for 4-5 days helps in curing jaundice.
Night discharge
Chewing 1-2 shallot of Lahsun with 1 cup hot milk before bedtime stops night-discharge.
Paste of Lahsun applied on forehead or near the ears for 3-4 minutes and putting 2 drops of Lahsun juice in the nostril (of the affected side) relieves pain of migraine.
Drop of Lahsun juice boiled in little mustard oil relieves ear-ache.
Pain in arms
Fried ground Lahsun and Sonth in ghee mixed with honey be kept in bottle. Taking 10 gms of this and drinking hot milk, tea or coffee in winters relieves pain.
Keep 200 gms ground Lahsun mixed with 600 gms. pure honey in a bottle in a sack of wheat for 21 or 31 days.
Taking 10 gms of that paste followed by drinking lukewarm milk early in the morning for 21 or 31 days gives extra-ordinary strength and helps in curing impotency.
Chewing 4 shallots of Lahsun slowly early in the morning followed by drinking lukewarm water, regularly in winters gives extra-ordinary strength to men. It removes infertility in women.
Massage the body with Lahsun oil (250 gms. ground Lahsun shallots boiled in 500 gms. mustard, oil till Lahsun in burnt in an iron Karahi).
Take pieces of 3 or 4 shellots of Lahsun boiled in milk or kheer made of ground 3 or 4 shallots in milk before going to bed.
This has to be taken regularly with gradual increase in quantity for 6 weeks or more to cure arthritis.
Gastric ulcer and Acidity
After 2 or 3 sips of water taking ground shallot Lahsun (like pea in quantity) after meals and drinking little water cures gastric ulcer, hypertension and other ailments due to atmospheric and water-pollution. As a stomachic eating Lahsun shallots checks excessive stomach acidity.
Taking 2 or 3 shallots of Lahsun with water has a soothing effect on varied types of diarrhoea.
Flatulence, Sciatica
Small dose of decoction (strain after boiling together 6 ounces of Lahsun with 2 pints of water and 4 pints of milk till the water is evaporated) given regularly cures flatulence, sciatica.
Intake of 1 Lahsun shallot for sometime acts as a vermifuge in expelling round-worms.
Frost-bite, Leucoderma, Ringworm, Alopecia
Apart from eating raw Lahsun local application of Lahsun paste on affected part for 2 to 4 minutes is advisable.
Massaging the body with Lahsun oil purifies blood and cures itching.
Urinary problems
Paste of Lahsun applied below navel relieves strangury.
Infantile Convulsions
Poultice of Lahsun applied to the spine Is recommended.
Regularly taking 6-10 drops of Lahsun in 1 tsp. of honey cures pyorrhoea.
Boil Lahsun in mustard oil. When Lahsun gets fried strain the oil, cool it and mix it with fried ground 30 gms. Ajwayan and 15 gms. Sendha Namak.
Brushing the teeth with this cures bad breath and pyorrhoea. It is to be done for 2-3 months.
Applying Lahsun juice on the bald head and leaving it to dry 3 times a day for few weeks-helps in hair-growth.
Bites of Venomous Reptiles and dogs
Paste of Lahsun applied on the bites of venomous reptiles counteracts poison.
5-7 ground shallots of Lahsun mixed with 1 pint of milk administered immediately after bite counteracts the poison.
Inhaling the smell of shallots of Lahsun kept near the nostrils helps to recover from swooning.
Antiseptic for cleaning Wounds
Mixture of Lahsun juice and water is very effective antiseptic lotion for cleaning all types of wounds etc.
In large doses it is an irritant and produces flatulence, headache, nausea, vomiting etc. So it should be taken in limited quantity.
As a local stimulant and irritant, it reddens the skin and causes vesication. So its application should not be for more than 2-3 minutes.
Not admissible for pregnant woman.
Radish is digestive, antistomachaic, diuretic, blood-purifier, lessens nervous tensions and helps in enhancing blood circulation. It is germicidal and suppresses wind, bile and phlegm. Its curative properties are given below.
Indigestion and Stomach problems
Taking fresh radish with or without carrots and tomatoes eliminates acidity.
Taking radish with Sendha Namak and black pepper sprinkled on it at meal time improves digestion and eliminates wind and acidity
Taking juice of fresh radish, cabbage and tomato cures flatulence.
Taking juice of fresh radish with little sendha namak twice a day cures stomachache and other problems of digestion.
