6. Naturopathy to Cure Digestive Disorders

According to this therapy, food, wrong eating habits, eating every time not giving rest to digestive organs, overloading stomach with frequent and unwanted food items, constipation lack or absence of sweating, interrupted urinary flow, vitiation of three humours, improper and inadequate rest or dietary habits, use of health damaging items like alcohol, tobacco, tea, coffee, intoxicants and drugs, excessive use of spicy, fatty, condiments foods which are laughing of bulk or roughage. Unbalanced and nutritionless food etc. are the major causes of various types of stomach and digestive disorders.
Naturopathy aims at excretion of toxins and waste matters from our body through fasting, enema, by inducing perspiration, regulating bowels and urinary flow. Even Ayurveda subscribes to all the said methods when it apologises efficacy of fasting, purging, catharsis, purification (Shodhan), sweating (Swedana) etc. All such devices are supplementary to the leading curative method, by whichever name we may call it.
Since our main subject is stomach and digestive disorders, I will confine myself only to the methods which help to cure the different stomach and digestive disorders.
1. Enema, 2. Hip Bath, 3. Sun-Bath, 4. Fasting, 5. Massage, 6. Fruit and Vegetable therapy, 7. Hot Foot-bath, 8. Steam-bath.
Spread a sheet on floor and lie on a hard surface, ensuring that your body touches the floor except hips, which should remain slightly elevated. Use a utensil which should hang down from a wall. Clear the tube, nozzle and utensil and let out some drops of water from the nozzle so that no air remains trapped therein. It will rule out possibility of air-pocket which shouldn’t spill over to intestines and stomach. Now insert the nozzle into the rectum to facilitate free entry of water. When it is felt that requisite quantity of tepid water has entered the intestines, close and remove the nozzle and wait until pressure and urgency to defecate. Visit the closet when you feel it is no more possible to hold on water in the intestines. You may head even rumbling or gurgling should of water in the stomach. Initially it may take some longer time to create urgency/desire for defecating but, when your intestines get used to enema water, such an urgency can surface earlier, with passage of time. To begin with, first of all water will gush out followed by stools of pasty or loose consistency. When you have emptied your bowels, give some rest to your body. In some cases one may have to visit the closet more than once which is quite natural and need not cause and upset or worry.
Persons, suffering from habitual constipation, may add ½ to 1 tsp. of castor oil to water but no salt should be used. Enema must not be taken daily, but may be taken after 7-10 days, as daily enema use will make the intestines dependent thereof and one won’t be able to pass stools without taking an enema. Those who are suffering from diarrhoea or dysentery must not take enema. Enema facilitates smooth passage of stools, doesn’t let hard stools form, removes even chronic constipation, improves peristaltic action of bowels (intestines, rectum and anus). Enema must not be followed by fasting but one can take only light diet and some seasonal fruits and salads in moderate quantity. Avoid and resist the temptation of fried foods, fats, species, condiment, meat, fish or alcohol. Take only bland and easily digestible diet.
Had there been no sun, there wouldn’t have been any growth of vegetation, water wouldn’t have flown down from the snow clad mountains, seasonal changes would have become a daydream. Infect sun protects, nurtures, develops, feeds, controls our various activities. Sunrise heralds advent of day and sunset indicates impending arrival of night. Sun-bath is a natural source of vitamin-D. It induces perspiration, thereby helping the toxins to excrete from our body, through skin pores. It also imparts much needed energy to our body. In a word, life wouldn’t have been possible without sun.
Sun-bath is possible during winter days when natural heat is required by the body to sustain itself. In some rural areas people keep tepid water (stored in a bucket or some other utensil) under sun for 1-2 hours and then bathe naked/semi-naked in the sun. It has multifold advantages—Sun rays fortify medicinal properties of water, keep it lukewarmed, solar energy (which consists of seven colours) reaches even minutest parts of our body and there is no fear of exposure. If whole body is massaged under direct sunlight / rays, oil will reach easily within our body, providing it a renewed energy and vigour. Further, all the skin pores will open and sweat glands get energised, sweating process will be activated so as to excrete toxins through skin pores.
Sun-bath has inherent therapeutic values, but in the west it is used as a cosmetic device only. In more sensitive persons sun-bath is not advised due to chance of exposure to cold, nor should they massage or take bath in the open. However, such persons should fully wrap up their bodies with a blanket if, at all, they are keen to have a sun-bath.
It is a gateway to bliss and health. It not only purifies the body, it also purifies the man. In a way, it tones up, fortifies, purifies and sublimates body and mind. It takes away animal, insights and inculcates higher values and laudable habits. To say that fasting is simply a way to starve the body is merely an attempt under estimate it. Its importance lies in the fact that most, if not all, of the holy books laid stress on fasting and rightly lognised it as a gateway to heaven. Fast should never be implied to mean that it is simply a way to abstain from food rather to set in order all imprudent use of foods, besides removing acidity, gas, and flatulence. It corrects and tones up entire digestive system. In fasting, balance in body juices is moderated, improved, various mechanisms that produce blood, bones and flesh are totally corrected/overhauled, and cleansed, chemical balances brought under normal functioning. It also is a great purger of toxic elements, a great cleanser of filth, normalises and restorer of health, renders body agile and light. Moreover, our tired and overtaxed body and organs do get a well deserved rest. During the first two or three days, there may be felt some uneasiness, but regular practice will take away such element(s). It is said that—
“Whosoever fasts is blessed in every way as he draws the benefit of great medicines. All the diseases are cured and he becomes strong and virile.”
Who Should not Fast
Following categories of persons should abstain from fasting process.

