The tiger is a wild animal.
It belongs to the cat family.
It is our national animal.
It lives in a forest.
We can also see tigers in zoos.
The tiger has a furcoat of golden colour.
There are long, black stripes on its furcoat.
It has two bright eyes.
It has very sharp teeth.
It hunts animals, like deer, buffaloes and zebras, for its food. The tiger is a powerful animal.
It comes slowly near the animal and then pounces on it. It kills an animal with its sharp teeth and claws on its paws. Tigers are becoming less in jungles.
Some people kill them for their skin, teeth and claws.
Tigers are now being protected by law.
Answer the following questions
1 Name the animal which is one national animal.
(a) peacock (b) sparrow (c) tiger (d) lion
2 Where does a tiger live?
(a) house (b) river (c) forest (d) stream
3 The tiger is a animal.
(a) weak (b) simple (c) powerful (d) none
4 It hurts animals like deer, buffaloes and _ for its food.
(a) zebras (b) cows (c) elephants (d) none
5 What are the young ones of a tiger called?