Taking the raw roots of Radish helps in digestion and increases appetite.
Taking Radish pieces (soaked for two days in mustard seeds powder) brings back appetite.
Taking fresh leaves of Radish with Kala namak cures constipation.
Urinary problems
Taking 30-40 gins of fresh Radish juice eliminates irritation and pain while urinating and also cures stranguary.
Taking fresh leaves juice twice or thrice a day or juice of root of fresh radish is also useful.
Taking 1 cup juice of radish 3 or 4 times a day and chewing its fresh leaves or taking Radish seeds water (35 gms seeds, which are inside the covering of the beans of radish, boiled in half litre water till it is reduced to half for few days helps in breaking stones and throwing them out.
Taking juice of fresh Radish helps in stopping the formation of Gall stones.
Hoarse Throat
Taking about 4-5 gms of ground seeds of Radish with lukewarm water clears the throat.
Gargling with lukewarm radish water also helps.
Gargling with Radish juice mixed with water in the same proportion and little salt cures it.
Foul Breath
Taking Radish juice with Mishri eliminates foul breath.
Taking pieces of white Radish and its soft leaves with lemon juice sprinkled on it eliminates lethargy.
Chewing soft leaves of 3-4 Radish cures hiccough.
Applying heated paste of seeds of Radish ground in lemon-juice on the affected part is useful in curing it.
Eczema, Itching and other skin problems
Applying paste of freshly ground radish pulp for 1 hour before taking bath is helpful in curing eczema.
Taking Radish with salad in meals with lemon juice sprinkled on it removes blood-impurities and cures itching.

Applying ground pulp of Radish on the face till it gets dried up before washing with cold water cures acne on face.
Taking one Radish alongwith leaves or its juice regularly and applying the ground pulp on face eliminates black spots and freckles.
Massaging with Radish juice eliminates wrinkles.
Taking raw fresh Radish or Radish juice with sugar or Radish juice and sugarcane juice early in the morning cures Jaundice.
Taking Radish juice with little sendha namak and lemon juice after meals destroys worms and throws them out.
Taking fomentation of steam of hot water of Radish soft leaves (boiled first in a closed utensil) eliminates swelling and pain.
Taking 1 tsp ground seeds of Radish with water is also useful.
Taking juice of Radish with sugar is useful.
Menstrual problems
Taking 2-3 gms of ground seeds of Radish 3-times a day regulates and relieves pain during menses.
Taking fresh leaves of Radish cures pimples due to lack of bleeding in menses.
Applying paste of ground Radish pulp on the burnt portion helps In quick healing.
Taking one Radish a day is very good for eye-sight.
Whooping Cough
Taking juice of Radish with sugar-cane juice in equal quantity and little ginger juice gives relief in this.
Insect bite
Applying juice of Radish or slice, of Radish with salt (to be changed After 5 minutes) on the affected part eliminates poisonous effect of insect bite.
Taking radish juice after 3 or 4 hours relieves the affect of poison.
Taking fresh Radish or 1 cup of juice with 1 tsp pure ghee twice a day helps in curing it.
Taking slices of Radish (kept in open with salt sprinkled on it overnight) empty stomach in the morning.
Taking slices of Radish fried in ghee is also very useful.
Sexual weakness
Taking Radish regularly helps in getting back lost sexual power.
Taking 2 gms of powder of seeds of Radish (Dry 50 gms seeds of Radish and powder them. Strain it) with butter or cream regularly for atleast 8-10 days eliminates sexual weakness.
It is a rich source of Vitamin C with a great medicinal properties. Its curative properties are given below.
Digestive Problems
Lemon juice taken early in morning with lukewarm water helps in comfortable cleansing of bowels and thereby increases the appetite.
Running Cold
Lemon juice taken in warm water with little salt helps in curing running nose.
Lemon juice taken with little salt (black), powdered black pepper, Jeera and Ajwayan in glass of water relieves nausea.
Lemon juice taken in tea (without milk and sugar) relieves headache.
Lemon juice taken in lukewarm water early in the morning reduces obesity.
General Tonic
Lemon juice in fresh water with honey strengthens body and heart and tones up the muscles.
Taking pickle of lemon and unripe Black Pepper seeds helps in digestion and strengthens the body and muscles.