  • Pregnant and confined mothers before, during and after delivery and, more particularly, who are anaemic, emaciated, and run-down and can’t afford well balanced and nutritious food.
  • Mothers who breast-feed their infants.
  • Persons suffering from T.B., epilepsy, ulcers, labourers doing arduous manual work.
  • Persons during the course of actual travelling.
  • Old persons who are bed-ridden, unable to move, have stiff and immobile organs and eat far less than their actual requirement—in a way, the under and malnourished ones.
  • Weak, emaciated and starved children who are in their growth stage and also ladies belonging to that category.
  • Those who utilise fasting as a ploy for overating and who indulge in dietary indiscretions.
  • Persons suffering from low blood pressure and low sugar levels in their blood.

Who should take to fasting
All the classes and conditions which are prohibited to fasting process, described earlier, can resort to fasting who satisfy the reverse of described conditions and health state. Following persons must take to fasting either completely, for the whole week, on all alternate days or, at least once week or fortnight, depending upon necessity and urgency.

  • Persons who often overeat, are gluttons and always continue to eat one eatable or the other.
  • Whose bowels are either impacted or often get loose motions.
  • Who suffer from dysentery, diarrhoea, colic, locking up of gas, rigidity of joints and other limbs.
  • Diabetics whose blood sugar level is generally high.
  • Habitual drunkards of alcoholic drinks, smokers, fast food eaters, obese and sedentary persons who eat too much but shun physical activity.
  • Children who are easy-going, relish foods prepared outside their homes.

What to do during Fasting

  • Mix a tsp each of lemon juice and honey in 150 ml. water (cold or lukewarm) early in the morning and drink it. It will provide energy to the body. The same preparation may be repeated in the after-noon or some non-irritant liquid instead.
  • Do not remain stuck to chair or bed but attend to your daily chores, including physical activity.
  • Except when medically advised/necessitated, no medicine should be taken during fasting—not even well exhorted tonics. Let by our physician be your guide in this respect, as far as use of medicine is concerned.
  • Fasting does not protract divorce from diet or any ingestion of food. Even while on fasts, you are allowed to take permissible eatable/drinks.
  • During summer season never starve your body from water which is our life force. There is no harm in taking a glass of orange or lemon juice which will help to purge out toxic, facial and unwanted matters from the body but will also strengthen the body.
  • No toxic food should be taken during fasting.
  • Fasting must not be utilised as an occasion and excuse for consuming fat-enriched, alcoholic, spicy, meat-based preparations or any other eatable which you have been forbidden.
  • If one wishes, one can resort to partial fasting for a week, each day you exclude one or two of these items viz. salt, sugar, grains, fats, spices, certain fruit or/and vegetable, milk products. This way your body will have an almost disease free menu, when certain excess and shortages would be fully balanced. But a complete fast, at least once a fortnight or month, is also all the more a necessity. When you exclude one or more items, you will yourself come to realise what item harms or benefits you and such a discerned conclusion should serve you as a guideline, enabling you to draw a long lasting food regimen.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco, drug and toxins, at least during the course of fasting.
  • Due care must be given to health status, age, sex, weight, work schedule and its demands on your energy expense. If you ignore such and any other viable factors, you will only expose yourself to problems which may lead you in a position of ‘No-Return’.
  • Not taking anything during fasting or else overating are the two extremes which should never be allowed to surface. Stick to what suits or does not suit you, instead of harping on what others say or eulogise or what is written in the books. It is reiterated that other experience may be your nightmare or vice versa. It is your own body, and none else could take care of it as you can, as you only know what is good or bad for you. You can always take a cue or inspiration from other person’s personal experience and opinions but such averments cannot, and must not, be generalised. So, try to tailor all methods, opinions and suggestions to your own needs, depending on your own limitations, and compulsions. In short, try to be your own master. Listen to, what others say or preach, but never succumb to temptations, avoid indiscretions and imprudent conclusions.

