India is one of the fortunate countries of the world where one can have a change of seasons in a natural order. One has not to put up with the monotony of seasons. Each season, therefore has its own charm and glory for the people. It is perhaps, because of this reason, that in one season we eagerly wait for the other. Winter has its own charms and peculiarities. I remember one of such days very clearly.
It was the month of January. The whole city of Delhi was in the grip of terrible cold wave. The weather was so inclement that none dared move out of the house. This weather continued for four days. On the fifth day, however, things became worse. There was a further fall in temperature. It appeared as if the whole city would be frozen.
Such weather was due to the thick clouds that had gathered in the sky. The clouds thundered and roared. Within no time, a heavy down-pour started. The rain was accompanied with a hailstorm. The storm continued for about twenty minutes. But within this period, it created havoc in the city. Roads were blocked. Traffic came to a standstill.
The hailstorm had its natural impact. I had to take shelter in my quilt. The fact is that I rolled myself in two blankets and one quilt. My teeth were still chattering. I took cups of hot coffee, but nothing was effective against the bitter cold. My poor dog, Plumy, looked like a heap of misery. It drew as close as possible to my burning stove. I threw some stray pieces of cloth lying on the floor to cover its body.
The offices, the schools and the colleges remained partially closed on that day. The students enjoyed French leave from their institutions.