Man is the only creature who can smile and laugh. Smiling and laughing is the top grade achievement of human evolution. On the one hand smiling expresses the pleasure of mind and on the other hand it shows the diplomacy of the mind. Smiling and laughter are the precious achievements of human being. By the movement of lips pleasure is expressed in the form of smiling and laughing is the pick consequence of smiling. In spite of being integrated part of digestive system, lips are also the means of beauty of the face and expression of the feelings. Lips have always been an adorable matter of presentation for romantic poets, artists and beauty lovers. Lips are used for sucking, kissing and speaking. There are two lips – upper lip and lower lip. Upper lip starts from the base of nostril and lower lip from the upper portion of chin.
Lips play crucial role in face reading. Structure of the lips gives information about man’s nature, character and instincts. The whole personality of the man is recognized by the constitution, shape, colour, and perspective of lips. Good looking lips are the symbol of delicacy, sensitivity and developed form of the man. Constitution of both the lips help us know the character and efficiency of man. If both the lips of the man are equal and beautiful, the person is wise and talented. But if the lips are fleshy, the person is obese, amorous, laborious, uncivilised and sometimes stupid and cunning.
The muscles of mouth and lips are made up by flexible tissues, which can easily adopt any shape. Lips can take desirable shape as per state of mind. Lips are able to easily express different impulses of mind such as anger, hatred, love, sorrow etc. State of mind can be known by means of lips.
Upper Lip
Upper lip is situated over maxilla bone. Maxilla is immovable bone which is fixed with skull. Maxilla is the upper jaw of the mouth, which is immovable, but lower jaw is movable. Upper lip is situated in immovable jaw–maxilla. Upper jaw has fewer muscles than lower jaw. The motion in upper lip happens due to three main muscles namely zygomatic major, zygomatic minor and arvecularis oris.
Development of the jaw of man is having an important place in anthropology. The shape and perspective of the jaw gives information about eatables, nature and habit of the man. Upper jaw is less active than lower jaw, because it is fixed with the main bones of the skull. The perspective of upper lip is developed as per the shape of upper jaw. Jaw is an important evidence of evolution of the man. Anthropologists believe that man has been developed from the evolution of chimpanzee and monkey. On the basis of this belief, character and nature of the man can be recognised by viewing the constitution of their lips.
Types of Upper Lip
Thin : Thin lip is supposed to be a sign of decay of physical energy, weakness of digestive system, fickleness, talkativeness, cleverness and greediness. Upper lip of the monkey is thin and undeveloped. The persons having thin lip are disappointed, diplomatic, erotic, restless and are suffered from inferiority complex.
Thick or Fleshy : If upper lip is very thick or fleshy; the person has lack of intellectual power. The mental level of such persons is less. They are unable to think properly and take quick decision. They are obese and bulky. These persons are fond of eating, appear careless, misarranged, laborious, gluttonous, amorous and sensual.
Curving Upwards : If the lip of the persons gets curved upwards again and again while talking, they are double tongued. They try to conceal their thoughts. Such persons are suffered from complex. They are angry, sexual, healthy and easily attracted towards opposite sex.
Undeveloped : If the upper lip is undeveloped, the persons are brutal and having undeveloped mental capacity. Their body is also misshapen and deformed. The persons possessing undeveloped lips are physically also undeveloped.
Drooping : If the upper lip is drooping and covers the lower lip, the person is cunning, lustful, unwise and deformed by nature. Such persons work under excitement and impulses without considering good or bad.
Overstretched : If the upper lip is longer than normal and their mouth gets more opened while laughing, the person does not think about good or bad for getting sexual pleasure and economical benefits. Such persons can do any misdeed in greed. This symptom is a symbol of loss of character, diplomacy, luxury and wickedness.
Narrow Lips : If upper lip is narrow and small, the persons are introvert and shy. Such persons perform their work after proper consideration. They are sensitive about environment and situation.
Normally Developed : Normally developed, extensive, lustrous, sophisticated upper lip is supposed to be a sign of good health, balanced mentality, gentleness, generousness, gravity, discipline and wisdom.
Lower Lip
The lower lip of the man is a symbol of beauty, sophistication and life force. Colour, perspective and type of the lower lip determines the thorough personality of the man. Simple, equal, sophisticated, beautiful, mild and lustrous lower lip is supposed to be excellent. The persons having good lower lip are simple hearted, balanced, having developed brain and sincere by nature. Their health and physical constitution are good. Lower lip represents the patriotism and love for motherland.