Fast, if stretched beyond your sustainable capacity, can be more harmful than ‘no-fasting’ approach.
To keep your body in good humour, food is the most important factor. Truly speaking, ‘we are what we eat’ or ‘our food habits mould our mental faculties also’. You can live without water for a few hours, without air for some moments and without food also you can survive, but merely survive. When body is not nurtured and nourished with suitable foods, our body gives in, giving way to many health problems. If body is not in a healthy state, mind also has to bear the brunt thereof, because a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. A lot has been written and spoken about food, proper food, food fads fast foods, prohibited and acceptable and suitable foods. But, the fact remains that all foods do not and cannot suit all human beings as food allergies and reactions have a lengthy list of disorders. Naturopathy believes that most of our disorders stem from our wrong food habits and, vegetable and non-vegetable diets, are both the culprits in this respect.
Following points on food intake may be of help to the readers. (with particular reference to fasting under naturopahtic norms).

  • Take foods what suit you and, that too, at the punctual time. If you have skipped over a meal, there is no harm but overating or making up for the diet that you have missed is neither wise nor advisable.
  • Avoid all diets which abound in or contribute to formation of toxins, because once the body is ridden with poisonous elements, your entire energy would be expended in getting rid of them.
  • Avoid white sugar but the same may be substituted with jaggery and sugar-cane juice.
  • Water of tender coconut will help to mollify acidity, restore normally to impacted bowels.
  • Milk curd, cheese and whey also help the body to purge out toxins from the body and also serve as mild and gentle laxatives.
  • Milk, curd, cheese and whey also help the body to purge out toxins from the body and also serve as mild and gentle laxatives.
  • Any food taken should not retard and impede the process of elimination which includes excretion of urine, faeces, phlegm, wind and perspiration.

Massage is a simple and effective method attain and maintain ideal health. Therapeutic massage has been a well known method (that still exists in various cultures and civilizations dating back to thousands of years) profusely and frequently employed to promote general well-being. Self esteem, to boost immune and circulatory systems, to normalise blood pressure, remove extra fat content from the body, regulate respiration, improve digestion, muscle tone and skin tone. Different massage techniques have been successfully employed, developed and integrated into various therapies.
In some countries ‘Massage Parlours’ are nothing other than prostitution centres but, of late, visit to such parlours is a status to symbol of the elite class. Even most of the modern ‘health centres’ are fully equipped and manned by massage experts. Key Principles
Massage can rejuvenate and invigorate body.
It can aid in relaxation of tired and aching muscles and painful and stiff joints.
Creates a sense of general well being and comfort.
Takes away tension from mind.
Lowers the amount of circulating stress hormones.
Promotes elimination of chemical wastes from the body, such as lactic acid which is said to lead to pain and stiffness in joints and muscles.
Opens up pores of the skin so as to help in inducing perspiration.
Improves mobility and flexibility.
Basic Techniques : Mainly our techniques are employed for massaging viz. :
Stroking (or Effeurage) : When hands glide smoothly and rhythmically over the skin, either in a circular or slow fanning motion or alternatively.
Kneading (or Petrissage) : This action is like kneading a dough and hands are used alternatively to squeeze and release flesh rhythmically between the thumbs and fingers.
Friction : This method is employed for deep penetration, when even pressure is applied from the thumbs to a static point on the spine, or as small circles on the skin.
Hacking : Hacking is done with hands relaxed and working quickly over the skin. Here the side of the hands deliver alternate short, sharp taps on the body.
Vehicle used : Generally light vegetable oils or talcum powder is usually used as a vehicle for massage so that the hands glide over the skin smoothly and freely. One may add essential oil to vegetable massage oil.

  • In case of any ailment, consult your doctor before embarking upon any non-conventional therapy.
  • Do not massage during temperature rises, fractures, swellings, skin infections.
  • Do not massage abdomen, legs and feet during first 3 months of pregnancy and, even after that, do not massage unless advised by a doctor.
  • First, get lumps and swellings checked by a doctor.
  • Cancer patients may get massage, only if medically advised, from a trained practitioner only.
  • Stop blending essential oil with vegetable oil, if any unusual symptom or discomfort is felt. Better consult a physician. Highly sensitive skins may even react to ordinary vegetable oils.

