You’re driving your car on the highway at 75 mph, and you notice a sign that says you are 75 miles from your destination. So if you continue driving at that speed, you’d be there in an hour.
When you have driven one mile and you are now 74 miles from your destination, you drop your speed down to 74 mph.
So, you drive that first mile at 75 mph; when you are 74 miles from your destination, you drop your speed down to 74 mph; and then 73 mph, 72 mph… and so on. Until, finally, you get down to 1 mile from your destination and you’re driving at one mile per hour.

If you do this, how long is it going to take you to travel the entire 75 miles, rounding it to the nearest hour?
It will take approximately 5 hours. The way to figure this one out is to divide 60 by 1, 60 by 2, 60 by 3….60 by 74, 60 by 75. Once you have found the answer to each of those equations, add them all up, and this will give you your answer in minutes. To get the answer in hours, just divide the number of minutes by sixty, round it to the nearest hour, and you will have your answer.