Types of Lower Lip
Thin : The persons possessing thin lower lip are wise, self centred, and clever in serving their purpose; but their physical constitution is deteriorated. Their muscles and internal glands are undeveloped and weak.
Thick or Fleshy : The persons having fleshy and thick lower lip are physically healthy. Such persons are fond of eating, they are having enjoyable, jovial and passionate nature. They are desirous to put on good clothes, travelling and living in splendid houses. But the person has less mental capacity and sensibility if his lower lip is fleshier.
51 Pasari Domestice: Drooping or curved lower lip is a sign of good physical constitution, good health, abundant vital energy, enthusiasm and diligence. The persons having drooping lower lip are laborious and efficient. They perform their work with zeal and devotion. Such persons work with self control and they attain the apex of success, crossing the hindrances of life by virtue of hard work.
They are also lustful because of having full vital energy, but they do not lose their balance on being impulsive and are able to control their passion.
Undeveloped : The persons possessing undeveloped, narrow and contracted lower lip have dearth of human characters and have low mental capacity. The persons possessing undeveloped lower lip are physically and mentally ill. They have lack of vital energy, zeal.
Normally Developed : Normally developed lower lip is broader and more extensive than upper lip. Soft, pink, tender and delicate lower lip is considered to be excellent. The persons having good lower lip have high human character, mental capacity, emotion and good physical constitution. Persons having such type of lower lip are healthy, beautiful, prominent and successful in various fields of life.
Study of the Lips
Detailed information of character and nature of the man can be obtained from study and analysis of both lips. Lips should be studied on the basis of following points :
1. Colour
2. Texture
3. Line of closure
4. Size
5. Symmetry
6. Positioning
1. Colour of the Lips
The colour of lips is pertaining to genetics and health. The colour of lips gives information about health, traits and instinct of the man.
Rosy Red : If the colour of the lips is rosy red, the persons are cheerful, delicate, idealistic, generous, affectionate, having positive attitude and courtesy. Rosy red is considered to be excellent.
Pale : Pale lips are the symbol of weakness, anaemia, malfunctioning of liver and digestive system. The lips become pale and colourless due to lack of life force and deteriorated having physical condition. If the lips become pale due to any disease, the colour will be changed on recovery of the health, but if the lips are permanently pale, it indicates severe physical problem.
Black : The persons having black lips are hard labourer, and full of physical power, capability to survive in adverse situation, lustful and are mentally backward. Monkey and chimpanzee have black lips. Black lips are the sign of primitive perspective of man.
White : White lips represent high emotion, disappointment, illness and indolence.
Bluish : The lips having bluish colour give indication of the dominance of undesirable chemicals, poisoning and toxication. The lips become bluish due to use of arsenic, fatal reaction of medicines and addiction to liquor also. The lips quickly turn bluish in case of snake bite and intaking poison. The bluish colour of the lips is a symbol of sudden deterioration of life force due to fatal effect of some poisons.
Dark Red : Dark red lips show full of physical energy, zeal, enthusiasm, diligence and obstinacy. The persons possessing dark red lips have good physical power. Such persons succeed by virtue of labour.
2. Texture of Lips
The texture of lips gives information about the mental state and instincts of the man. Lips are formed as per mental structure of the man. As the mind is, so is the texture of lips.
Moist Lips : The lips of infants are moist, soft and delicate. The persons having moist lips are of sensitive mind, highly emotional, credible, simple and innocent. Their nature and perspective are like flowers, which even shrivel by less heat. The persons having moist lips are very charming. Their eyes possess chasteness and power to attracting others. Such persons easily attract to others, but they are unable to face adverse situation.
Dry Lips : Dry lips are the sign of lack of water element and liquid or efficiency of minerals. The lips of the youngsters, who are habitual to masturbate, look dry. The body faces a sudden dearth of water element due to some diseases like cholera, diarrhea or loose motion; as a result of which the lips become dry. The persons, who are always passionate and sensual, have also dry lips.
Smooth Lips : Smooth lips represent full of vital energy and mental balance in the person. The persons having smooth lips are having artistic mind, healthy, beautiful, amorous and romantic by nature. They are composed and sensitive. They always make progress on being inspired by environment and surroundings.
