ATM (automated teller machine)

ATM is a modern facility that makes our life easy. Anytime of the day or night your money is within your reach.
It does not matter it is Sunday or a holiday, if you need money you get it. ATM is a money magic. Every bank has ATM service today.
For money just go to the ATM booth nearest to your house, press in your ATM card, type the password and the amount you want. If you have balance the crisp currency notes will fall down for you to pick. And you walk away with the money in your pocket.
Till a few years ago the service was not there or it was out of the scope of the small depositor. Now it is everywhere and for everyone.
It has been made possible by ‘Internet’. Entire banking service has become Internet operation. It is truly a boon of the modern life.
And for the young generation it is a lifeline. We can not imagine life without ATM. You are never broke if you have ATM account.

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