The head is the most important part of the body. The movement of the body and sensory system is regulated by the brain situated into skull. The brain is main and active part of nervous system. One hundred billion neurons are existed inside the head in the form of cells. The structure of brain is very delicate. Skull plays very important role in safeguarding and keeping organized the same. The average weight of human brain is approximately 1.4 kg.

The size, shape and form of the head are formed by the structure of skull. Scientists have discovered 36 types (42 as per modern concept) of faculties in human brain, out of which first 12 faculties are related with intellectual capacity. Frontal lobe is the place of intellectual faculties. Intellectual faculties exist in forehead region. 12 types of emotional faculties are situated in upper portion of the head i.e. parietal lobe and 12 faculties of will and expression exist in occipital lobe. Intellectual lobe comes in forehead region by dividing skull on the basis of such three lobes. Remaining two lobes parietal and occipital come under head region. Detailed information regarding forehead has been given separately in the chapter of forehead. Parietal and occipital lobe of the head will be studied here.
Size of the Head
Thick brain is famous as proverb, which is a sign of witlessness or foolishness. Disproportionately large head is a sign of less intellect, dull neuromuscular movement; on the contrary small size head signifies strong lungs and sufficient physical and mental energy. The children or persons, who suffer with rickets, have very big size, heavy head, but their body becomes thin, lungs contracted and weak.
It is beyond of understanding of the scientists so far what is the secret behind disproportionately heaviness of head with weak lungs. On the other hand existence of strong lungs with perfect head. Research is being made in this direction, but this fact is indisputably true that the person having normal size head have strong lungs.
The strong and developed lungs intake sufficient oxygen, resultly the brain is more energetic and active. On the contrary the person, having heavy and misshapen big head, is unable to intake sufficient oxygen due to weak, undeveloped respiratory system, accordingly his brain, nervous and muscular system becomes dull.
Shape of the Head
The shape of the head varies due to development, displacement and compression of lobes. Therefore, the nature of persons is also changed as per the shape of head. There are mainly four types of shapes of the head :
- Convex Shape : The head becomes convex due to being parietal lobe convex i.e. due to curvature of skull lifting upwards. Parietal lobe is a centre of emotional faculties of the human. Therefore, dominance of emotion, generosity, good behaviour, sensibility, kindness, pity is appeared in the nature of person due to development of this region. Such persons are shy, caring for others, simple by nature. They are interested in the field of religion, culture, arts, music and literature. Such persons are balanced, arranged, religious and having faith.

- Concave Shape : The shape of the head looks concave due to being the parietal lobe receded. The persons having concave head have lack of emotion and sensitiveness. They are practical minded, opportunist and clever. They are connoisseur to serve their purpose by hook or by crook. Sometimes outer portion of the forehead is projected and looks heavy, in such situation nervous system becomes dull, as a result the person becomes inactive and lazy.

3. Elliptical Shape : The shape of the head appears elliptical due to being occipital lobe developed and projected backward. The forehead is slanted backwards in elliptical head and chin is thin and pointed frontward. The person is highly ambitious, firm determined and diligent due to this combination. The person has materialistic desires, nature to enjoy physical comfort and he is thrasonic, fastidious, inclined towards lust, beauishness and aristocracy.

The person is selfish, materialistic, furious, impulsive, self-centred and wants to dominate others. Such persons are weak, immoral, fashionable, having promiscuity. They have interest in arts and music.
4. Conical Shape : If forehead and occipital lobe is absolutely vertical like a cone, this kind of head is called conical head. The persons having conical head have lack of

determination, they are unable to take decision and change their decision quickly. They are volatile, hasty and impatient by nature but they are chaste and simple by mind, curious and interested in fine arts.