9. Curative properties of pulses, seeds and nuts

Seeds, nuts and pulses are though not used frequently to cure a disease. But they too have some medicinal properties.
Soyabean milk is at par in importance with cow’s milk in feeding children. Investigations have shown that 90 per cent of the soyabean protein is absorbed in the body and 95 to 100 per cent of the milk is digested. Soyabean milk is very helpful in maintaining intestinal health. The soyabean curd is a healthy food par excellence. The curd is prepared by allowing the milk to cool, then seeded with a small quantity of cow’s milk curd or soyabean milk curd and allowed to remain for 12 hours to set. Its regular use will help maintain the intestinal health, prevent diseases arising from defective digestion and retard the ageing process.
One of the chief uses of soyabeans is as a source of lecithin, which is a great natural emulsifier. Lecithia, as is well known helps disperse deposits of fatty materials and cholesterol in certain vital organs. It is rich in substances which are important for the proper functioning of all living cells in the body. It is also an important component around brain and cells. Lecithin is so abundant in soyabeans that most of the lecithin used commercially comes from them. Its curative properties are given below.
Soyabean contains a fairly-large amount of carbohydrate but there is little or no starch in it. It is, therefore, regarded as a very suitable food for diabetic patient. Its carbohydrate produces heat and energy in the body without causing sugar to appear in the urine.
Skin Disorders
The soyabean is regarded as a valuable food remedy in eczema and other skin affections. It renders unnecessary the use of animal protein, that is, meat, eggs and milk and thus reduces the inflammatory activities in the skin and is free from the tendency to produce sensitivity or allergic reactions which so frequently attend the users of all animal proteins. When soyabean is taken liberally, the intense itching diminishes almost immediately and disappears completely after a few days. Improvement in skin health presumably occurs due to its lecithin content a natural emulsifier which helps disperse fatty deposits and cholesterol from vital organs.
Soyabean, being rich in iron, has been found beneficial in the treatment of anaemia. As, however, the anaemic patients suffer from weak digestion, it should be given to them in a very light form which may be easily digested.
Soyabeans are used in other forms such as flour, green beans, sprouts and oil. The soya flour is one of the most widely used products of soyabean. In the West, the soyabean flour industry has grown to immense proportions. The soya flour is prepared by first roasting the soyabeans and removing their coatings. They are then turned into powder. It is by far more nutritious than the wheat flour. It contains 15 times as much calcium, seven times as much phosphorus, 10 times as much iron, 10 times as much thiamine and nine times as much riboflavin as wheat flour.
Precautions : Soyabean contains a bitter substance which can be removed by soaking soyabean in six cupfuls of warm water containing half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate for 10 minutes. The process also removes the colouring matter from soyabean. Soyabeans contains a factor which inhibits the action of the digestive enzyme trypsin. This factor can be destroyed by heating.
It is very nutritive. Regular intake of Chana imparts a lot of physical vigour and strength to the muscles and all parts of the body. Chana is invigorating, purifier of blood, digestive, antibilious and anti phlegmatic pyreutic, pain-killer, germicidal, and very effective in cold and cough.
Chana should be taken along with its husk for that helps in assimilating full protein in the body. Excessive intake of Besan should be avoided as it causes indigestion and diarrhoea.
Water should not be taken just after eating chanas, chapatis, pun etc. for the gram flour will form a paste with water and that will cause constipation and indigestion. Its curative properties are given below.
General Tonic
Sprouted Chanas (Soak chanas for 1 day in summers and 2 days in winters. Hang them for 2 days in a wet cloth and they are sprouted) with grated ginger, little sendha Namak, Black pepper and lemon juice sprinkled on it is an ideal breakfast. This is very rich in Vitamin C and gives strength and energy to the entire body.