Damaged Lips : Damaged lips, like dry lips, also represent the deficiency of water and minerals in the body. Some persons have cracked lips due to dryness and blood starts oozing from them. Moreover, some persons are addicted to nibbling their lips. They make their lips damaged by nibbling it. The persons, habituated of nibbling their lips, are always upset, anxious or under mental pressure and due to this state of mind they nibble their lips by teeth or rake it by hand. They are unaware of nibbling their lips, it is happening spontaneously as a habit. This action is a result of dominant thoughts which arise in unconscious mind and this thought dominates over conscious mind. Likewise some persons always lick their lips, consequently their lips start cracking or damaging. In brief, on one hand the lips are damaged due to deficiency of oily elements, water or mineral in the body; on the other hand, it also occurs due to frustration or mental disorder.
3. Line of Closure of Lips
Line of closure of lips appears between joining position of both upper and lower lips. This line is very important in view of face reading. Its shape gives information about character and nature of a person. Upward curvature line of closure is found in children, straight in youngsters and this line becomes downwardly curved in old age.
Childhood is the time of innocence, chasteness and gaiety; youth is of diligence and development of confidence, but self confidence becomes less on attaining old age and the person becomes pessimistic while struggling in life. Therefore, changes occur in line of curvature accordingly. It is a natural phenomenon. But if such features appear before right time, it is a symbol of progeria, which arises due to mental and physical debility.
Straight Line of Closure : The persons, who are artist, scientist, industrialist, doctor, artisan, social worker, inventor and successful in various fields of life, have absolutely straight line of closure. Straight line of closure of lips provides a person positiveness, optimism and confidence, which are very essential to succeed in life. The view of persons having straight line of closure is clear and practical towards life. They are satisfied with the present. They believe ‘what is available today that is good, try to do the work at situation presented’. Such persons become neither sad in pathetic moment nor enraptured with joy in pleasant moment. Happiness-sorrow, success-failure is equal for them. They have abundance of self confidence, devotion, ambition and extraordinary capacity to work. They enjoy their work. They never waste their time. They gratify their name to reach the apex of success on account of their virtue. Such persons are balanced, disciplined and practical-minded.
Upward Curvature Line of Closure : If the line of closure of lips is upwardly curved, the person is optimistic, cheerful and jolly. Upward curvature line of closure is mostly found in children. Children are full of happiness. They are innocent,
chaste, delicate and free from worldly matters, cleverness, having spiritual traits. The persons with upward curvature line of closure are very optimistic and well behaved. They face all difficulties happily and please everybody by their amiable behaviour. Such persons have high class common sense, on the basis of which they make great inventions and discoveries and reveal the secret of nature. Such persons become successful and popular everywhere. Resolving difficult problems is a common thing for them. They have command and keen interest in fine arts, music, literature, astrology, scientific researches, kindness and spiritualism.
Downward Curvature : The characteristic of downward curvature line of closure is exactly opposite to upward curvature line of curvature. Downward closer line of closure is mostly found in pessimistic and old persons.
The persons having downward curvature line of closure are unable to adjust themselves with time, situation, society, family and working field. Therefore, they blame on the persons associated with the management, but they never accept their own inability. They always quote ‘nothing can be done, at all’. Such persons are defeated in the struggle of life and spend their life anyway in an unfortunate situation.
They have lack of zeal, less trust on others, vanity, thrasonic, fastidious, chicanery and deceive themselves. They feel whatsoever is exist, is not good and what will happen will also be bad. They are neither satisfied with the present nor optimistic about future. Therefore, they neither make effort to improve their own situation nor go anywhere else.
With the same disappointment they lead their life like a hell. Such persons are unsatisfied, annoyed and pessimistic. These persons also become diplomatic by mind while leading their life in disappointment and adverse situation. They are connoisseur in making excuse. They never believe on any matter told to them by others. They always keep trying to accumulate concrete facts in defence of themselves. They assail their rivals on appropriate time. Such persons are expert in hurting others by their bitter words.
