A beautiful fairy called Echo lived all alone among hills and forests. She loved to talk.
But there was no one to talk to.
She talked to herself.
She told herself stories.
She sang to herself.
She needed a lot of noise around her.
One day, goddess Juno was passing by.
She saw Echo.
Echo did not stop talking. ‘Stop chattering !’ shouted Juno.
But Echo wouldn’t stop. Juno was very angry. She put a curse on Echo.
‘You will never be able to talk again,’ said she.
Answer the following questions
1 What was the name of the fairy?
(a) Juno (b) Echo (c) Lecho (d) none
2 Who was Juno?
(a) goddess (b) fairy (c) mother (d) father
3 Who was angry?
(a) Echo (b) Juno (c) mother (d) father
4 Juno put a __ on Echo.
(a) blessing (b) smile (c) curse (d) none
5 Give the gender of ‘she’.
(a) he (b) her (c) him (d) none