When the alarm clock rang, I woke up in a bit of shock. My heart was beating fast. It wasn’t so much of the shock from the noise of alarm. It was more the after effects of the nightmare I’d been having all night. The bad dream was brought on by the thought which had been lingering in my head for the last few days. Today was to be first day at my new school and I felt terrified!
It’s not that I’m a shy person. Quite the opposite! I love meeting new people. But the thought of starting a new school with new class mates, different teachers and new subjects to learn scared me.
I showered slowly, put on my new school uniform and went down for breakfast. I felt very strange in my new, uncomfortable clothes. And the colors were awful. Purple and green! Mum had prepared had prepared my breakfast: yoghurt, muesli and fresh fruit, but I couldn’t eat a thing. My stomach was churning with a thousand butterflies fluttering inside.
The journey to school went by far too quickly. Before I had time to prepare myself for the ordeal, mum stopped the car outside the school gates. I got out and walked inside. There were already lots of people playing in the schoolyard. I tried hard not to look at them, hoping perhaps they wouldn’t look at me.
Just as I was passing a group of girls one of them called out to me: “Hi, you are new, aren’t you? ” I smiled, trying to look friendly. “Hi,” I replied. “You look really good in these colours,” the girl continued, “This awful uniform looks good on you! Why don’t you come over here and join us?”
From that moment on, all my fears and anxieties disappeared and I started to relax a little.
Nightmare-a bad dream
Ordeal-unpleasant experience