Taking Chutney of green gram strengthens bones and muscles of the body.
Taking chanas regularly makes the man’s muscles very strong and free from problems like early ejaculation or lack of sexual power.
Taking sprouted chanas in breakfast cures anaemia.
Taking boiled grams with honey in the morning makes the joints supple.
Heart trouble
Taking roasted Chana or soaked black Chana is very useful for heart patients.
Indigestion/stomach problem
Taking sprouted Chana in the morning stimulates appetite.
Taking Raita of Bundi (made from ground gram) with little roasted Jeera powder, dry Pudina powder with food eliminates all digestive problems.
Taking 10-15 gms. juice of soft fresh leaves of Chana plant eliminates gases.
Eating Chana (soaked overnight) in the morning with ground Jeera and Sonth sprinkled on it and also drinking the water (in which Chana was soaked) eliminates constipation.
Taking milk after eating roasted chana before going to bed eliminates the phlegm and clears the wind pipe.
Smelling the roasted hot chana (tied in a potli) stops running nose.
Eating roasted chanas helps in releasing trapped phlegms.
Eating thick chapati of chana choker flour with little Ajwayan, Heeng, black pepper powder cooked on low fire with thin dal helps in curing chronic cold.
Taking Chana ki Dal soaked overnight with honey helps in breaking the stones in bladder, kidney and throwing them out.
Drinking water of Black Chana and wheat (which have been soaked overnight and boiled in the morning) is also very useful.
Eating chapatis made of ground chana and wheat regularly is useful in dissolving and throwing out of stones.
Taking 40-50 gms. of roasted chanas in the evening followed with hot milk clears the phlegms in the bronchial chords.
Eating whole gram Parantha or Rotis with pieces of onion stuffed in it followed by hot milk eliminates excessive phlegms in the respiratory system.
Hoarse Voice
Eating crushed black chana (soaked over night) boiled in 250 gms. milk with 2 tsp. of honey slowly helps in de-straining the vocal chord and cures hoarse voice.
Hair care
Applying a solution of Besan with water on the hair for 10-15 minutes and then washing with lukewarm water eliminates dryness of the hair, makes them soft and lustrous and checks dandruff.
Washing the face with Besan removes spots and freckles.
Applying the paste of Besan with mustard oil on the affected part softly and gradually rubbing it off the skin after 30-40 minutes clears the skin, improves the complexion, removes the white patches (especially if they are due to dryness in winter season).
Applying a paste of Besan with milk or curd on the face for half an hour improves the complexion and imparts glow.
Itching/skin ailments
Eating ground chana roti without salt, with or without ghee regularly for 2 months eliminates blood impurities, itching and cures all skin problems.
Taking sprouted Gram early in the morning and also the water in which they were soaked eliminates all blood impurities.
Applying a smooth paste of Gram plant mixed with mustard oil on the body half an hour before bath eliminates itching sensation of the body.
Taking chutney made of Gram plant purifies the skin and gives energy.
Eating ground chana chapati is very useful.
Sprouted chanas (Soak 20 gms. chana with 10 gms. at Triphala Harar, Bahera, Amla in 125 ml. water and then keep it for 24 hours for sprouting) regularly helps in curing leucoderma.
Eating Besan Laddoos with black pepper sprinkled on it cures urticaria.
Taking Besan Bundi Raita with black pepper and sugar cures urticaria.
Massaging the affected part of the body with Besan eliminates pain.
Taking water only in which chana has been soaked helps in curing vomiting.
Taking Sattu of chana with water and sugar (Sattu by grinding roasted gram and barley) controls vomiting during pregnancy.
Taking the water of chana husk (Soaked for half an hour. keep it on cloth and have the oozed out water) frequently stops loose motions.
Eating ground roasted chana with jaggery followed by drinking milk with pure ghee helps in curing leucorrhoea.
Eating slightly hot roasted chana helps in curing piles.
Taking chana ki dal soaked overnight with Gur in equal quantity for 3-4 days and also drinking the same water (in which Dal was soaked) when thirsty helps in eliminating jaundice.
Taking little Gur after eating 10 gms. roasted chanas regularly checks tendency of frequent urinating.
Roasted chana taken without water also checks polyuria.
Abortion, Delivery etc.
Taking decoction of Black Chana (by boiling 200 gms. chana in 400 ml. water till the water is reduced to half) regularly after conception is preventive against abortion.
Taking 10 gms. barley gram ground powder with little ground Black Til and Sugar followed by a glass of hot milk after the conception regularly is also very useful to prevent abortion.
Chapatis made of ground wholegram and moth (a variety of pulse) with lunch and dinner cleans the insides of the ovaries after delivery or abortion.
Increase in mother’s milk
Taking the boiled milk (in which Kabuli Chana has been soaked overnight) after chewing the chanas regularly helps the mother to have adequate milk in the breasts.
Chana (with husk) with honey or sugar also is useful.
Taking Black Chana (soaked in milk overnight) eliminates sugar.
Chapatis of ground Gram mixed with ground barley of only Besan in lunch and dinner cures diabetes.
Taking Chana soaked overnight in vinegar in breakfast with little salt and onion pieces throws the worms out.
Caution : Any amount of water can be taken but nothing solid in breakfast and lunch.
Taking roasted chana or soaked chana with almonds (in the same proportion) followed by drinking milk, thickens the semen.
Soaked chane ki dal in the morning and at night with or without sugarcandy strengthens and enhances sexual potency.
Eating freshly roasted chana or soaked chanas gives relief to the tired and swollen eyes.
Taking fresh leaves of the Chana plant is good for enhancing eye-sight.
Chane-ka-Saag with butter is also good for eyes.
Binding the freshly roasted chana in a potli to foment the eyes and putting drop of rose-water reduces redness, pain and burning sensation in the eyes.
Green Gram
Cooked dal of green gram is a very digestive food for invalid and sick persons. Its regular use during childhood, pregnancy and lactation helps one to get the required nutrition and promote health. It is an aperient i.e a laxative, when given in large quantities. The soup made from it is the best article of diet after recovery from acute illness.

