India is the largest democratic country and the Prime Minister is the head of it. He represents the country and is regarded as the first among equals. It is really a matter of pride to be the Prime Minister of such a vast country.
As a Prime Minister I would like to develop India as a strong self-reliant nation. For this first of all I would like to have a check on the increasing population. Unless it is checked, our country cannot progress. Malnutrition, insufficient medical care, high infant mortality rates and problems of aged people are some of its direct consequences. Hence population control would be the first priority.
Then I would control the price rise. The distribution system of essential commodities would be made more effective. Hoarders and businessmen would not take undue advantage of the things because of strict rules. Eradication of poverty and illiteracy is also very important.
They are curses and I would try my best so that each and every Indian may get rid of them. I would give priority to achieve the target of 100% literacy which would be employment-oriented. Rural schools would be provided with good and sincere teachers.
Higher education would be based on merit. The talented people would be given proper placements by setting up centres for excellence. This would stop brain-drain, one of the major problems of India.
Necessary steps would be taken to uproot unemployment. It has created depression among our youth. Due to lack of employment, the young boys go astray. They are indulged in serious crimes and thus become the unsocial elements.
People would be taught about their duties in respect of their rights as provided by the constitution. Strikes will be banned. Attention will be given towards immoral elements to punish them seriously. I would give priority to establish a society free from fear and insecurity by encouraging universal brotherhood. Restoration of peace would be the ultimate goal of my tenure. I would leave no stone unturned to bring peace in the country. The dignity of the individuals and the finer qualities of the citizens would be elevated.
Strict laws would be framed for smugglers, hoarders and blackmarketeers. Law and order will be maintained at all cost. In a nutshell, as a Prime Minister I would like to build my country as it was dreamt by Rabindra Nath Tagore:
Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up.
self-reliant not relying on others
sincere efficient