
I am a girl. Pinky is my name. I am nine years old. I got my name from the fact that my skin had pink colour at birth. I am darling of my parents and their only child.
I am a student of 5th standard. At good report card I get a pat from my father. He kisses me on my forehead when I win a prize at school. My father is a salesman in a big company. A lot of toys he brings me when he gets Diwali bonus.
My mother calls me ‘Pinkoo’ when she is happy with me. She is a wonderful cook. She used to work as an artist with a fashion designer. But after my birth she gave up her job to take full care of me.
We live in a two room apartment in Mayur Vihar.
One room serves as our drawing room. In another I and my parents live together. We three make a small happy family. With my parents around me I feel secure as a chick in its nest.

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