Wavy Line of Closure : If line of closure of lips is wavy, the person is of changing and unstable mind. The persons having wavy line of closure are easily attracted towards
opposite sex. They are interested in literature and music. Some characteristics such as diplomacy, lewdness, deceit, lust, mysteriousness, amorousness, amativeness are found in the person. Such persons are changeable, fickle minded, modest and mirthful. They can not do any work for long time and keep on changing their place and business. If the lips are more thick and wavy, the person is more amorous and suffered from lust. Such persons can also commit a crime for fulfilling their lust.
Corner of the Line of Curvature Turned-down : If the line of closure is straight, but its both the corners are turned down, the persons have lack of zeal, less desire for sex or impotency. Such persons are having poor health, fastidious, timid in their work and behaviour.
Corner of the Line of Closure Turned-up : If the line of closure is straight and both the corners are turned up like upward
curvature, the persons have strong attraction towards opposite sex. The thinking of such persons always centred upon sensuality, they are fanciful. Their mind and living world is dominated by the fire of lust. But they are timid and
shy by nature. Therefore, they can not express their feelings to others and always live in their own imaginary world. Such persons are so much attracted towards opposite sex and beauty that consequently they loose their balance and senses merely by seeing the person, even sometimes their semen is also discharged spontaneously. Such persons are suffered from frustration and mental diseases. They always think about amorous affairs. Generally, they are unable to establish sexual relations. They are suffered from premature ejaculation, impotence, diurea, high blood pressure, mental frustration and so on. Such persons have sensuality, but have lack of emotion and love at all. These persons are selfish. They are keen desirous of sex, but prove to be incapable, fail and impotent in sexual intercourse due to impatience.
4. Size of Lips
The size of lips also reveals the nature and character of persons. Combined structure of both the lips is called mouth. The nature of person is varied when the size of lips is small, big or extensive and this character is considered very important in view of face reading.
Rounded Lips : If both the lips are rounded, the persons have abundance of physical power, zeal and diligence. The persons having round lips get success by virtue of hard labour and are renowned in society. They have capacity to understand the mysteries of nature. They are attracted towards opposite sex and are very sensitive about emotions and also give respect to the feelings of others. Their love and attraction is basically emotional. They have to face emotional blackmailing in life.
Ideal size : When both the lips are of equal size, balanced and in adjustable position; such size is called ideal size. Ideal size represents ideal characters, dominance of moral character, artistism, scientific mind and balance. The persons having such lips
are of high thinking, ambitious, intelligent and successful in life. They have prominent status in the society.
Small Size : The person possessing small mouth is jovial and easily attracted towards opposite sex. They have dearth of dare and patience and their physical and mental power is also deteriorated. Such persons want to do a lot, but they lead reserved life due to being disappointed, frightened and suffered from mental frustration. They are mysterious by nature, but expose themselves in time. Such persons are naturally self-centred and selfish. Small size lips also indicate the weakness of digestive power and impotence.
Big Size : The persons having mouth constituted by big size lips are energetic, diligent and full of life force. Such persons are fond of delicious dishes and enjoying physical and material comfort. They are always healthy and enjoy materialistic happiness and comfort in life. Such persons are laborious and honest but not very much sensitive and emotional by nature.
Extended Size : The persons possessing extended size lips are hypocritical and clever. They serve their purpose by deceiving others and their real intention is exposed after attaining their end. Such persons are sad and troubled all over their life. The persons, who come into their contact, also become sad, puzzled and insulted. If the mouth of person is so much opened while laughing that their wisdom teeth are sighted; the person has lack of moral character. Such persons can also do immoral work in the greed of money or for attaining their end. They are not honest or loyal towards anybody. These persons have extraordinary capacity to impress others, serve their purpose by deceiving others, but they are soon exposed and become an object of insult and hatred after the disclosure of reality.
5. Symmetry of Lips
Information about character, nature and health of the persons is obtained by comparison of the size, perspective, constitution and extension of upper lip and lower lip. If both the lips are symmetrical; in other words the size, perspective, constitution and extension of both the lips are alike; the persons are wise and best quality holder. Well proportioned upper and lower lips signify the wisest and best man. Proportionate lips are supposed to be best, but if the symmetry is improper, the person is stupid, diplomatic, atrocious, vicious and ill by nature. Lavetor has said “All disproportion between the upper and lower lip is the sign of folly or wickedness”. On the basis of symmetry, there are five types of lips which are as follows :
Ideal Symmetry of Lips : If the size, extension of both the lips are comparatively equal; the lips are supposed to be ideal. Ideal symmetry is a sign of ideal and best characters. Persons having symmetrical lips are ideal, sophisticated, balanced and charming by nature.
