India is a hot country. Summer begins in April, but in May and June, there is excessive heat.
As such a rainy day in summer is always welcomed by people. It brings them relief from scorching heat of blazing sun and perspiration. Rainy season normally begins after 15th June. As a precursor of rain, gusts of dusty winds blow and sometimes a cool breeze springs up. Huge black clouds gather and spread over the sky. These clouds thunder in the sky and sometimes bring showers and sometimes heavy rain. In July, rains begin with heavily.
On 16th July, lightning began to play. At times thundering was heard. Suddenly it began to rain heavily. Those who were on roads and in streets took shelter wherever they were able to find them. Some were drenched to the skin. I saw many persons walking through muddy streets. School going children got wet but other children enjoyed rain bath. They began to throw water on one another, unmindful of society around. Men and women were seen wading in knee deep water. Vehicles like car and scooters etc. got stuck in the road as their engines refused to work properly.
Later on rain subsided school going children rushed to their schools with wet clothes. The attendance of students in the schools was very thin. Some teachers were also unable to reach school. Proper teaching was not possible, so Principals of schools declared rainy day holiday. All the school children felt very happy.
Rainy season is very useful to us because it provides rain to grow crops. Rains help growth of plants and in this way help production of food and of necessary articles. Thus rainy season brings joy and happiness and cheerful mood in men, women and in children.