My School

The school holidays are coming to an end. I’m a bit sad about this, but I’m also a bit relieved. The holidays are so long that I get bored sometimes and I quite like going to school.
It is not the educational part of school that I enjoy most, although I do find some subjects quite interesting. For example, I really enjoy art lessons, mostly because I’m quite good at drawing and painting. The lessons where we are allowed to go outside to sketch are the best. Last week we went down to harbor to sketch the boats that were moored there. It was great.
I do not really enjoy most of the academic subject, which I find rather dull. However, I do like science lessons, especially when they are about the environment. Recently we had some really interesting lessons on global warming.
I enjoy sports at school much more than any lessons. I feel really good when I’m involved in physical exercise. I’m in both football and basketball teams. I also do the long jump. Unfortunately we have only one afternoon a week of sports at our school. The rest of the time we have to do our sports after school hours.
By far the thing that I like best about school is being with my friends. It is great to be able to spend time with them at break. Sometimes we play games such as football and sometimes we just hang out with each other.
I see Arihant my best friend out of school hours because he lives in the street next to mine. However, school is the only chance I get to see most of my other school friends who live further away. That is why I’m glad to be going back to school.
Harbour—area of water next to the coast
Academic—connected with education
Break—Short period of time when one takes rest from work

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