Applied in the form of powder, it is said to be useful in relieving the heat or burning of the eyes. A poultice of this powder is useful for checking secretion of milk and reducing distention of the mammary glands. Its curative properties are given below.
Water in which green grains are soaked is an excellent medicine during cholera, measles, chicken-pox, small-pox, typhoid and all types of fevers. It can be given in a small quantity even during acute phase of appendicitis.
Flour of the green gram is an excellent detergent and can be used as a substitute for soap. It removes the dirt and does not cause any skin irritation. Its application over the face bleaches the colour and gives good complexion. Black gram flour is also used for washing the hair with green gram paste to lengthen hair and prevent dandruff.
Pigeon pea
The pigeon pea is easily digested and therefore suitable for invalids. It has many medicinal properties. It relieves inflammation of internal organs. However, excessive use of pigeon pea causes hyper-acidity and wind in the intestines. Therefore, it is forbidden in gastric ulcer and heart diseases. Its curative properties are given below.
The expressed juice of the leaves given, with a little salt is highly beneficial in the treatment of jaundice. 60 ml of this juice should be taken daily in this condition.

Checking Breast Milk Secretion
The pulse and leaves ground into a paste, warmed and applied over the breast, has the effect of checking the secretion of breast milk.
The leaves of the plant are effective in all inflammatory conditions. A poultice made with the seeds will also reduce swelling.
Paste of the leaves, mixed with a teaspoonful of paste of neem leaves, is highly beneficial in the treatment of piles and itching in the anus. It should be taken once daily for a week.
A fine paste made of this pulse is highly useful in bald patches, It should be applied regularly.
The medicinal virtues of almonds arise chiefly from pharmaco dynamic action of copper, iron, phosphorus and vitamin B1. These chemicals exert a synergic action i.e. increased energy due to chemical interaction and help the formation of new blood cells, haemoglobin and play a major role in maintaining the smooth physiological functions of brain, nerves, bones, heart and liver. The almond is thus highly beneficial in preserving the vitality of the brain, in strengthening the muscles and in prolonging life. It forms a vital part of all tonic preparation in Ayurveda and Unani Medicines.
Paste of almonds with milk cream and fresh rose bud’s paste applied daily over the face is a very effective beauty aid. It softens and bleaches the skin and nourishes it with the choicest skinfood. Its regular application prevents early appearance of wrinkles, black heads, dryness of the skin, pimples and keeps the face fresh.
A teaspoonful of almond oil mixed with a teaspoonful of amla juice, massaged over scalp, is a valuable remedy for falling hair, thinness of hair, dandruff and premature greying of hair. Almonds should be consumed properly for beneficial results. The skin of almonds should always be removed before use as it contains irritating properties. This can be done by soaking them in water for one or two hours.

