Energy Locks, Kundalini and Mudras are though not related to Reiki directly, but these element improve the healer’s power, certainly.
Energy Locks
They are also called Bandhas in the language of Yoga. They are special postures adopted to conserve and make use of vast reserve of prana. They not only prevent dissipation of prana but also enable you to regulate its flow and convert it into spiritual energy. They are said to raise the latent Kundalini energy by their powerful effect on flow of prana. Along with Reiki, practising these techniques will help you further in strengthening your energy body. Of course, your other yoga practices like asana, pranayama, meditation, vegetarian diet, etc. should continue for added benefits.
There are mainly three kinds of ‘Bandhas’ or ‘Locks’ as described below:
Jalandhar Bandha: While retaining your breath after inhaling, press your chin firmly into the chest. This prevents ‘prana’ escaping from upper body. Lift your head while you exhale.

Jalandhar Bandha : Press chin to the larynx

By pressing the chin against the chest carotid arteries in the neck are pressed reducing the blood flow into brain resulting in a state akin to artificial anaesthesia or trance.
Uddiyana Bandha

Uddiyana Bandha : Exhale completely and stretch
the abdomen inwards.

After exhaling completely, pull the abdomen up and back towards the spine as much as possible. This forces Prana-Apana up the Sushumna Nadi.
Moola Bandha

Moola Bandha : Press the space in between penis and anus by heel. Pull the penis and anus upwards in this pose.

While retaining the breath, contract the anal sphincter muscles. This prevents the apana escaping from the lower body and helps in drawing it up to unite with prana.
Kundalini and Reiki
Many people remain confused about the relationship of Kundalini energy with Reiki. On the basis of my extensive study whatever little I have understood in this regard, I am sharing it with the readers.

Awakened Kundalini

Kundalini is also the source of life energy. Difference between the energy of Reiki and Kundalini is that while Reiki comes from the above (top, Crown Chakra), Kundalini energy rises from below. At the stage of enlightenment both these energies meet or fuse into each other. In fact, during enlightenment by Kundalini awakening, Kundalini reaches to Sahasrara Chakra and merges into Universal life energy. Similarly we can achieve enlightenment by taking Reiki down to meet Kundalini. End results are same by both the processes.
In an ordinary person only the grosser aspect of Kundalini energy is working through ‘Ida’ and ‘Pingala’ nadis which serves to fulfill only bodily needs. However the inner aspect of Kundalini which works through Sushumna nadi remains dormant. Or even if it is opened, it is opened only up to the level of lower three chakras. But very small energy is going to the higher chakras through the Sushumna nadi. This inner aspect of Kundalini is associated with our level of consciousness and spiritual development. However, when Kundalini is fully awakened, all the energy starts flowing through Sushumna and we attain higher levels of consciousness and then everything is looked and understood from a new level of awareness. Energywise also, body received full and balanced energy when energy is following through Sushumna instead of Ida and Pingala.
Some schools of occultism believe that life energy is bipolar in nature, i.e. it is made up of both male and female healing energies. The male part comes from above and is associated with Reiki and Crown Chakra. The female part comes from below and is associated with Kundalini and Root Chakra. These two energies communicate with each other and decide how much of each polarity is needed.
Balancing Panch Pranas
Our ancient yoga literature have talked about five kinds of prana (or life energy). Thus, vitality or life energy flows through the body in five main streams (though there are many subdivisions). Each prana is located in a different region of the body and regulates the health of the parts of the body of that region. These five types of prana or life energy are associated with five elements and five chakras (below Ajna chakra). The following table shows these correspondences and their functions in the body.

An energy Bridge

Kechari mudra is quite simple and effective in joining the energy meridians of pathways that run through the body. It is performed by pressing the tip of the tongue up to the roof of the mouth. Your goal will be to press your tongue back as far as possible without straining. Like any muscle, your tongue will become more flexible with
will become more flexible with time and practice. Kechari mudra can be performed with any meditation. For some, it is an old friend to turn to during the day. It can help your mind and body do a better job of any task you ask of yourself.

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