9. Lemon (Neebu) (Part I)

Lemon is used with meals throughout the year in salads, drinks etc. but is particularly useful in rainy season as it suppresses bile.
Lemon juice is sour in taste, quenches thirst, helps in digestion, increase perspiration, cleans kidneys, acts as diuretic, cures diseases of elementary canals, purifies blood, imparts strength to the heart and controls bile, cough and wind.
Curative Properties
Digestive Problem
Lemon juice taken early in the morning with lukewarm water helps in comfortable cleansing of bowels and thereby increases the appetite.
Running Cold
Lemon juice taken in warm water with little salt helps in curing running nose.
Lemon juice taken with little salt (black), powdered black pepper, jeera and ajwain in a glass of water relieves nausea.
Lemon juice taken in tea (without milk and sugar) relieves headache.
Lemon juice taken in lukewarm water early in the morning reduces obesity.
General Tonic
Lemon juice in fresh water with honey strengthens body and heart and tones up the muscles.
Taking pickle of lemon and unripe black pepper seeds helps in digestion and strengthens the body and muscles.
Urinary Problem
Fill the two pieces of lemon with little kalmi shora and heat it on low fire. Take out its juice, rubbing it around the navel helps in passing out urine.
Lemon juice with tea (without milk and sugar) checks diarrhoea.
Juice of one lemon in 300 ml. water taken four or five times a day cures diarrhoea.
Paste of lemon seeds applied on the scalp cures.
Paste of lemon leaves with little sugar taken early in the morning checks piles.
Enlarged Liver
1 litre lemon juice, 100 ml. ginger juice, 10 gms. salt, 20 gms. jeera, 5 gms. heeng.
Roast jeera and heeng. Poweder them and mix with salt, juice of lemon and ginger. Preserve in a bottle. Administration of this preparation 3 gms. to 8 gms. early in the morning helps in curing enlarged liver, increases appetite and cures all digestive problems.
Enlarged Spleen
Taking lemon juice (10 ml.) mixed with onion juice (6 ml.) morning and evening helps in curing enlarged spleen.
Taking lemon pickle is also very good.
Blisters in Mouth
Taking lemon juice either in soda, or juice of orange or pomegranate cures blister in mouth.
Taking lemon juice in glass of water mixed with mishri in morning and afternoon prevents cholera.
Bleeding from Nose
Putting fresh lemon juice with dropper in the nostrils helps in controlling the blood flow.
Paste lemon juice mixed with Barley flour applied on the forehead once or twice helps in controlling blood flow from nose.
Throat Problems
Taking hot lemon juice with honey helps in curing throat problems.
Dandruff, Hair Problems
Applying lemon juice mixed with multani mitti or besan on the head and washing the hair 3 or 4 times checks dandruff, failing of hair and itching on the scalp.
Cosmetic Use

  • Cut a lemon in 2 pieces. Rub soap on it early in morning. Apply and rub it on face and wash it with warm water. It helps in removing spots on face and imparts lustre.
  • Cut a lemon in 2 pieces and rub 10 gms. nausadar on these with hand. When nausadar gets absorbed then rub the pieces on the face. It removes spots on face and gives a natural glow.
  • Taking bath with hot water mixed with juice of 2 lemons softens and beautifies the skin.
  • Applying lemon juice mixed with glycerin (equal quantity) and little gulab jal on face, hands and other parts of the body cleanses dirt, cures cracks and imparts natural glow and softness.
  • Brushing teeth with lemon juice helps in eradicating foul smell and imparting sparkle to teeth.
  • Applying lemon juice to hair before washing them makes hair soft and lustrous.
  • Applying on the head paste of one juice mixed with 200 gms. besan, 1 spoon mustard oil in 200 ml. water and then washing after some time imparts natural lustre and softness to hair.
  • The leaves of lemon tree are equally beneficial :
  • Chewing 3-4 leaves 3 times a day helps in curing cough, bile and vomiting.
  • Taking paste of leaves mixed with sugar early in the morning cures diarrhoea, dysentry and even piles.
  • Inhaling the smell of burnt dry leaves cures hiccups and headache.
  • Burning dried leaves in room helps in repelling mosquitoes and insects.
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