Almonds should be thoroughly chewed and they should not be eaten immediately after meals. They are a very concentrated food, with high calorific value, They should, therefore, be mostly used with bulky vegetables and fruits like raw turnips, lettuce, cucumbers and apple. Its curative properties are given below.
Almonds contain copper in organic form at the rate of 1.15 mg per 100 grams. The copper along with iron and vitamins, acts as a catalyst in the synthesis of blood haemoglobin. Almonds are, therefore, a useful food remedy for anaemia.
The use of almonds has proved highly beneficial in the treatment of chronic constipation. It is an excellent laxative.
11 to 15 kernels taken at bed time will facilitate a clear motion the next morning. Those who suffer from weak stomach can take seven grams of almond oil with hot milk.
Skin Disorders
Wild almonds are considered useful in skin diseases, especially eczema. For this purpose, a few leaves of the wild almond are pulverised with water and the cream so prepared is applied to the affected parts. Almonds are also beneficial in the treatment of pimples. In this condition, the endocarp which is hard cover of the seed, should be ground with water and applied over the affected parts. In case of inflammatory condition of the skin, the external application of almond oil will ease the pain and cool the heat.
Respiratory Diseases
An emulsion of almonds is useful in bronchial diseases, hoarseness and tickling cough. It is prepared by pounding the nuts and mixing the powdered kernels with orange or lemon juice. A teaspoonful of the oil given with 10 drops each of fresh white onion juice and ginger juice, daily thrice for a fortnight, is useful in whooping cough, bronchitis and asthma.
Almonds are very useful in case of loss of sexual energy which usually results from nervous debility and brain weakness. Their regular use will strengthen sexual power. Chewing of equal quantity of almond kernels and roasted gram also help in restoring sexual vigour.
Groundnut is one of the most nourishing foods available in the world. The U.S. Department of Agriculture considers it having maximum five important nutrients such as food energy, protein, phosphorus, thiamin and niacin.

Hence apart from their nutritional value, groundnuts have considerable medicinal value. They contain a good deal of oil which is very easily digested and for this reason they are useful consumptives. The oil is regarded as an excellent a mild laxative and emollient which softens the skin. Eating fresh roasted groundnuts with jaggery and goat’s milk is a very nutritious food for growing children, pregnant women and nursing mothers. It builds a resistance against all infections, particularly tuberculosis and hepatitis.
However, excessive use of groundnuts causes high acidity in the body, spermetorrhoea and premature ejaculation. Some persons are allergic to roasted groundnuts. Asthmatics in particular should abstain from eating groundnuts in excess. Liberal use of groundnuts should also be avoided by persons with gastritis and jaundice as their excessive use causes hyperacidity of the stomach, indigestion and heart burn. Its curative properties are given below.
Groundnuts are also useful in diarrhoea, especially chronic diarrhoea which is more frequent immediately after meals. The patients can benefit greatly by drinking goat’s milk in which lemon is squeezed with a handful of fresh roasted groundnuts. This type of diarrhoea is caused due to nicotinic acid deficiency. The groundnuts, which has required quantity of niacin are valuable in this disease.
Teeth Disorders
Chewing fresh groundnuts with a pinch of salt strengthens the gum, cures stomatitis, kills harmful bacteria and safeguards the enamel of the teeth. The mouth should, however, be washed with water after eating groundnuts.
Excessive Bleeding
Several groups of researchers in England have reported eating groundnuts or groundnut products in the treatment of haemophilia, an inherited blood disease which causes haemorrhage. Beneficial results have also been reported from the use of groundnuts in severe cases of epistaxis or nose bleeding and in cases of excessive bleeding during menstruation.
Groundnuts are considered beneficial in the treatment of obesity. Experiments have shown that weight can be reduced by eating a handful of roasted groundnuts with tea or coffee without sugar an hour before lunch time. It reduces appetite and thus reduces the weight gradually.
Groundnuts are valuable in diabetes. Eating a handful of groundnuts daily by diabetics will not only prevent malnutrition, particularly the deficiency of niacin, but also checks the development of vascular complications.
Beauty Aid
Groundnut oil can serve as a beauty aid. A teaspoon of refined groundnut oil, mixed with equal quantity of lime juice may be applied daily on the face once before going to bed. It keeps the face fresh. Its regular use nourishes the skin and prevents acne.
Mustard seeds
Mustard seeds as well as itms oil is used in many prescription for the treatment of various ailments. White mustard seeds can be used beneficially as a beauty aid. A handful of these seeds are roasted in a litre of sesame or coconut oil. The oil is then strained and cooled. It is applied with little water over face before going to bed. It will cure pimples and whiten the complexion.
Mustard oil boiled with henna leaves is useful in healthy growth of hair. About 25 grams of mustard oil should be boiled in a tinned basin. A little quantity of henna leaves should be gradually put in this oil till about 60 grams of these leaves are thus burnt in the oil. The oil should then be filtered through a cloth and stored well in a bottle. Regular massage of the head with this oil will produce abundant hair. Its curative properties are given below.
Mustard seeds have emetic properties which cause vomiting. A teaspoonful of seeds, mixed in a glassful of water, generally produces free vomiting in five to 10 minutes. This is especially useful in drunkenness, narcotic and other poisonings.
Muscular Pains
Mustard is a rubefacient which causes reddening and warming of the skin its. Plaster or paste made with water, is applied as analgesic in rheumatism, sciatica, paralysis of limbs and other muscular pains. The plaster should, however, never be directly applied to the skin as it may cause painful blistering. A layer of lint material should be put between the mustard paste and the skin.
Mustard paste as an external application is highly beneficial in the treatment of ringworm. This paste should be applied after washing the skin with sufficiently hot water.
Convulsion in Children
A teaspoonful of powdered mustard seeds mixed in a gallon of warm water is used as therapeutic bath in convulsion of children caused by high fever.
Sesame seeds
There are three varieties of sesame seeds; black, white and red. The black variety yields the best quality of oil and is also best suited for medicinal purposes. The white seeds are extremely rich in calcium and are useful in all cases of calcium deficiency. The red variety is exceptionally rich in iron. The seeds are emollient that softens the skin, nourishing tonic that stimulates menstruation, demulcent or soothing, laxative, diuretic and fattening.
The oil extracted from sesame seeds is of very high medicinal quality. Charak, the great medical authority of ancient India, has said that of all the oils, the gingelly or sesame oil is the best. It has the finest flavour and a high boiling point. This latter quality is important from the health point of view, for it indicates that less molecular restructuring takes place in sesame oil than any other seed oil. Its curative properties given below.
Skin Disorders
A poultice of the sesame seeds can be applied externally with beneficial results over ulcers, burns and scalds. External application of a mixture of equal parts of sesame oil and lime water is also effective in these conditions. The oil is also used as a substitute for olive oil in pharmaceutical preparations for external uses.
Black sesame seeds, as a rich source of iron, are valuable in anaemia. An emulsion of the seeds is prepared by grinding and straining them after soaking them in warm water for a couple of hours. This emulsion mixed with a cupful of milk and sweetened with jaggery should be given to patients suffering from anaemia.