Urinary Problem
Fill the two pieces of lemon with little ‘Kalmi Shora’ and heat it on slow fire. Take out its juice Rubbing it around the naval helps in passing out urine.
Lemon juice with tea (without milk and sugar) checks diarrhoea.
Juice of one lemon in 300 gms water taken four or five times a day cures diarrhoea.

Lemon is full with Vitamin-C

Paste of lemon seeds applied on the scalp cures baldness.
Paste of lemon leaves with little sugar taken early in the morning checks plies.
Enlarged Liver
1 litre Lemon juice, 100 gms ginger juice, 10 gm salt, 20 gm Jeera, 5 gm Heeng.
Roast Jeera and Heeng. Powder them and mix with salt, juice of lemon and ginger. Preserve in a bottle. Administration of this preparation early in the morning helps in curing enlarged liver, increases appetite and cures all digestive problems.
Enlarged Spleen
Taking Lemon juice (10 gm) mixed with onion juice (6 gms) morning and, evening helps in curing enlarged spleen.
Taking lemon pickle is also very good.
Taking lemon juice either in soda, or juice of orange or pomegranate cures blisters in mouth.
Taking lemon juice in glass of water mixed with Mishri in morning and afternoon prevents cholera.
Nose Bleeding
Putting fresh lemon juice with dropper in the nostrils helps in controlling the blood flow.
Paste lemon juice mixed with Barley flour applied on the forehead once or twice helps in controlling blood flow from nose.
Throat Problems
Taking hot lemon juice with honey helps in curing throat problems.
Mix Nibu juice (1 tola), Khanda (2 tola) Meetha Soda (4 ratti) Nausadar (2 ratti) with water (10 tolas). Taking it morning and evening helps in curing jaundice.
Dandruff, Hair Problems
Applying lemon juice mixed with Multani Mitti or Besan on the head and washing the hair 3 or 4 times checks dandruff, falling of hair and itching on the scalp.
Cosmetic Properties of Lemon
Cut a lemon in 2 pieces. Rub soap on it early in morning. Apply rub it on face and wash it with warm water. It helps in removing spots on face and imparts lustre.
Cut a lemon in 2 pieces and rub 10 gm Nausadar on these pieces with hand. When Nausadar gets absorbed then rub the pieces on the face. It removes spots on face and gives a natural glow to the face.
Taking bath with hot water mixed with juice of 2 lemons softens and beautifies the skin.
Applying lemon juice mixed with Glycerin (equal quantity) and little Rose Water on face, hands and other parts of the body cleanses dirt, cures cracks and imparts natural glow and softness.
Brushing teeth with lemon juice helps in eradicating foul smell and imparting sparkle to teeth.
Applying lemon-juice to hair before washing them makes hair soft and lustrous.
Applying on the head paste of one lemon juice mixed with 200 gms. Besan, 1 spoon mustard oil in 200 ml. water and then washing after some time imparts natural lustre and softness to hair.
The leaves of Lemon tree are equally beneficial.
Chewing 3-4 leaves 3 times a day helps in curing cough, bile and vomiting.
Taking paste of leaves mixed with sugar early in the morning cures diarrhoea, dysentery and even piles.
Inhaling the smell of burnt dry leaves cures hiccough and headache.
Burning dried leaves in room helps in relieving mosquitoes and insects.
Onion is a source of energy and acts as a stimulant, increases vigour and vitality, acts as an expectorant and diuretic, slows the heart beat, prevents flatulence and dyspepsia. It is useful in various diseases. Its curative properties are given below.
One teaspoon of onion juice mixed with milk or honey taken at bed-time induces sleep.
Onion juice mixed with ginger juice and honey act as an expectorant.
Eating raw onion or applying onion juice on the forehead helps in controlling cold.
Onion juice mixed with ginger juice black pepper and salt or ground onion with honey helps in controlling Asthma and problems of throat, tonsils and lungs.
Intake of raw onion prevents and guards the attack of T B germs and also helps in eradicating TB.
Pain in Ears
2 to 3 drops of lukewarm onion juice cures the pain in ears.
One drop of onion diluted with rosewater helps in improving the eyesight and eliminates eye ailments.
Unconsciousness due to Hysteria is cured by making the patient smell onion or by rubbing his feet with crushed onion.
One cup of onion juice mixed with juice of one lemon, one teaspoon of ginger juice, pinch of Salt (table salt or Kaala Namak) given in four equal doses in a day prevents cholera.
