The Horse

The horse is a big animal.
It is a very beautiful animal.
It is also very strong.
It has a large body, two bright eyes, two ears, four
legs and a long tail.
It runs very fast.
It has very hard hooves at the end of its legs.
It can run on all kinds of roads.
It is used even by the army and the police.
It eats grains and fodder.
Horses pull tongas.
They are used to take part in races.
The horse is a gentle animal.
Answer the following questions
1 Which animal runs very fast?
(a) horse (b) cow (c) buffalo (d) ox
2 The horse has very hard _ at the end of its legs. (a) hooves (b) feet (c) legs (d) paws 3 The horse is used by the army and the _
(a) thieves (b) robbers (c) police (d) relatives
4 What does a horse eat?
(a) fodder (b) meat (c) flesh (d) milk
5 What is the sound made by a horse called?
(a) neigh (b) mew (c) roar (d) bleat

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