Sesame oil has many curative properties

Sesame seeds are highly beneficial in the treatment of piles. They can be taken in the form of decoction or as sweet-meats. Ground to paste with water, they are given with butter for bleeding piles.
Dysentery and Diarrhoea
Sesame seeds are useful in dysentery and diarrhoea. Two tablespoonfuls of the seeds should be lightly roasted on a frying pan. They should then be ground into fine powder and mixed with one tablespoon of cow’s ghee. The mass should be divided into three parts. Each part should be used with boiled goat’s milk thrice daily for six days by the patients suffering from chronic dysentery or diarrhoea. It acts as an excellent medicine in these conditions.
Sesame seeds are traditionally used as a medicine for causing abortion. One tablespoonful of the seeds should he ground with equal quantity of palm jaggery and used twice, daily in the early stage of pregnancy for this purpose. It excites the uterine contractions and thus expels the fertilized ovum.
Respiratory Disorders
The seeds are valuable in respiratory disorders. An infusion of sesame seeds, mixed with a tablespoonful of linseed, a pinch of common salt and a desert spoonful of honey should be given once at night with beneficial results, in acute and chronic bronchitis, pneumonia and asthma. It acts as an expectorant.
Menstrual Disorders
Half a teaspoon of powder of sesame seeds taken with hot water twice daily acts excellently in reducing spasmodic pain during menstruation in young unmarried anaemic girls. Its regular use, two days prior to the expected periods, cures scanty menstruation. Warm hip bath containing a handful of bruised sesame seeds should be simultaneously taken along with this recipe.
Hair Disorders
Crushed leaves of sesame are considered beneficial in the treatment of dandruff. A decoction made from the leaves and root is used as a hair wash. It is said to prevent premature greying of hair and promote their growth.

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