One teaspoon of onion juice with little salt given two hourly or one spoon of onion juice mixed with juice of mint leaves given every hour helps in cholera.
Small onion cut into four pieces soaked in vinegar or lemon juice taken with salt and black pepper twice a day helps in curing Jaundice.
Urinary Problems
Onion juice taken in hot water acts as diuretic.
Stone (Pathari)
Onion juice mixed with sugar (sherbet) helps in breaking the stone.
Applying paste of onion on navel region helps in curing diarrhoea.
Blood from the nose
Few drops of onion juice put in the nose helps in stopping bleeding from the nose.
Skin diseases
Onion mixed with turmeric powder and mustard oil, heated on fire into a paste and applied on bowl and abscess, helps in draining out pus.
One-fourth cup of onion-juice mixed with one cup of water used for washing the wounds and bowls etc. and applying a dressing of the same acts as a disinfectant and removes itching.
Heat stroke
In summers eating of raw-onion prevents heat stroke.
Applying the onion paste on the feet counteracts the effect of heatstroke.
Onion juice reduces the effect of over intoxication.
Menstrual Disorders
Onion made into a curry with condiments or onion juice mixed with Gur taken regularly helps in curing menstrual disorders.
Applying onion juice on acne cures the overgrowth.
Seeds of onion ground and mixed with milk beautifies the skin by cleansing the spots etc.
Rubbing paste of onion with lime helps in removing the small overgrowth of skin.
Insect bite
Applying paste of onion helps in curing the poisonous effect of bite of insects like honey-bee, yellow jacket, scorpion etc.
Rubbing onion juice on the bald area of the head helps in new growth.
Dental Problems
Eating raw onion prevents bacterial growth in the mouth, stops dental decay, helps in curing dental problems.
Rubbing of onion juice with oil of sesame cures arthritis.
Other uses
Keeping of onion piece In the room is helpful to remove the smell of fresh paint in the room.
Keeping one onion in pocket is advised as preventer of heat-stroke.
Tying of a piece of onion near the light dispels mosquitoes, insects etc. coming in the room.
Keeping white onion prevents snakes from entering the house.
Tomato is rich in Iron, more than 2 times than eggs. Thus tomato is a precious vegetable, which gives a lot of energy and resistance to fight diseases. So eat Tomato and keep fit. Its curative properties are given below.
Taking one glass Tomato juice with little honey in breakfast gives mental and physical strength and energy.
Taking Tomato soup before meals increases appetite, eliminates weakness and gives vigour and strength to the muscles.
Taking Tomatoes regularly strengthens the weak bones.
Taking Tomatoes regularly with Sendha Namak or Jaggery sprinkled on it eliminates iron deficiency during pregnancy.
Eating raw Tomatoes and sucking its juice (after removing the seeds) helps in generation of blood and cures anaemia.
Indigestion and Stomach ailments
Eating raw tomatoes with kaala namak and ground pepper sprinkled on it cures in digestion and increases appetite.
Taking raw tomatoes or Tomato juice and lots of Spinach eliminates constipation and makes the bowels move easily.
Blisters in mouth
Gargling with Tomato juice mixed with water cures blisters on lips, tongue and mouth.
Taking Tomato juice regularly is advisable for a person who suffers from this occasionally.
Sucking juice from a Tomato with Kaala Namak, Black Pepper and lime juice sprinkled on it controls nauseating feeling.
Taking juice of Tomato and few Mint leaves with black pepper Kaala namak and lime juice sprinkled in it relieves nausea.
Taking pieces of red ripe Tomatoes with finely chopped ginger and sendha namak before meals is good in appendicitis.
Eye troubles
Taking raw ripe Tomatoes regularly improves eye-sight and eliminates eye troubles.
Taking tomatoes and curd combination as vegetable or syrup with meals is very helpful in improving eye-sight. (Tomato juice and curd in 2 :1 proportion mixed with either sendha namak, black pepper or jaggery).
Heart Palpitation
Taking 1 cup juice of fresh Tomatoes mixed with little powder of the bark of Arjun tree for 15-20 days eliminates problem of palpitation of heart.
Skin Ailments
Taking Tomato juice regularly 2-3 times a day purifies the blood and cures skin diseases.
Massaging the skin with Tomato juice mixed with the coconut oil is very effective in eliminating dryness of the skin and also cures itching.