How to proceed
Some other person should do massage for another person because only another person can perform this job more efficiently and effectively. There must be a gap of 1-2 hours between massage and food intake. Always get body massaged on empty stomach, after attending to calls of nature, but without taking bath. Use a wooden plank or spread a thick blanket on the floor. Apply mustard/olive/coconut oil over skin and apply pressure equivalent to 5 pounds on tender organs and 5-10 pound pressure over hands, feet, abdomen and chest, 15-20 pound pressure over organs above waistline, like back, upper part. Actual pressure will depend on a person’s physical condition. Fat accumulates generally around waist, abdomen, legs and arms, hence these body parts must be massaged more thoroughly. Some people advise inserting a few drops of mustard oil in ears, nostrils, navel, rectum but medical acceptance of such device still remain unconfirmed.
Our body has two extremities in the form of hands and feet as all the nerves end here. If palms of hands soles of feet are thoroughly massaged, it will almost impart the benefits that are derived from Accupresure method.
Message of palms and soles activates endocrine glands and all trigger points in the body, thus improving function of all the body organs. Massage can be done from 15 to 60 minutes, depending paying capacity of the patient and also the involvement of affected organs. After massage has been finished, relax for an hour or so, but do not drink/eat anything until you finish bath which may be had after an hour of the massage. Use some glycerine soap to remove residues of oily substance. Body massage should be done in the morning, ‘before sunrise in the morning in summer season and after 2-3 hours of sunrise in winter season. Use lukewarm water for bathing purposes in winter or tepid water in summer. During massage , body sweats profusely and it is advised by experts that sweat should be re absorbed into the skin; hence not wiped. Sivananda advised that, in order to ensure quicker penetration and absorption of massage oil, it should be mixed with some amount of table salt and also that oil may be heated or lukewarmed before being massaged.
Hydrotherapy is an integral part of Naturopathy (other facets having been described earlier) and cold bath, hot bath, steam bath, sitz bath, alternate hot and cold baths, whirlpool bath, compresses, Turkish bath, steam room baths or steam bath by sitting/standing in a cabinet, saunas and wraps are the major disciplines. This therapy is deemed to be a complete healing system by which an ailing body, overloaded with toxic and foreign matters, can be eradicated from the body through skin pores in the skin by sweat which is induced by hot/swim baths. This therapy is recognised both the conventional and non-conventional practice. Moreover, it is not new to India, Roman and Chinese who had been using it in one form or the other.
There is much evidence to prove that water has excellent ability to alter body’s flow which could be manipulated varying its temperature, suiting an individual’s capacity and health status. Cold water circulates blood to internal organs to enable them to reform their individual functions. It reduces B.P., increases blood flow to skin, dilates blood vessels, thus easing stiffness also. It sends more nutrients and oxygen to the tissues, thus repairing the damage caused by various disorders. It also boosts immune system and improves blood circulation.
Mineral baths and mud have been known to allay tension, reduce circulatory congestion caused by spasm of muscles and also are know to be beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis, better mobility and life of body joints. Some experts use cold and hot water alternatively.
Methods Employed
1. Sitz baths, 2. Whirlpool baths, 3. Hot or warm water baths, 4. Alternate hot and cold water baths, 5. Sea-water treatments, 6. Wraps, 7. Compresses, 8. Turkish baths, Steam Room and Steam Cabinets, 9. Saunas.
Sitz baths
Place two side by side filling one with cold water and the other with hot water. The patient should sit for 3 minutes in hot water and one minute in cold water, keeping feet in the opposite bath. This position should be alternated. This is good for hoemorrhoids.
Hot or warm water baths
Soak the body in hot water for 20-30 minutes, keeping temperature at 1000F or 380C. If necessary oils, herbs and minerals can be added to warm bath. To derive better and quicker results, finely blended oatmeals / bran (Possibly couched in a muslin bag) to soothe skin, and minds, and extracts (such as Dead Sea salts) to nourish the skin or Epsom salts to relieve the swollen joints.
Hot foot bath
Hot water should be used in winter and tepid water (if it is not too hot or cold) water in summer. Take a bucket wherein both feet can be immersed easily, and fill it to 3/4th capacity with suitable water adding, ( if necessary), a tsp. of table salt. Now immerse both feet in the water, frequently massaging feet and legs in water itself. Keep the feet for about 20-30 minutes, and remove your feet from the water when it turns cold. (In winter cover your body with a blanket so as to avoid exposure). If you have added salt to water, then pour hot water over your legs and feet after removing the same from water. Thereafter, wipe with a dry towel. After wiping take care that feet and legs are not exposed to cold winds.
Alternate cold and hot baths
Alternate hot and cold water therapies are credited with the benefits or stimulating hormonal system, reduce circulation related congestion (caused by muscle spasm) and relieving inflammation (even abdominal).
Precautions about the said devices

  • During 1st trimester of pregnancy avoid sitz baths or steam baths, and during the next 6 months of pregnancy do not have treatments which exceed duration of 10 minutes.
  • Patients of high blood pressure, heart disease or angina must avoid steam baths, saunas and hot baths.
  • If a patient is asthmatic, epileptic, has undergone an operation or has a history of thrombosis, he must avoid all types of steam treatments.
  • If one has an open wound, no ingredients should be added to bath. Patient who are allergic to iodine must avoid seaweed.
  • Always consult and act upon the advice and guidance of a Naturopath/ Hydrotherpaist before embarking upon any of the discipline stated above.
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