MAGIC PAPER (Amazing Science Games and Experiments)

Material Required:

  1. Sheet of paper


Do you know a fast way to stick a piece of paper to your hand without using any glue or tape? Can you believe that air will do the job? Well, it will! Just follow the steps below.

  1. Hold your arm straight at your side. Turn your hand so that the palm may face forward.
  2. Press a flat sheet of paper to your palm, using your other hand. Now start running as fast as you can and take away the helping hand. The paper will stay in place as you run.

This is what happens:

Even though you can’t see air yet it is a substance, just like anything else, and it exerts a force against objects. When you ran with the paper, you created a force pushing against the air. The air pushed back against the paper and held it in place against your hand.

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