Thin Upper Lip : If upper lip is thin and lower lip is fleshy; the persons have to face problems all over their life. The persons having such lips do their work impulsively, they have lack of patience and balance. They are lustful, furious, selfish, characterless and deceitful. If lower lip is more bulky, the person can also tend towards crime.
Thin Lower Lip : If lower lip is thinner and narrower than upper lip, the persons are careless and untrue to their words. The person having such lips does not do what he says. Their mind is unstable and have lack of firm determination. Such person serves his purpose with deceit. They are fickle-minded due to being amorous. They have mental and intellectual backwardness and lack of wisdom.
Both Lips Thin : If both lips are thin, the persons have weak digestion power. Physical development of such persons does not happen properly. They are suffered from debility, disappointment and frustration. Such persons are unable to understand the feelings of others. Such persons are business minded, serve their purpose cleverly and hard hearted. Therefore, they are unable to enjoy emotional, artistic situation, they are accustomed to lead their life like a machine. They can not be excited and befooled by flattery.
Both Lips Thicker : If both the lips are more developed and thicker than normal, the persons are luxurious, fond of delicious food and laborious. Such persons are sensitive, hard working, well-arranged and disciplined. They take a sigh only after accomplishing the work taken in hand. If both the lips are more bulky and fleshy, the character of person is opposite. In such a situation the person is senseless, lethargic, wasting their time, demerit of uncivilized behaviour, less minded, fool or mentally retarded. Thickness of the lips represents the deformation occurred due to mental backwardness and retardment of the mind.
Positioning of the Lips
Lavetor has said “A perfect agreement may be observed between the lips and character, whether may be firm or soft and flexible, the character is always of an analogous description”. It means, there is close relationship between lips and nature. As the lips of the persons are strong, delicate and flexible, so is their nature. It is my belief “Each mental faculty has a physic based feature – aura or magnetism, which is quite perceptible to those who come under its influence”. There is an aura or magnetism of intellectual or mental dimension of every person, which influences spontaneously to those who come into their contact. The state of mind, instincts, nature and character of the person can easily be read by observing their face.
Lips can be divided into following categories keeping the position of lips in mind :
Straight Lips : If the position of both the lips is forming right angle i.e. when an imaginary line is drawn in front of both the lips, a shape of linear and right angle is made; the persons are of balanced personality. They have the capacity to work patiently. Such persons have command over various fields of life. They succeed by virtue of morale and struggle. They are positive towards life and succeed by adopting prac-ticability. Evenness of the lips is a sign of balance.
Projected Upper Lip : If upper lip is projected and lower lip receded; the persons are arrogant, thrasonic, boastful, they take help of false and baseless facts to prove themselves best. Nobody give them respect in the society. They always worry as to how they maintain their importance. Such persons are ambitious, but take help of hypocrites and deceit for making progress.
Projected Lower Lip : If lower lip is projected and upper lip is receded, thin and undeveloped; the physical and mental development of the person is comparatively not satisfactory. Such persons are less intelligent, backward and of deformed nature. Endocrine gland system of their body does not work properly. Therefore, they have lack of reproductive capacity and attraction towards opposite sex. If lower lip is excessively fleshy, the persons have dearth of mental capacity and wisdom; but they always remain amorous and unstable due to being lustful. They make indecent misdeeds. They are suffered from neurosis and neurological problems and they are of criminal mentality. The lips of monkey, chimpanzee come under this category, which is a sign of primitive and restricted physical, mental, intellectual and biological development.
Overhung Lower Lip : If lower lip is so long that it covers upper lip on closing the mouth and both lips are open and lower lip is hung downwards, but mouth can not be closed due to being upper lip small and teeth are appeared; it is a sign of undeveloped biological development and mental backwardness. The persons having such feature signify the unstability, backwardness, lack of wisdom, immature and fickle mindedness.
Overhung Upper Lip : If upper lip is overdeveloped, fleshy and much overhung and consequently covers lower lip on closing the mouth; the person is suffered from neurological disorder. Such persons are impulsive, amorous, impatient and have lack of common sense. They are lazy, gluttonous and having mean thinking. Their bodies are well-built, misshapen and deformed.