Gum bleeding
Taking 5 gms of Tomato juice regularly 3 times a day strengthens the gums and stops bleeding.
Black-spot, Freckles on Face
Applying the juice of Tomato by cottonwool (soaked in Juice) on the black spots or freckles on the face and washing after some time clears the spots and makes the skin glow.
Taking raw sliced Tomato with salt and pepper sprinkled on it reduces the sugar content in the blood.

Taking Tomato salad, Tomato vegetables and Tomato juice (like water) eliminates sugar content and cures diabetes.
Infantile Scurvy
Giving 20-25 gms juice of fresh ripe tomatoes thrice a day to children improves digestion and cures infantile scurvy.
Taking sliced fresh red tomatoes with sendha namak and black pepper sprinkled on it empty stomach destroys worms.
Taking fresh sliced tomatoes and radish with Sonth, Kaala namak and roasted ground Jeera sprinkled on it with meals for 2-3 week cures piles.
Taking fresh sliced tomatoes with onion, kaala namak, black pepper and lemon juice sprinkled on it daily helps in eliminating fat from the body.
Fever and Thirst
Taking 50 gms juice of Tomatoes 2-3 times quenches the thirst caused by fever.
Taking 80-100 ml. juice of Tomatoes with, 1 tsp. Cod Liver Oil daily for 3 months gives strength and vigour and cures TB.
Night Blindness
Eating Tomato by cutting it with teeth regularly eliminates night blindness (which is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin A).
Taking Tomato and Bathua mixed juice 2 times a day eliminates and cures Gout.
Tomatoes are harmful for patients suffering from:
Severe cough.
Stone problems in stomach, urinary bladder. Hence tomatoes should not be taken by them.
Too much intake of seeds in tomatoes may lead to stone- formation and so should be taken care of.
The leaves of spinach are demulcent or soothing agents, refrigerant or coolants, diuretic and milk laxative. Its curative properties are given below.
Spinach juice cleans the digestive tract by removing the accumulated waste therefrom. It nourishes the intestines and tones up their movements. It is, therefore, an excellent food remedy for constipation.
This vegetable is a valuable source of high grade iron. After its absorption in the system, the formation of haemoglobin and red blood cells take place. It is thus highly beneficial building up the blood and in the prevention and treatment of anaemia.
Spinach is also a rich source of calcium and other alkaline elements which are essential for keeping the tissues clean and for preserving the alkalinity of the blood. It, therefore, helps prevent chronic diseases which thrive on the formation of too much acid in the system.

Night Blindness
The spinach is particularly rich in vitamin A. It contains more vitamin A than most other green vegetables. This vitamin promotes growth and health, specially the health of the eyes. Lack of this vitamin may lead tonight blindness. Spinach is thus an effective food remedy for the prevention and treatment of night blindness.
Tooth Disorders
The spinach juice is effective in strengthening the gums and preventing and, curing dental cavities. Chewing raw spinach leaves cures pyorrhoea. A mixture of carrot juice and spinach juice, taken early in the morning, can cure bleeding and ulcerated gums.
Respiratory Disorders
Infusion of fresh leaves of spinach prepared with two teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds mixed with a pinch of ammonium chloride and honey is an effective expectorant tonic during the treatment of bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma and dry cough due to congestion in the throat. It soothe the bronchioles, liquefies the tenacious sputum and forms healthy tissues in the lungs and increase resistance against respiratory infections. It should be taken in doses of 30 ml. three times daily.
Pregnancy and Lactation
As the richest source of folic acid, spinach is a very valuable food during pregnancy and lactation. Megaloblastic anaemia of pregnancy occurs because the mother is deficient in folic acid. This deficiency of folic acid occurs as this substance is required for the developing foetus. Regular use of spinach during pregnancy will help prevent the deficiency of folic acid. It will also prevent threatened abortion and accidental haemorrhage, deficient absorption of food by small intestine associated with lassitude i.e. tiredness, shortness of breath, loss of weight and diarrhoea. Spinach is also good source of nutrition for nursing or lactating mothers and improves the quality of their milk.
Urinary Disorders
Fresh spinach juice taken with tender coconut water once or twice a day acts as a very effective but safe diuretic due to the combined action of both nitrates and potassium. It can be safely given in cystitis, nephrites and scanty urination due to dehydration.

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