6. Kidney & Bladder Disorders

Kidney, bladder and ureter form our excretory system. For proper functioning of kidney and bladder, one should drink plenty of water.
Bladder Stones
Boil 2 anjeer in 1 cup of water. Drink daily for a month.
Kidney Malfunctioning
Frequent intake of dhania tea: boil or steep 2 teaspoons dhania powder in a glass of boiling hot water. Add sugar and milk to taste.
Add more almonds to the daily diet.
Urinary Diseases
Mix 1 tablespoon juice of amla with a ripe, mashed banana and eat twice or thrice a day.
An infusion of tender papaya leaves is taken once or twice a day.
Take juice of tulsi leaves (10-15) mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey.
Painful Urination
Mix ½ teaspoon powdered methi dana in buttermilk and drink.
Take 5 drops of sandalwood oil alongwith 1 cup of milk. Add a pinch of powdered ajwain. Drink.

Kidney and bladder play
a major role in our body

Add 1 tablespoon pudina leaves to 1 cup water. Take twice or thrice a day.
Scanty Urination
Boil ¼ teaspoon powdered chhoti ilaichi seeds in light tea water and drink.
Urine Retention
Soak a few shreds of kesar overnight in ¼ cup water. Next morning drink it with 1 teaspoon honey.

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